Geomatics Engineering (RIE)

Geomatics engineers also known as land surveyors and mappers, design, develop, and operate systems for collecting and analyzing spatial information about the land, the oceans, natural resources, and manmade features. The tasks more closely related to civil engineering include the design and layout of public infrastructure and urban subdivisions, and mapping and control surveys for construction projects.
For more information about this major, please visit the following links from the FAU University Catalog
Related Major Skills
Analyze data
Apply concepts
Apply knowledge creatively
Applying logic to problems
Assess risks
Attention to details
Computer literacy
Define problems
Evaluate data and results
Gather information
Inform and explain
Organize and report data
Perceiving patterns/structures
Precision and accuracy
Report results - written/verbal
Summarize research findings
Technical writing
Use laboratory equipment
Utilizing formulas
Sample Career Titles
Sample Work Settings
Architectural Firms
Army Corp of Engineers
City and Planning Department
Construction Firms
Departments of Transportation
Engineering Consulting Firms
Environmental Agencies
National Geodetic Survey
National Geospatial - Intelligence Agency
Oil and Gas Drilling Firms
Photogrammetric Mapping Companies
Real Estate Firms
Surveying and Mapping Firms