College of Business

Link to Course Descriptions for the College of Business

The undergraduate and graduate programs in business are accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB). Florida Atlantic University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

The vision of the College of Business is to powerfully impact the business community through nationally recognized academic excellence. In its mission, the College fosters a climate of intellectual achievement and diversity for its stakeholders through creation of and access to relevant business knowledge. The College's core values that support its vision and mission are: scholarship, creativity, academic service, leadership and ethics.

The College offers undergraduate programs in Accounting, Data Science and Analytics, Economics, Finance, Health Administration, Hospitality and Tourism Management, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, and Marketing. Master's degree programs are available in Accounting, Business Administration, Business Analytics, Data Science and Analytics, Economics, Health Administration, Information Technology and Management, Supply Chain Management, and Taxation. A doctoral program is offered in Business Administration. In addition, the School of Accounting offers an Honors Program. Note: The traditional master's in Finance is on hiatus and not accepting students at this time.

All degree programs are offered in Boca Raton. Online undergraduate programs are offered in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Management, and Marketing. The Davie campus offers undergraduate majors in Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing and a graduate program in Business Management. Graduate programs are offered in Accounting, Accounting with concentration in Forensic Accounting and Taxation.

The College of Business's largest and most diverse constituency resides in its upper-division baccalaureate and professional programs. The College seeks to develop a spirit of inquiry in its graduates and impart relevant techniques for solving problems in a global business environment. In doing so, it instills skills and knowledge that serve as a basis for change in a world where change is the norm.

Additionally, the College of Business provides lifelong learning experiences through professional weekend programs and centers that focus on services marketing, technology, entrepreneurship and international business. The College's research and services advance business knowledge by synthesizing ideas in creative ways, thus contributing to South Florida's economic vitality and making the community a better place to live and work.

Bachelor's Degree Program Information

The College of Business awards the degrees of Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Bachelor of Health Services (B.H.S.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). All Business majors are eligible for either the B.B.A. or the B.S. degree, except for Health Administration, General Business and General Economics majors. Though both degrees are on an equivalent academic level, the B.S. degree requires additional mathematics. Health Administration majors earn the Bachelor of Health Services (B.H.S.) degree, General Business majors earn the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, and General Economics majors earn the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree.

General Studies Degree Program
The University offers a Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) degree program that allows students to design a plan of study to meet their personal interests and career goals. The 120-credit program includes 15 credits of upper-division coursework in one discipline, which students select in consultation with an advisor. For more B.G.S. details and degree requirements, please refer to the Degree Programs section of this catalog.

Undergraduate Research Certificate
To recognize undergraduate students' excellence in undergraduate research, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI) has established the Undergraduate Research Certificate. Requirements for the Research Certificate include completion of 12 credits of research exposure, skill-building and intensive courses as well as dissemination of the outcomes of students' research and inquiry through a research presentation or exhibition.

Admission Policy (for B.B.A. and B.S. degrees, except General Economics majors)

Note: For the Admission Policy for General Business majors (B.A. degree), click here.
For the Admission Policy for General Economics majors (B.S. degree), click here.
Note: For the Admission Policy for Health Administration majors (B.H.S. degree), click here.

All of the following are required for admission to upper-division specialized majors in the College of Business:

  1. Attain a Pre-Business admissions GPA of 2.5 on the courses noted in parentheses below that are relative to success in business programs (ECO 2013, ECO 2023, ACG 2021, ACG 2071, MAC 2233, STA 2023, ENC 1101, ENC 1102 and ISM 2000) with grades of "C" or better within a maximum of two attempts. For Pre-Business admissions GPA calculation, only the highest grade of multiple attempts is used.

    Note: Students who have attempted any of the Pre-Business admissions courses two or more times, including withdrawals (“W”), cannot be admitted to a specialized business major.
  2. Complete the Florida Civic Literacy requirement (for students who initially entered a Florida college system, institution or state university in the fall 2018 semester and thereafter). 
  3. Complete the foreign language entry (FLENT) requirements.

Major Declaration and Upper-Division Status
Students must be admitted to a major (other than Pre-Business) no later than the semester when they earn 60 credits. A registration hold will prohibit enrollment beyond this threshold. If the student has not declared a specialized major by 60 credits earned, the student will be invited to change their major to meet the university's timely graduation policy.

Students may petition denial of admission to a major through the academic petition process. If the petition is denied, the student may appeal that decision. For an appeal to have merit, students must explain new academic or personal information as well as extenuating circumstances. The evidence should show a student's case is stronger than the initial petition documentation provided. 

