Hannah Norcini '13

Hannah, who attended the International Baccalaureate program at Rickards High School in Tallahassee, FL, graduated from the Honors College with a concentration in psychology and criminology in the spring of 2013. While at the Honors College, Hannah was very involved in several campus organizations, including the MacArthur Resident Student Association, Honors College Ambassadors, and the Student Government Association. Most notably, she served as the Students Advocating Volunteer Involvement Director for the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years. Her time as SAVI Director motivated her to join the Peace Corps, where she worked as a Community Health Volunteer in Mpanda, Rwanda from 2013-2015. Now, Hannah is an AmeriCorps VISTA Leader at Florida Campus Compact in Tallahassee working with VISTA Members around the state. Hannah is thankful for her time at the Honors College, as it allowed her to grow intellectually and to form intimate bonds with both fellow students and professors. She credits her experience here as leading her on her path in the non-profit field today.