Anthropology (IRE)

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Students of anthropology have an interest and desire to learn about humanity and human behavior throughout the world, past and present. Anthropology is divided into the fields of cultural anthropology (focused on cultural diversity), linguistics (communication and language), archaeology (the development of past societies) and physical anthropology (human biology and adaptation). Anthropology students gain insight into the human as an individual and comprehensively as a part of cultures, religions and geographic places throughout history.  Anthropologists can be found in a surprising array of fields and careers at the international and national contexts, such as in corporations, medicine, law, all levels of government, educational institutions and non-profit associations.  For further information about the Anthropology profession please visit the American Anthropological Association.

For more information about this major, please visit the following links from the FAU University Catalog:

Related Major Skills

Communication across cultures/language
Conducting field studies
Examining data and artifacts
Planning projects
Recognizing cultural differences/similarities
Sampling, gathering and organizing
Summarizing results Writing grant proposals



Sample Work Settings

Advertising Agencies
Consulting Firms
Environmental/Engineering Companies Foreign Service Agencies
Government Agencies
K-12 Schools
Museums National Parks
Non-Profit Organizations
Regional Development and Planning
Research Institutes Social Service Agencies