Our Mission and purpose is to bring together FAU employees from all colleges, divisions, centers, institutes, campuses and sites to discuss issues of common interest and celebrate life at the University.
Jodi Cantor
College of Education, Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry
Amy Cavasos
Office of Financial Affairs
Sara Greene
College of Medicine
Evelyn Hall
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Muriel Industrious
Division of Research
Jane Morgan
Broward Campuses
Mary Beth Mudrick
Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Frando Patterson
Testing & Evaluation
Cara Perry
Northern Campuses
Alexandra Schoenmakers
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters & School of Communications and Multimedia Studies
Summer St. Jour
Office of the Provost
Len Baker
Office of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance
Gayle Evans
Student Affairs
Andrew LaPlant
Office of the President