Restricted Access to Upper-Division COB Courses
Access to upper-division COB courses is restricted. Registration priority for COB upper-division courses will be in the following order:

  1. Upper-division COB students (in specialized admissions majors);
  2. Students in programs with COB courses as part of the required curriculum;
  3. Students in other majors (officially declared and making progress in the program) who desire COB courses to supplement their curriculum;
  4. Non-degree seeking students.

Students in categories 3 and 4 above may request permission to enroll in restricted business courses after advance registration via a business academic petition or by emailing

Suspension and Dismissal
For any students admitted to the College of Business, suspension and dismissal actions follow the standard University procedure. Students who are dismissed after being delared in a business major will have their reinstatement cases reviewed on an individual basis after remaining out of FAU for the required period.

Note: The policy for academic status of graduate students is outlined under the heading Academic Standing in the M.B.A. program description later in this section.

Double Majors, Dual Degrees and Second Baccalaureate Degrees
Undergraduate students may pursue two majors, if approved through advising in the College of Business. If the two majors are in different degrees, such as a B.A. and a B.S., students will receive the degree in the major that they have designated as their primary major. A double major does not require a minimum number of credits beyond those necessary for completing degree requirements (120 or more credits). To graduate with double majors, students must first declare the primary college and major of their choice on the application for admission. Then, undergraduates must inform the second college and department of their intent by completing a Second Major form, available in the Office of the Registrar. Undergraduates must consult with both departments to ensure that all courses needed for graduation are completed. The same catalog year must be used for both majors. A minimum of 21 credits must be applied exclusively toward requirements in the primary major. Students may not pursue multiple degrees in the same academic program, such as a B.B.A. and B.S. in Management.

Note: To ensure a timely graduation, students may pursue a double major only if the requirements can be completed without extending the anticipated graduation date. Please refer to the Timely Graduation Policy for credit requirement thresholds to declare a second major. 

Students may earn a second bachelor's degree from FAU if they have a bachelor's degree from an accredited university. Students with earned bachelor's degrees have fulfilled General Education requirements but must complete remaining requirements (College, Pre-Business Foundation coursework, Business Core and major) and earn a minimum of 30 credits from FAU after the first degree. Students may reserve FAU courses from the first degree to apply toward a second degree, but such courses must not have met any requirements for the first degree (including credits as free electives) and be above the 120 minimum credits. Requests to reserve credits from the first degree must be made in writing to the College of Business before the degree is granted. Grades from these reserved courses will not apply to the first degree GPA, honors classification, etc.

Online Bachelor's Degree Program

The Online Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Program offers majors in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Management, and Marketing. The Online B.B.A. Program can be completed in a part-time or full-time format. For information, visit the website or call 561-297-3688.

Office of Student Academic Services—Academic Advising
Students are expected to have an advising appointment each semester to seek advice on their academic programs. To facilitate the graduation process and compile a graduation audit of a student's record, undergraduates should also meet with an advisor in the semester prior to graduation or when they are 11 courses short of completing their degree. Students must have a graduation pe-approval meeting prior to completing an application for degree. This meeting ensures the student has met all requirements necessary to graduate.

Located on the Boca Raton and Davie campuses, the Office of Student Academic Services provides the following:

  1. Is a source of information on University and College policies, procedures and resources;
  2. Helps students evaluate their choice of major;
  3. Provides curriculum planning and monitors academic progress;
  4. Helps students identify and solve academic-related problems;
  5. Serves as an intermediary between students and the University community;
  6. Supports students in academic difficulty.

For information on hours and locations, visit

Residency Requirements
Students are required to earn at least 75 percent of their major courses at FAU. In addition, 50 percent of all required upper-division classes taught by the College of Business must be taken at FAU (at least 30 credits). Students must earn a minimum of 30 credits at FAU to earn a degree, and the last 30 upper-division credits must be earned at FAU. College of Business certificates require that 100 percent of the courses for the certificate be taken at FAU. After matriculation into the College of Business, transient work is not permitted except in unusual circumstances. In these cases, an academic petition showing justification is required.

Administrative Drops, Prerequisites and Student Responsibility
Students are responsible for completing prerequisites for courses and meeting all requirements for the degree. Any student who does not meet course prerequisites may be administratively dropped from courses at any time during a semester. Exceptions may be made by petition to the College before registering.

Students who do not attend the first class meeting of a College of Business course may be administratively dropped by the instructor.

