Concentration in Neuroscience

Students must earn a "C" or better in each course taken to fulfill a concentration requirement.

Advisory Board:

 Dr. Lucia Carvelli  Dr. Erik Duboue  Dr. Julie Earles  | Dr. Kevin Lanning | Dr. Laura Vernon | Dr. Casey Spencer


Neuroscience students study the molecular, cellular, structural, and functional aspects of the nervous system. Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field of study that combines biology, psychology, chemistry, and other fields in an attempt to understand how the nervous system works. The neuroscience concentration will lead students through the fundamentals of the field, spanning the breadth from molecular signaling to human cognition and behavior. The core curriculum will give students the base knowledge necessary to explore the interdisciplinary field. The concentration is composed of two tracks—(1) Cellular Neuroscience and (2) Neuroscience, Cognition, and Behavior--each designed to meet the needs of students with diverse interests while providing rigorous, multidisciplinary preparation for medical school and graduate programs in areas such as neuroscience, biology, psychology, and behavioral medicine.

There are two tracks:
Track one: Cellular Neuroscience
Track Two: Neuroscience, Cognition, and Behavior



Track one

Neuroscience - Cellular Neuroscience

Advising sheet

Course# Course Title Credits
PSY 1012 Honors General Psychology 3
BSC 1010 Honors Biological Principles 3
BSC 1010L Honors Biological Principles Lab 1
BSC 1011 Honors Biodiversity 3
BSC 1011L Honors Biodiversity Lab 1
PCB 3703 Honors Human Morphology 1 3
PCB 3703L Honors Morphology and Function 1 Lab 1
CHM 2045 Honors General Chemistry 1 3
CHM 2045L Honors General Chemistry 1 Lab 1
CHM 2046 Honors General Chemistry 2 3
CHM 2046L Honors General Chemistry 2 Lab 1
STA 2023 Honors Statistics 3
IDS 4970 Honors Thesis (two semesters) 6


Additional required courses

Course# Course Title Credits
MAC 2311 Honors Calculus 1 4
MAC 2312* Honors Calculus 2 4
CHM 2210 Honors Organic Chemistry 1 3
CHM 2210L Honors Organic Chemistry 1 Lab 1
CHM 2211 Honors Organic Chemistry 2 3
CHM 2211L Honors Organic Chemistry 2 Lab 1
PHY 2048 Honors General Physics 1 4
PHY 2048L Honors General Physics 1 Lab 1

PHY 2049*

or PHY 2054

Honors General Physics 2

or College Physics 2

PHY 2049L Honors General Physics 2 Lab 1
BCH 3033 Honors Biochemistry 3
PCB 3063 Honors Genetics 4
PCB 4102 Honors Cell Biology 4
  Cellular Neuroscience Electives (selected from list below) 9
  TOTAL 74-78

*Students may substitute College Physics II (PHY 2054), in which case MAC 2312 would not be required. But Calculus-based Physics is highly recommended. Students are reminded they need 42 upper-level (3000 or 4000-level) credits to graduate.


Cellular Neuroscience Electives (select 3)

Course# Course Title Credits
PCB 4843C Practical Cell Neuroscience 3
ZOO 4742 Honors Principles of Human Neuroanatomy 3
BSC 4905 Honors Neuroscience Journal Club 3
BSC 4930  Honors CRISPR Tech Lab 3
BSC 4930 Honors Developmental Neurobiology 3
BSC 4930 Honors Neurophysiology 3
BSC 4930  Honors Sensory Systems 3
BSC 4930 Honors Systems Neuroscience 3
MCB 3020/L Honors Microbiology and Lab 4
PCB 4024 Honors Molecular Cell Biology 3
PCB 4233 Immunology 3
PCB 4253 Honors Developmental Biology 3
PCB 4832C Neurophysiology 3
PSB 3340 Honors Behavioral Neuroscience 3
PSB 3441 Honors Drugs and Behavior (psychopharmacology) 3
PSB 4243 Honors Neuroscience of Addiction 3
PCB 4841 Honors Cellular Neuroscience 3
BSC 4915 Honors Directed Independent Research in Biology 1-3

Note: Students in the Max Planck Honors Program may count Introduction to Neuroscience Research (PSB 4003, 1 credit) and two distinct MPHP Enrichment courses (1 credit each) as their 3 credit, Neuroscience elective.



Track Two

Neuroscience - Neuroscience, Cognition, and Behavior

Advising Sheet

Course# Course Title Credits


PSY 1012 Honors General Psychology 3
BSC 1010 Honors Biological Principles 3
BSC 1010L Honors Biological Principles Lab 1
CHM 2045 Honors General Chemistry 1 3
CHM 2045L Honors General Chemistry 1 Lab 1
CHM 2046 Honors General Chemistry 2 3
CHM 2046L Honors General Chemistry 2 Lab 1
STA 2023 Honors Statistics 3
IDS 4970 Honors Thesis (two semesters) 6

Additional required courses

PSB 3340 Honors Behavioral Neuroscience 3
CLP 4143 Honors Psychopathology (Abnormal Psychology) 3
EXP 3604 Honors Cognition 3
PSY 3213 Honors Research Methods in Psychology 3
PSY 3213L Honors Research Methods in Psychology Lab 1

PSY 4933

or ISC 3933

Honors Advanced Writing in Psychology

or Honors Math and Science Seminar

PSB 3441 Honors Drugs and Behavior (Psychopharmacology) 3
  Neuroscience Electives (see list below) 6
  Psychology Electives (see list below) 6
  Biology Electives (see list below) 6-8
  TOTAL 59-61



Neuroscience Electives (select 2)

Course# Course Title Credit
PCB 4843C Practical Cell Neuroscience 3
BSC 4905 Honors Neuroscience Journal Club 3
BSC 4930 Honors Neurophysiology 3
BSC 4930 Honors CRISPR Tech Lab 3
BSC 4930 Honors Developmental Neurobiology 3
BSC 4930 Honors Sensory Systems 3
BSC 4930 Honors Systems Neuroscience 3
EXP 3202 Honors Sensation and Perception 3
PCB 4841 Honors Cellular Neuroscience 3
PSB 4243  Honors Neuroscience of Addiction 3
PSB 4810 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 3
Other electives approved by your neuroscience faculty advisor

Note: Students in the Max Planck Honors Program may count Introduction to Neuroscience Research (PSB 4003, 1 credit) and two distinct MPHP Enrichment courses (1 credit each) as their 3 credit, Neuroscience elective.


Psychology Electives (select 2)

Course# Course Title Credits
CLP 4314 Honors Health Psychology 3
SOP 3004 Honors Principles of Social Psychology 3
DEP 3053 Honors Psychology of Human Development 3
DEP 4463C Honors Lab in Cognitive Aging 3
DEP 4464  Honors Psychology of Aging 3
PPE 3003 Honors Personality 3
PSY 4604 Honors History and Systems of Psychology 3

Other electives approved by your neuroscience faculty advisor


Biology Electives (select 2)

Course# Course Title Credits
BSC 1011/L Honors Biodiversity and Lab 4
BSC 2085/L Anatomy and Physiology and Lab 4
MCB 3020/L Honors Microbiology and Lab 4
PCB 3063  Honors Genetics 4
PCB 3703/L Honors Human Morphology and Function and Lab 4
PCB 4024 Honors Molecular Cell Biology 3
PCB 4102 Honors Cell Biology 4
PCB 4253 Honors Developmental Biology 3
ZOO 4742 Honors Principles of Human Neuroanatomy 3