Office of Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health and Recovery Research


The School of Social Work Office of Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health and Recovery Research will be established with the following priorities:

  • To foster internationally recognized research that will garner external financial support and the international attention of interdisciplinary scholars
  • To act as a center of addictions treatment research for the region of south Florida
  • To promote excellence in addictions treatment, including the delivery of courses, workshops, and other activities for social work and allied disciplinary practitioners in addictions.
  • To mobilize knowledge in the broader community regarding addictions and addictions treatment services
  • To promote the activities of the Office via press releases, social media activities, and external fund procurement.
  • To encourage visits by internationally respected scholars and practitioners, who could contribute to the Center and enhance its teaching, knowledge mobilization, and research missions.

In the immediate term, the Office will draw on the contributions of the School’s full time and adjunct faculty.

Over the medium term, we envision the creation of:

  • A funded research chair who would bring national and international prominence to the missions of the Office, School of Social Work, and university
  • An activities coordinator support staff who would assist the School’s Director in administering the Office, and in coordinating knowledge mobilization, research, and teaching activities
  • A number of visiting senior practitioner fellows, who would contribute to the Office’s teaching, research, and knowledge mobilization initiatives
  • A certified addictions professional certificate program that would train social work and allied disciplinary personnel for direct practice in addictions treatment
  • A number of visiting scholar fellows, who would contribute to the Office’s teaching, research, and knowledge mobilization initiatives
  • A number of scholar fellows, who would contribute to the Office’s teaching, research, and knowledge mobilization initiatives

We are currently committed to continuous research in the area of addiction and dissemination of knowledge through conference presentations.  For a list of faculty publications and conference presentations, please click on the link below.

Faculty publications and presentations