Incomplete Grade Policy
A student who is passing a course but has not completed all work due to exceptional circumstances may, with consent of the instructor, temporarily receive a grade of incomplete ("I"). The assignment of the "I" grade is at the discretion of the instructor but only allowed if the student is passing the course. The specific time required to make up an incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor. However, the College of Business policy on the resolution of incomplete grades requires that all work required to satisfy an incomplete ("I") grade must be completed within a period not exceeding one calendar year from the semester the incomplete grade was issued. After one calendar year, the incomplete grade automatically becomes a failing ("F") grade. GEB 6215 is an exception to this rule as students may be granted more time with the instructor's recommendation.

Late/Add Process
Students who wish to Late/Add into a course have only one additional week past Add/Drop week to make the request to late/add into any course that is a full-term semester course. Students are not able to Late/Add into half semester or intersession courses past the Add/Drop period.

Academic Petition Process
The College of Business (COB) provides mechanisms for students to seek redress when a College of Business or University academic regulation or policy causes undue hardship. The College petition process does not address cases of grievances with instructors or tuition matters.

The College has established specific rules concerning petitions for late withdrawals from courses and the waiver or alteration of University-level academic requirements (beyond those of the College) as follows:

  1. The student should petition in writing using a standardized petition form (available on the COB website: indicating what the student would like to happen. Attach a letter of explanation and accompanying supporting documentation as needed. The form includes instructions and what documentation is required for each type of petition. The petition and supporting documentation should be submitted to the Office of Student Academic Services at to be reviewed.
  2. Petitions that deal with events in each semester must be submitted by the end of the subsequent semester. For example, petitions for events occurring in a fall semester are to be submitted by the end of the spring semester; petitions for events occurring in a spring semester are to be submitted by the end of the summer semester. Petitions for events occurring in a summer semester are to be submitted by the end of the fall semester. Petitions submitted after a term has ended will be denied if the student completed all work/final exam for the course. If a late withdrawal is approved, all courses for the semester will be withdrawn. Late withdrawals are not approved for poor performance.
  3. Petitions will be approved or denied within 10 business days. For each decision, a memo of explanation will be written.
  4. If a petition is denied and the student wishes to appeal, he/she must do so in writing within 10 days of receipt of the petition denial memo. The student should submit an appeal letter and provide reasons, along with additional documentation not provided with the initial petition, for the appeal. The student's documentation and the initial petition decision will be reviewed and either the decision will be upheld or overturned within 30 days of the submission of the appeal. The committee usually meets at least twice per semester.

The decision of the committee is final. There are no higher levels of appeal within FAU.

College of Business Career Center
The College of Business Career Center provides career services to current College of Business undergraduate and graduate students, alumni and employers. For undergraduate and graduate students and alumni, the College of Business Career Center assists with part-time and full-time job placement, internships, personal branding, interview skills and résumé writing. For employers, the Center offers job posting, tabling opportunities, recruiting through corporate information sessions and on-site interviewing. Click here for more information.

Internship Program
The College of Business Career Center provides students with an opportunity to acquire real-world work experiences through internships within their major disciplines. Internships may be full-time or part-time, may be paid or unpaid and may or may not be taken for credit. Students may not use a position in which they are currently employed unless the internship duties are beyond the normal work responsibilities. In such cases, permission must be granted from the College of Business Career Center. Students will not be able to register for and get credit for internships retroactively. Eligible students may apply for an internship at any time; however, for-credit internships are tied to the semester academic calendar.

Click here for more information and application instructions.

Directed Independent Study
Students are allowed to take the equivalent of one course (3 credits) of Directed Independent Study to satisfy specific degree requirements. Additional DIS credits can only be used as free electives.

Students wishing to enroll in a Directed Independent Study must write a proposal and present the proposal to a faculty member for approval. If the faculty member approves the DIS, the student will be provided a permit that will allow them to register for the appropriate course.

Students complete the form, write a proposal and present the form and proposal to a faculty member for approval. Upon receipt of the faculty signature, the student returns the signed form and proposal to the departmental office. After approval, the student must register for the course. Failure to adhere to the above procedure may result in an administrative withdrawal from the directed independent study course. 

Students complete the form, write a proposal and present the form and proposal to a faculty member for approval. Upon receipt of the faculty signature, the student will return the signed form and proposal to the departmental office. After approval, students must register for the course. Failure to adhere to the above procedure may result in an administrative withdrawal from a Directed Independent Study.

