Thrive Thursdays

September 2023

September 28, 2023
Will this need to do things right ever end!? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder aka OCD controls people in the slightest ways possible. It might seem insufferable but with a little bit of support from the people around you, it...
September 21, 2023
The struggle is real. We've all been there, but freshmen may have it harder than just the dreaded Freshman 15. Read about one Owl’s experience with "the Freshman Depression” and how some may face more than just a couple...
September 14, 2023
Dear reader,  YOU ARE AMAZING! Read this letter from a fellow peer on how self-care can help you. Remember, there are a lot of resources out there and your FAU family cares. 
September 07, 2023
College is hard, no doubt about it. But here at THRIVE, we want you to stride. Follow these tips and tricks, and you'll be thriving your way through the fall semester.


Interested in writing for Thrive Thursday? Send an email to with your idea. We look forward to hearing from you!