3D rendering of the Schmidt Family Complex entrance
Schmidt Family Athletic Complex


Administrative Affairs is responsible for oversight and coordination of core administrative functions of Florida Atlantic University. These functions include: Business Services, Facilities Management, Board of Trustees Operations, Human Resources, President's Office Operations, University Police, Emergency Management, Environmental Health & Safety, Parking and Transportation, University Ombudsman, and the Eleanor R. Baldwin House and Presidential Events. Additionally, the Vice President provides administrative oversite of the Office of Inspector General and Compliance Office.

The Division is committed in providing services - both business and functional - that enhance the university experience for the FAU Family and support the overall academic mission of Florida Atlantic University.

Learn more about Administrative Affairs



White-Collar Crimes: 'Fall from Grace' and the Stigma of Reentry

Researchers explored how stigma, social background, and emotional factors affect white-collar offenders' reentry into society after prison, and how modern technology like social media intensifies the stigma.

FAU Celebrates the Thrill of Match Day with Soon-to-be-Physicians

Florida Atlantic's fourth-year medical students opened their sealed envelopes promptly at noon to learn where they will fulfill their dreams for medical residency training.

FAU College of Business Honors Eric Shaw with Marketing Office Suite

Florida Atlantic University's COB recently hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the official naming of the marketing department office in honor of emeritus professor Eric Shaw, Ph.D.

Deep Dive: Family Caregivers' Journeys Navigating Alcohol Use Disorder

Researchers in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing explored the lived experiences of family caregivers of individuals with alcohol use disorder to better understand their needs.

Coastal Guardians Pioneer Method to Protect Florida Keys' Shorelines

FAU researchers, in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, have developed a new GIS-based tool to identify the most effective stabilization methods to prevent erosion and damage in the Florida Keys.


President's Office Operations & Events
FAU Board of Trustees Operations
University Ombudsman