International Experience Credit Policy
Students may apply credit from one College of Business study abroad field experience course toward College-specific requirements (core, majors, business electives or minors). Field experience classes are usually brief study abroad programs that take place over spring break or in the summer months. Students should speak to their advisors regarding these credits.

College of Business International Programs
The College of Business has developed a cooperative model with several international educational institutions. These programs involve various cooperative agreements wherein FAU's College of Business actively participates in the exchange of students, faculty, program ideas and scholarship with partner universities in various continents. The premise of these international relationships is to provide venues for students, communities, faculty and businesses to work together in the global environment. Students who are interested in exchange or specific programs with the College's international partners should schedule an appointment with their academic advisor.

International Partner Institutions:
Aalto University School of Econo mics, Helsinki, Finland
American Business School in Paris (ABS), Paris, France
Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland
Essec Business School, Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France
Institute Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho E da Empress (ISCTE), Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Químico de Sarrià (IQS), Barcelona, Spain
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL), Florianopolis and Tubarao, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG),  Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Click here for additional options.

Business Undergraduate Degree Programs
The College of Business grants four undergraduate degrees, the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), the Bachelor of Science (B.S.), the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), and the Bachelor of Health Services (B.H.S.). With the exceptions of Health Administration, General Business and General Economics, all majors in the College are eligible to receive the B.B.A. or B.S. degree. The B.S. degree requirements are the same as those of the B.B.A., except the B.S. requires a student to complete 6 additional credits of math or statistics courses beyond the calculus and statistics required in the Pre-Business Foundation courses (e.g., MAC 2311, MAC 2312, STA 3163, ECO 4421, ECO 4422, ECO 4401, ECO 4402, PHI 2102, etc.).

Health Administration majors earn the B.H.S. degree. General Business majors earn the B.A. degree. General Economics majors earn the B.S. degree. For specific requirements for the B.H.S. degree, click here. For specific requirements for the General Business program, click here. For specific requirements for the General Economics program, click here.

Students seeking a B.B.A. or B.S. degree (except General Economics majors) must complete the following requirements.

Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.)

  1. University's General Education Program
    Students who have earned a bachelor's degree from a four-year accredited institution of higher education or an A.A. degree from a Florida community or state college or a state university in Florida are deemed to have completed the General Education requirements.
  2. Pre-Business Foundation Coursework with grades of "C" or higher.
Principles of Accounting 1 ACG 2021 3
Principles of Accounting 2 ACG 2071 3
Macroeconomic Principles ECO 2013 3
Microeconomic Principles  ECO 2023 3
Information Systems Fundamentals ISM 2000 3
Methods of Calculus MAC 2233 3
Introductory Statistics STA 2023 3

3.  College of Business Core (33 credits) with grades of "C" or higher.

Business Law 1 BUL 4421 3
Introduction to Business Communication: Critical Analysis and Application (effective spring 2025) GEB 3213 3
Principles of Financial Management FIN 3403 3
Management Information Systems ISM 3011 3
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior
Management of Organizations
(effective fall 2025)
MAN 3025 3
Operations Management MAN 3506 3
Global Strategy and Policy MAN 4720 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data
(effective fall 2025)
ISM 3116 3
Quantitative Methods in Administration QMB 3600 3
Principles of Marketing  MAR 3023 3
International Perspective   3
Select one course from list below:
Intermediate Theory 1 ACG 3131* 3
International Economics ECO 3703 3
International Trade ECO 4704 3
International Monetary Economics ECO 4713 3
International Economic Development ECS 3013 3
International Finance FIN 4604 3
International Business MAN 3600 3
Global Supply Chain Management (effective fall 2025) MAN 4597 3
International Marketing MAR 4156 3
Enterprise Risk Management and Corporate Governance: Qualitative Analysis RMI 4423 3
*Required for Accounting majors
Economics Requirement   3
Select one course; must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher. Specific courses that may be used for this requirement vary by major as follows:
Accounting ECO 4223
Management Information Systems ECO 3703, ECO 4704, 4713 or ECS 3013
International Business

ECO 3703, ECO 4704, 4713 or ECS 3013

Management ECO 4223, ECO 4106 or ECP 3703
Marketing (all options) ECO 3101, 3203, ECO 4106 or 4223
Finance ECO 4223, 3101, 3203 or ECP 3703
Hospitality and Tourism Management ECO 3703, ECO 4704, 4713 or ECS 3013

