Majors by Holland Type

Major by Holland Type

According to John Holland’s RIASEC Theory, most people can be categorized as one of six personality types---- Realistic, Investigative, Artist, Social Enterprising and Conventional. Likewise, most jobs, occupations, and majors can also be categorized as one of the same six types. You can potentially have interests in all of these areas but usually 1 - 3 of these types will be clearly dominant for you. You can complete Major KnOWLedge or meet with a career advisor during same-day career advising or by appointment to determine your “Holland Type.”


The Realistic types are The Doers. The Doers tend to be people who have athletic or mechanical ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants and/or animals, or like to be outdoors. Doers could be described as: conforming, frank, modest, natural, practical, stable, and thrifty. At FAU, the Realistic type might be drawn to classes or projects that have practical application and allow hands on activities.

These majors are highly compatible with individuals with a Realistic personality trait:

These majors are somewhat compatible with individuals with a Realistic personality trait:


The Investigative types are The Thinkers. The Thinkers tend to enjoy solving abstract problems, gathering data, and tend to be intellectually curious and questioning of ideas and theories. The Thinkers could be described as: analytical, cautious, critical, curious, precise, rational, intellectual and independent. At FAU, the Investigative Type might be drawn to classes or projects that are research or problem solving based and may require troubleshooting or creation and use of knowledge.

These majors are highly compatible with individuals with a Investigative personality trait:

These majors are somewhat compatible with individuals with a Investigative personality trait:


The Artistic types are the Creators. The Creators tend to like working in artistic settings that offer opportunities for self- expression, they may value beauty, originality, and independence. The Creators could be described as: emotional, expressive, idealistic, imaginative, impulsive, independent, nonconforming, and original. At FAU, the Artistic Type might be drawn to classes or projects that are unstructured intellectual endeavors requiring an element of creativity and artistic expression to convey an idea or thought.

These majors are highly compatible with individuals with an Artistic personality trait:

These majors are somewhat compatible with individuals with an Artistic personality trait:


The Social types are the Helpers. The Helpers tend to be sociable, responsible, and concerned with the welfare of others. They might be drawn to advising, instructing, nursing, or counseling. The Helpers could be described as: convincing, cooperative, generous, helpful, idealistic, responsible, sociable, tactful and kind. At FAU, the Social type might be drawn to classes or projects that involve team work whose focus is concentrated on helping others and communities.

These majors are highly compatible with individuals with a Social personality trait:

These majors are somewhat compatible with individuals with a Social personality trait:


The Enterprising types are The Persuaders. The Persuaders tend to enjoy leading, speaking, and selling. They tend to be impatient with precise work. They might value risk-taking, status, competition, influence. The Persuaders could be described as adventurous, attention-getting, energetic, impulsive, optimistic, risk-taking, self-confident, and sociable. At FAU, the Enterprising type might be drawn to classes or projects that involve selling a product or idea and enjoy influencing others.

These majors are highly compatible with individuals with an Enterprising personality trait:

These majors are somewhat compatible with individuals with an Enterprising personality trait:


The Conventional types are The Organizers. The organizers tend to prefer highly ordered activities, both verbal and numerical, that characterize office work. They may enjoy developing systems, attention to detail, accuracy. The Organizers could be described as conforming, conservative, efficient, obedient, orderly, practical, reserved, structured, and persistent. At FAU, the Conventional type might be drawn to classes or projects that involve working with numbers or categorization systems utilizing attention to detail.

These majors are highly compatible with individuals with an Conventional personality trait:

These majors are somewhat compatible with individuals with an Conventional personality trait: