Organization: The Secret Sauce to Undergraduate Success

by Anonymous, Senior Undergrad | Thursday, Apr 06, 2023

As a senior expected to graduate summa cum laude in May of 2023, I have been reflecting on the past 4 years. Hindsight is 20/20, so it’s easy to see what behaviors have enabled me to succeed and which ones have held me back. I acknowledge and respect that each person thrives under different conditions. I, however, am a creature of habit who thrives with routine. Organization that creates routine is the secret sauce behind my successes. The more routine I have in my life, the less time I need to spend thinking about the small things, and the more time I am able to think about the big things, like schoolwork, research, and graduate school applications. 

My Calendar

While everything, from manicure appointments to project deadlines, go on my Outlook calendar, the same dates also end up on my old-school calendar – laminated 3 x 4-foot 31-day calendar on my dorm room wall. This giant erasable calendar also includes a little “Notes” area where I keep a running “to do” list of priority items that need to be accomplished for the week and month. This is the most important tool in my toolbox for keeping on a schedule.

House (or in my case, dorm) Cleaning

One of the best tricks for cleaning is keeping a schedule. If you maintain the basics on a weekly basis, everything stays clean. Every Friday I do a quick cleaning: vacuum and Swiffer WetJet the floors, clean the toilet and sink, and tidy and wipe down the countertops. If you get the dirty work done on Friday, the weekend can be more enjoyable.


A great time to do laundry is while you’re catching up on course readings or homework. 


Some of my favorite classes are the ones that keep a regular homework schedule. When homework is due on the same day every week, it makes it so easy to build my schedule around those classes, carving out just the right amount of time to get the work done. For the classes where deadlines are set at random, I keep “homework times” on my schedule so I have enough time to get all the work done.


This is probably one of the most important activities on my schedule. On most days before dinner and homework, I go for a nice walk outdoors. Spending time outdoors every day is time well spent. Walking does wonders for helping me relieve stress and getting a good night’s sleep. When I have to cut exercise out of my schedule to put in extra time for studying or writing papers my whole body feels it. Therefore, I try to keep it on my schedule, even if it’s only 30 minutes. It makes a huge difference in maintaining my wellbeing.


Yes, I even have basic blocks of entertainment time set into my schedule. I have found that Friday evenings, after housecleaning and a long week of work and school, are the best time to relax with a movie or a few episodes of my favorite shows. Of course, some shows just can’t wait, and I find a way to fit them in during the week, usually after homework and right before bed.

Being organized is half the battle when it comes to being successful in college. Automating burdensome tasks and creating routines help when attempting to juggle so many other commitments. It allows you to focus on some of the bigger goals in life while also still enjoying the small things, like a good walk and a clean toilet.

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