4. A College of Business major with grades of "C" or higher. Major Requirements are defined in this College of Business section.
5. A minimum of 51 credits of upper-division College of Business courses. In addition to the Business Core and major requirements, most majors will require successful completion of Business electives to obtain these 51 credits.
6. A minimum of 120 credits (excluding remedial and technical coursework).
7. A minimum FAU GPA of 2.0.
8. Residency Requirements:

a. After a student matriculates at FAU, the College of Business will not accept upper-level business transfer coursework taken after admission. Exceptions must be requested in writing by petition (Form #1) and courses must be from an AACSB-accredited institution.
b. After being admitted to the College and declaring a major (not Pre-Business), transient coursework is not permitted. Concerned students should consult with an academic advisor.
c. A minimum of 30 upper-level business credits are required from FAU to obtain a College of Business bachelor's degree. The last 30 credits must be from FAU.
d. At least 75 percent of a student's coursework in the major must be completed at FAU.

9. Foreign Language Entry Requirement: This must be fulfilled by two years of successful completion of high school foreign language, two successful semesters of a college-level foreign language, the successful completion of the CLEP exam for two semesters of the same foreign language or demonstrated proficiency in a foreign language through the Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature Department.

General Business
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

(Minimum of 120 credits required)

The Bachelor of Arts program is intended to provide maximum flexibility for students pursuing a business degree with a preference for a well-rounded understanding of business concepts that can be applied to various evolving industries. Graduates from this program possess a versatile skill set in business, making them appealing candidates for employers in diverse fields.

The University and College of Business degree requirements are listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, including earning at least 75 percent of all upper-division credits from FAU.  In addition to these requirements, General Business students must complete the requirements below.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university, or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regional accredited institution.  Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for the B.A. in General Business.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually based on content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Admission Policy
Students must:

  1. Attain a “C” or better in each of the pre-business foundation courses in two attempts or less.
  2. Complete the Florida Civic Literacy requirement (for students who initially entered a Florida college system institution or state university in Fall 2018 semester and thereafter).
  3. Complete the foreign language entry (FLENT) requirements.

Degree Requirements

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework with minimum grades of "C"
Principles of Accounting 1 ACG 2021 3
Principles of Accounting 2 ACG 2071 3
Macroeconomic Principles ECO 2013 3
Microeconomic Principles ECO 2023 3
Information Systems Fundamentals ISM 2000 3
In addition, two of the following three courses
College Algebra MAC 1105 3
Methods of Calculus MAC 2233 3
Introductory Statistics STA 2023 3
Business Core Requirements with minimum grades of "C"
Business Law 1 BUL 4421 3
Principles of Financial Management FIN 3403 3
Introduction to Business Communication: Critical Analysis and Application (effective spring 2025) GEB 3213 3
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior
Management of Organizations
(effective fall 2025)
MAN 3025 3
Principles of Marketing  MAR 3023 3
Foreign Language    
Eight credits of college-level foreign language (the same language, in sequence) or Foreign Language Exit (FLEX) completion method, such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam (0-8 credits)

General Business Major Requirements
In addition to the prior listed Bachelor of Arts degree requirements, the General Business major program courses below (from thematic groups) are necessary.

Thematic Groups with minimum grades of "C." One course required from each group.
Group 1: Financial Systems and Practice    
Money and Financial Markets ECO 4223 3
Personal Finance FIN 3140 3
Healthcare and Financial Planning HSA 4170 3
Insurance and Financial Planning RMI 4116 3
Group 2: Technology and Data Applications    
Social Media Innovation ISM 3007 3
Management Information Systems ISM 3011 3
Contemporary Issues of Digital Data Management ISM 4041 3
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation for Business ISM 4421 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Business Implications ISM 4451 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 3302 3
Group 3: Management, Operations and Leadership    
Entrepreneurship ENT 4024 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4253 3
Service Operations MAN 4029 3
Leading People and Projects MAN 4046 3
Strategic Human Resource Management MAN 4301 3
Project Management MAN 4583 3
Group 4: Marketing and Promotion    
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3
Principles of Advertising MAR 3326 3
Retail Management MAR 4231 3
Personal Selling MAR 4400 3
Consumer Behavior MAR 4503 3
Group 5: International Business    
Law of International Trade BUL 4451 3
International Economics ECO 3703 3
Negotiating in a Globalized World  MAN 3442 3
International Business MAN 3600 3
International Marketing MAR 4156 3
Study Abroad Any course offered by the College

Additional Requirements
Twelve upper-level (3000/4000) credits from the College of Business.
Six upper-level (3000/4000) credits from outside the College of Business.
Additional electives as needed to reach the 120 credits required for graduation.

