Registrations & Memberships
Please note Florida law concerning Organizational Memberships: Florida Statutes 119.01(3) provide that whenever public funds are used for the payment of dues or membership contributions all the financial, business, and membership records of that person, corporation, foundation, trust, association, group, or other organization which pertain to the public agency are public records. All memberships and conference registrations still require a “Benefit to State” statement along with the appropriate purchase requisition, pcard receipt, or reimbursement request.
Conference Registrations and Organizational Memberships may be processed using a university pCard. While this is the preferred method of payment, Procurement will continue to accept purchase requisitions as well. As always, please ensure that these, and all other charges, are appropriate expenditures on your default Smart Tag and that you have the proper departmental approval, (including any related travel) as required. The following guidelines shall apply:
Conference Registrations:
- pCard Cardholders may pay registration fees directly to the organization or conference. . .
- A copy of the registration form will serve as the receipt and should be forwarded immediately to the pCard Cardholders Approver or retained by the pCard Cardholder for scanning and attaching into Workday when reconciling the pCard Expense Report. Each registration receipt/form must include the name of the conference, the date(s), the person(s) attending and Personnel Z #(s), conference location and cost.
A "Benefit to State" justification shall be written on the registration form. This justification, along with the registration form, shall constitute a "receipt" and be scanned into Workday and attached to the Expense Report when the pCard charge is reconciled.
- Group registrations may be charged to a single card provided the individual participants are broken down by line and there is a name and Personnel Z # for each in the description field. Be sure to retain the benefit to state and registration form as your receipt.
Select a Workday Spend Category of Registration Fees or Conference Registration Fees, as appropriate
Organizational Memberships & Dues:
- Florida Statutes 119.01(3) states that public funds used for the payment of dues or membership contributions for any person, corporation, foundation, trust, association, group, or other organization, all financial, business, and membership records of that person, corporation, foundation, trust, association, group or other organization which pertain to the public agency are public records.
- Membership dues and/or renewal forms may be placed directly with the organization in person, by phone, fax, Internet or by mailing the appropriate payment form. The membership form must indicate group, departmental or organizational membership unless an individual membership is available at a lower cost and is desired.
- For payment by university pCard, the following documents shall serve as the pCard receipt when steeling an expense report:
Completed membership form
Benefit to State (see Registrations above) - Select a Workday Spend Category of Departmental Memberships or Individual Memberships, as appropriate.
For additional questions/comments, please contact