Financial Aid and Scholarships

Honors College Scholarships

As a member of the State University System of Florida, the Wilkes Honors College offers a top-quality education at a surprisingly affordable cost. However, many qualified students still need financial aid to attend college. The Wilkes Honors College awards merit-based scholarships and need-based financial aid to students who desire a college education, but cannot pay the full cost.

For further information about need-based aid or any financial aid questions, visit the Jupiter Financial Aid webpage or chat with us live at

Helpful information about tuition and billing is available at Tuition and Billing Services.

Estimated Cost for One Year 

You can estimate your total cost of attendance using Florida Atlantic's Cost estimate (recognizing that housing costs may differ to some degree).

For more information about types of Financial Aid, please click here.

Honors College Scholarships

Wilkes Honors College Scholarships

No separate application is required to be considered for an Honors College scholarship—freshmen applicants are automatically considered. Select incoming freshmen admitted to the Wilkes Honors College by December 15th will be invited to interview for the top scholarship awarded by the college, the Henry Morrison Flagler Scholarship. Florida residents are also eligible for the Florida Bright Futures scholarship. Visit the Honors College Scholarships page for a list of scholarships available to incoming freshmen. For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions at


Visit the Honors College Scholarships page for a list of scholarships available to incoming freshmen.


Honors College Endowed Scholarships are available through the generosity of individual and corporate sponsors. All students who are admitted to the Honors College are automatically considered for these scholarships—there is no additional application.

In addition, currently matriculated Honors College students can apply for the following stackable scholarships:

Rubin Foundation Internship in Government Scholarship

For more information, click here.

O'Hagan Family Foundation Mentoring Young Lives Scholarship

For more information, click here.

Bigony "Pay-It-Forward" Scholarship Program

For more information, click here.

Community Engagement Scholarship

For more information, click here.

Kenan Social Engagement Scholarship

For more information, click here.

Other Academic Scholarships

Talent/Background Based Scholarships

It is good to use an Internet based scholarship search engine, such as or . The College Board also maintains a free scholarship database that you can access through their website at

Prestige Scholarships

Prestige scholarships are nationally competitive scholarships, and include the Marshall, Rhodes, Truman, Udall and Goldwater. Most of these scholarships are for graduate study. Several of these scholarships require applicants to be nominated by their University representative. Many of the Florida Atlantic representatives are Honors College faculty. Further information is available on the Honors College Prestige Scholarships page.

Local/Regional Scholarships

Don't ignore those local/regional scholarships. A $500 Elks or American Legion scholarship can pay for the first year of books, and is money that you won’t have to pay back. Apply for any scholarship that you may qualify for. Some require just a 2 page essay, and millions of dollars in scholarships go unclaimed each year.

In addition, the following are links to other programs that may provide support. As these programs are not administered by the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, contact the sponsors directly for further information:


Visit the Financial Aid FAQ section just for Honors College Students.

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

Florida PrePaid

Q: How does Florida Atlantic know I have Florida Prepaid?
A: At the beginning of each term Florida Atlantic matched the list of currently enrolled students to Florida Prepaid's database, and then Florida Prepaid sends the payment to Florida Atlantic after we bill them. There is no need to check in with the Controller's Office with your Florida Prepaid card.

Q: When will my Florida Prepaid be applied toward my account balance?
A: Florida Prepaid is posted approximately 3 - 4 weeks from the first day of classes. As the term approaches, the expected payment date from Florida Prepaid will be posted on your Account Summary by Term webpage (accessible through your MyFAU student account in FAU Self Service).

Q: Can Florida Prepaid be applied before my financial aid?
A: Financial Aid is applied during the 2nd - 3rd week of classes and is applied before Florida Prepaid.

Q: How much will Florida Prepaid pay toward my account balance?
A: Please visit to view the contribution amount of Florida Prepaid.  Students utilizing the "Tuition Only" plan will use the middle column, and students utilizing the "Tuition and Local Fee" plan will add the middle and right column.  If you are unsure of your plan, please view your Florida Prepaid card or you may contact Florida Prepaid directly at 1.800.552.42732 #2.

Q: What fees are not covered by my Florida Prepaid plan?
A: Florida Prepaid will not pay for your Owl Card (Florida Atlantic Photo I.D.); Technology Fees; Orientation Fee; Lab Fees; Late Payment Fee; Payment Plan Fees; eLearning Fees; Repeat Course Surcharge Fee; and Transportation Access Fee (Parking Decal).

Q: When do I pay my remaining balance?
A: All tuition and fees not covered by your Florida Prepaid plan (including those not covered by Financial Aid) are due two weeks following the last day to pay. View the Florida Atlantic Academic Calendar for fee payment due dates.

Q: Can I sign up for a payment plan if I have Florida Prepaid?
A: Yes, during the Fall and Spring terms.  However, payment plans are not offered during the summer term.  Learn more.

Q: What if I do not want my Florida Prepaid to be invoiced?
A: If you do not want your Florida Prepaid to be invoiced, please complete a Request for Change in Billing of Florida Prepaid form.

Q: How do I apply my Florida Prepaid Dorm?
A: Please contact the Housing Office to utilize the Florida Prepaid Dorm Plan.  Their contact information can be found here.

Q: How do I set up an authorized user for my account?
A: On the billing web site you can view your statements, make payments, ad an alternative email address, and set up AUTHORIZED USERS.  You can also set up text messaging under "My Profile."

For additional information, please visit Tuition and Billing Services.  You may also email questions to the Florida Atlantic Controllers Office.