Business Administration and Management
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)

(Minimum of 120 credits required)

The Business Administration and Management major (BAMG) provides an interdisciplinary program leading to a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.). The curriculum furnishes skills and knowledge applicable in the global economy.

The Business Administration and Management major is only available to students who transfer to FAU from an articulated Associate of Science degree program in Business at a Florida community or state college. Currently, Broward College is the only schoo
l with an approved articulation agreement. Students in this articulated program are not eligible for other majors within the College of Business.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the
Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Degree Requirements
Students must obtain an Associate of Science degree in Business from a Florida community or state college that has an articulated A.S.-to-B.B.A. agreement with FAU. In addition to the A.S. degree, students must complete the following curriculum requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Business Administration and Management.

General Education
Science  6 credits (two of the following courses)
Human Evolution ANT 3586 3
Chemistry in Modern Life CHM 2020 3
Food and Nutrition CHS 3410 3
Earth Systems and Resources GLY 4012C 3
Issues in Human Ecology PCB 3352 3
Humanities  3 credits (choose one of the following)
Interpretation of Fiction LIT 2010 3
Interpretation of Poetry LIT 2030 3
Interpretation of Drama LIT 2040 3
Introduction to Philosophy PHI 2010 3
Business Program
Business Core  27 credits
Business Law 1 BUL 4421 3
Money and Financial Markets ECO 4223 3
Principles of Financial Management FIN 3403 3
Management Information Systems ISM 3011 3
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior
Management of Organizations
(effective fall 2025)
MAN 3025 3
Operations Management MAN 3506 3
Global Strategy and Policy MAN 4720 3
Principles of Marketing  MAR 3023 3
Quantitative Methods in Administration QMB 3600 3
Major Courses  21 credits
Advanced Managerial Finance FIN 4424 3
International Business MAN 3600 3
Strategic Human Resource Management MAN 4301 3
Marketing Strategy MAR 4803 3
Choose three of the following courses  9 credits
Accounting Information Systems 1 ACG 4401 3
Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 3101 3
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 3203 3
Financial Management of Institutions (no longer offered effective summer 2025) FIN 4313 3
Investment Analysis FIN 4504 3
Leading Change and Development  MAN 4350 3
RI: Marketing Research and Consumer Analytics Information Systems (effective spring 2025) MAR 4613 3
Cognate Areas  8 credits
Introduction to Business Communication: Critical Analysis and Application (effective spring 2025) GEB 3213 3
Energy Resources and Usage in Society PSC 2515 2
Choose one of the following courses
American Environmental History AMH 3630 3
Philosophy of Technology PHM 4223 3
Race and Ethnic Relations SYD 4700 3
Men, Women and Work SYO 4370 3
Technology and Society SYP 4421 3


Business Administration
Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 21 credits required)

The Business Administration minor is designed for Health Administration and General Economics majors, as well as majors outside the College of Business. The minor requires the following seven courses with a grade of "C" or better.

Required Courses
Principles of Accounting 1 ACG 2021 3
Principles of Accounting 2 ACG 2071 3
Macroeconomic Principles ECO 2013 3
Microeconomic Principles  ECO 2023 3
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior
Management of Organizations
(effective fall 2025)
MAN 3025 3
Principles of Marketing  MAR 3023 3
Principles of Financial Management FIN 3403 3

The three upper-division (3000-level) courses must be taken at FAU.
A maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor.


(Minimum of 15 credits)

The minor in Health Humanities is open to all undergraduate students at FAU. The minor is awarded upon graduation from an undergraduate program at FAU; it is not awarded independently of an undergraduate degree. For minor details click here.

Master's and Doctoral Degree Program Information

Graduate programs in the College of Business are offered to qualified persons who demonstrate business leadership potential. The following programs are offered:

  1. Master of Accounting (M.AC.) and Executive Master of Accounting
  2. Master of Taxation (M.TX.) and Executive Master of Taxation
  3. Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
  4. Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Executive M.B.A.
  5. Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Professional M.B.A.
  6. Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.) and Executive Master of Health Administration
  7. Master of Science with Major in Business Analytics
  8. Master of Science in with Major in Data Science and Analytics (M.S.)
  9. Master of Science with Major in Economics (M.S.)
  10. Master of Science with Major in Finance (M.S.) (currently not admitting students) and Finance (Executive)
  11. Master of Science with Major in Information Technology and Management (M.S.)
  12. Master of Science with Major in International Business (M.S.)
  13. Master of Science with Major in Supply Chain Management
  14. Doctor of Philosophy in with Major Business Administration (Ph.D.)

