cash management department
Trecia Myrie-Reid
Associate Controller
Treasury Services
Cash Management, Cashier’s Office, Settlement
Telephone: +1(561) 297-1425
Email: tmyriereid@fau.edu
Trecia began her career in the financial services industry, managing mid to ultra-high networth portfolios. She later transitioned to public service and has never left. Her dedication to the field has led her to teach finance and business courses at several higher education institutions. Trecia is currently serving her fifth term on the Community and Budget Advisory Board for the city she resides in and is a member of Pi Alpha Alpha. She holds a Master of Business Administration, has completed post graduate studies in accounting, and is currently a Ph.D. student majoring in financial administration and budgeting. Trecia leads the Treasury department, which comprises Cash Management, Cashiers and Settlement.
Shanna George
Senior Assistant Controller
Cash Management
Telephone: +1(561) 297-3109
Email: Georges@fau.edu
Shanna joined the Treasury Service department as a Cash Management Coordinator in 2017. Prior to joining FAU, she served as the Finance Director for a non-profit organization, bringing extensive expertise in accounting and cash operations management. She holds a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Accountancy. Her dedication and hard work led to her promotion to Assistant Controller in February 2022, followed by a promotion to Senior Assistant Controller in February 2023. She currently oversees Cash Management.
Lindsey OlsonCash Management Specialist Lindsey joined the Financial Affairs division as Cash Management Specialist where she maintains the day-to-day activities relating to cash transactions, processes payments and manages the university’s accounts. Prior to joining FAU, Lindsey spent nine years at the Constitutional Tax Collector in West Palm Beach, where she proudly served her beloved county. She is committed to continuing her education to further enhance her knowledge and skills in the financial sector. |
Katherine SpitzTreasury Analyst Katherine is an Industrial Engineer with an Advanced Finance Specialization Degree. Her passion for process improvement in treasury (investments) allowed her to create and improve processes for standardized derivatives operations and limit monitoring for treasury operations. Her goal at FAU is to help improve investments daily and achieve a better return. Katherine has worked hard to create improvements in the Unclaimed Property process, which has reduced the number of unclaimed properties each year. She has a passion for all things finance and will continue to work to make the FAU financial division an example of how universities can operate at their peak potential. |