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FAU Hosts Inaugural Amyloid Related Diseases Summit
The summit brought together leading scientists in the field across North America and Europe to discuss the latest research and advancements in the study of amyloid-related diseases.
FAU Celebrates 10 Years of Conferring M.D. Degrees
FAU's Schmidt College of Medicine celebrated the nation's newest physicians and biomedical researchers during the commencement ceremony, which marked 10 years of conferring M.D. degrees.
FAU Soon-to-be-Physicians celebrating at Match Day 2024
During the special Match Day ceremony, FAU's soon-to-be-physicians learned where they will fulfill their dreams for medical residency training, required to become board certified.
FAU 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees and Distinguished Alumni
Florida Atlantic University Alumni and Community Engagement recently hosted its annual Hall of Fame & Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony and Reception.

Innovative Stroke Treatment Leads to Patent Applications
November 29, 2018
An innovative agent that has been used for decades to treat alcohol-use disorder is showing real promise for the treatment of stroke and has resulted in a U.S. patent application for a neuroscientist at FAU.
Study Pinpoints Pathway Impacting Autism Features
October 08, 2018
A team of FAU scientists has uncovered a brain-signaling pathway that can be pharmacologically manipulated in genetically engineered mice to reverse an autism-related pathway.
FAU Professor, MSD Senior Collaborate on Homicide Trends
October 02, 2018
An FAU professor and a senior from MSD High School have published a study in "The American Journal of Medicine" on the vast differences in homicide rates between Baltimore and New York City.
Annual Pap Test a 'Thing of the Past?'
August 21, 2018
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has updated its 2012 guidelines for cervical cancer screening. A leading OB/GYN physician provides an important review of these new guidelines in an editorial in "JAMA."
Medical Students Receive First Doctor's White Coat
August 10, 2018
FAU's Schmidt College of Medicine celebrated its eighth White Coat Ceremony to officially welcome its newest medical students during a symbolic ceremony.
FAU and Sheba Medical Center Partner on Emergency Management
August 09, 2018
In this collaboration, Sheba's world-class experts will work with FAU to develop and deliver educational programs, conduct research and build additional response and leadership capabilities in Florida.
FAU $1.8 Million NIH Grant Will Address Pain, Addiction
July 31, 2018
A scientist's ground-breaking work on the basic mechanisms and biochemical basis of chronic pain and drug addiction have opened new avenues of research and identified novel drug targets for these disorders.
'Skinny Fat' in Older Adults May Predict Alzheimer's Risk
July 05, 2018
A novel study has found that "skinny fat" - the combination of low muscle mass and strength in the context of high fat mass - may be an important predictor of cognitive performance in older adults.
FAU Enrolling for Alzheimer's Prevention Research Program
June 21, 2018
FAU's Comprehensive Center for Brain Health is now enrolling patients for the pioneering Alzheimer's Prevention Initiative Generation Program that is made up of two clinical trials.
Virtual Reality Headset Reduces Children's Fear of Needles
June 18, 2018
A study led by an affiliate faculty member in FAU's Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine is the first to use a 3D virtual reality headset to test this tool as a distraction method in a pediatric setting.
Additional Information
The Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine offers students a variety of educational programs and degrees.
Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, BC-71
Boca Raton, FL 33431