Undergraduate or graduate students who expect to graduate at the end of any semester must:

  1. Have an Application for Degree form signed by an advisor in the College of Business;
  2. File an Application for Degree form with the Office of the Registrar no later than the date specified in the Academic Calendar for the semester in which they expect to graduate;
  3. Complete all degree requirements specified for the degree;
  4. Have earned an "S" grade in GEB 6215, if required by the program, prior to applying for the degree.

School of Accounting

Young, II, G. R., Director; Cao, J.; DeRoche, R.; Desir, R.; DiCicco, J. M.; Dunn, K.; Fang, X.; Gauci, M.; Gaze, A.; Gendler, R. S.; Higgs, J. L.;  Kohlbeck, M.; Pinsker, R.; Rakestraw, J.; Seavey, S; Smatrakalev, G.; Thevenot, M.;  Wainberg, J. S.; Young, S. L.

As a professional school, the College of Business' School of Accounting (SOA) emphasizes high-quality teaching balanced with basic and applied research and service to constituents. The school is committed to providing students, faculty and staff with opportunities to develop, grow and be productive in a supportive atmosphere characterized by respect, collegiality, openness and freedom of expression.

Its mission is to provide a high-quality accounting education to a diverse student group that consists of a geographically dispersed mix of traditional and non-traditional students. Its goal is to help these students become successful professionals in local, national and global organizations. The School of Accounting achieves this goal by providing innovative programs and by employing the best faculty to teach its students and develop their technical, analytical, communication, interpersonal and lifelong learning skills.

The School offers traditional and online programs in Accounting and Business Law at the undergraduate level. Students can also earn undergraduate Honors in Accounting. At the graduate level, traditional and executive master's programs in Accounting and in Taxation are available as well as traditional and executive certificates in Professional Accounting.

Link to Honors Program

Link to Master's Programs

Link to Minors

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

The mission of the undergraduate program in Accounting is to provide students with a solid educational foundation for entry into professional careers in accounting-related areas of business and government and to prepare students to pursue graduate or advanced professional education in accounting and related fields.

In addition to the University and College of Business degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, Accounting students must complete the following major requirements.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading Pre-Business Foundation Coursework in this College of Business section.

Business Core Requirements
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading College of Business Core in this section.

Accounting Major
The undergraduate Accounting student is required to take nine upper-level accounting/tax courses, including the core courses and accounting/tax electives below for a total of 27 credits.

Accounting Core Courses (27 credits)
Intermediate Theory 1 ACG 3131 3
Intermediate Theory 2 ACG 3141 3
Cost Accounting ACG 3341 3
Accounting Applications of Data Analytics ACG 3842 3
Accounting Information Systems 1 ACG 4401 3
Federal Taxation 1 TAX 4001 3
Auditing and Assurance Services 1 ACG 4651 3
ACG/TAX Upper-Division Course (3000 level or above) 3
ACG/TAX Upper-Division Course (3000 level or above) 3

Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

The Accounting minor is designed for non-Accounting Business majors requiring the Business Core courses. Because part of the requirements include successful completion of the Business Core classes, the minor is usually not practical for General Economics or Health Administration majors.

The Accounting minor requires three upper-division accounting courses (3000 level or above) with a grade of "C" or better.

A maximum of 3 credits used for the Accounting minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. A minimum of 6 credits must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a College of Business degree program.

Business Law
Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Business Law minor provides students with practical legal knowledge of substantive business law topics and current legal issues. Students learn the skill sets necessary to identify and manage legal issues encountered within personal and business contexts, including litigation, contract law, employment and human resources, real and personal property law, as well as applied critical thinking. The result is a student prepared for career opportunities in management, technology and politics. The minor is also excellent preparation for advanced degrees and for law school.

The minor requires 12 credits taken from the following courses. The courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. Students must earn at least 75 percent of all credits required for the minor from FAU. A maximum of 3 credits used for the Business Law minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor.

For the Business Law courses, refer to Course Descriptions.

Required Courses
Business Law 1 BUL 4421 3
Business Law 2 BUL 4422 3
Choose two of the courses below
Real Estate Law (no longer offered effective summer 2025) REE 4433 3
Ethics in Business BUL 4443 3
Law of International Trade BUL 4461 3
Intellectual Property Law BUL 4514 3
Employment Law BUL 4540 3
Special Topics in Business Law (including Administrative Law) BUL 4930 3
Principles of Hospitality Law HFT 3603 3
Health Law HSA 4423 3

School of Accounting Policies

This document is to be considered an attachment to all syllabi for courses in the School of Accounting. In the event of a conflict between this document and a course syllabus, this document will prevail. 

  1. FAU email is the primary mechanism for corresponding with students outside of the classroom. Each student is responsible for checking his/her FAU email account often and for cleaning out the inbox to ensure all email is deliverable. Messages may include time-sensitive information, important announcements and class information. FAU email should never be auto-forwarded to another email account. For more information regarding MyFAU and email, visit this website. For issues with logging into MyFAU, contact the Help Desk or 561-297-3999.
  2. Professors make every effort to honor the course syllabus as originally presented, however, circumstances may dictate a need to change the organization or content of the course. Students will be informed in writing of all changes made to the syllabus (e.g., hard copy or electronically). Students are responsible for checking the course website and their FAU email account to stay abreast of any changes.
  3. A grade of “C” or higher is required in all major courses.
  4. No student may register for the same upper-level accounting or tax course after receiving grades of “C-,” “D+,” “D,” “D-” or “F” in that course a total of two times.
  5. No student may register for upper-level accounting or tax courses after receiving five grades of “C-,” “D+,” “D,” “D-” or “F” in upper-level accounting and/or tax courses.
  6. Once students have been removed from the Accounting major, they will not be readmitted without approval from the School of Accounting through the College of Business petition process. Students may not take more than two 3000-level (or higher) accounting and/or tax courses unless they 1) are in an Accounting degree program, 2) are granted permission by the School of Accounting or 3) already hold a degree from an AACSB-accredited institution (such as FAU) and are taking additional courses for CPA eligibility.
  7. Any student who has not met the prerequisites for a course may be administratively withdrawn from the course at any time during the semester that such deficiency is determined to exist.
  8. Note than an “Incomplete” is not a substitute for a poor grade and is rarely granted. In accordance with the policies of FAU, the College of Business and the School of Accounting, an “Incomplete” will be granted only under the following circumstances:
    a. The student is otherwise passing the course with at least a grade of "C."
    b. The student has an excused absence that prevents the on-time completion of the course requirements.
  9. Students are solely responsible for properly dropping or withdrawing from courses they no longer wish to continue. Professors are not permitted to assign grades of “W."
  10. Important dates: Florida Atlantic University – Academic Calendar.
  11. School of Accounting policy does not permit overrides into closed classes. Students are advised to monitor the online schedule for space to become available. The add/drop period is the first week of classes, and there may be windows of opportunity during that time. Accounting and tax professors are not authorized to assist students with registration issues.
  12. All students must purchase and use as a reference for written assignments in all accounting courses the book  Effective Writing , 9th edition, by Claire B. May and Gordon S. May, published by Pearson Prentice Hall.
  13. In order to provide appropriate guidance to students seeking a professional career in accounting, the SOA faculty recommends the following courses as necessary for professional certification (such as CPA, CMA or CIA) or admission to the Master of Accounting program: ACG 3131, ACG 3141, ACG 3341, ACG 4401, ACG 4651, TAX 4001 and TAX 4011.
  14. Writing is an important component of the skill sets required in the accounting profession. The College of Business GEB program and certification criteria set the minimum standard of acceptable performance on written assignments in School of Accounting graduate courses. Compliance with GEB guidelines is an important aspect of any written assignment in graduate accounting courses, and failure to comply with GEB guidelines may significantly impact a student’s grade.
  15. A fundamental principle of academic, business and community life is honesty.  In the academic environment, the following are critical:
    a. For most graded assignments, students are expected to work independently. However, team assignments typically require students to work together. For both individual and team assignments, students should be careful not to represent the work of others as their own.
    b. Appropriate classroom behavior is expected at all times, including respect for the instructor and peers. Disruptive classroom behavior is unfair to other students who are in class to learn, as well as to the instructor, and will not be tolerated.
    c. The Internet is a powerful tool providing access to a wealth of information. Students are reminded that plagiarism guidelines that apply to printed materials also apply to materials accessed via the Internet and that the School employs various plagiarism (cheating) detection methods.
    d. See:
  16. All students are referred to the Code of Academic Integrity of the University Regulations, Chapter 4, Regulation 4.001. It is the policy of the School of Accounting at Florida Atlantic University to adhere to the provisions of this regulation. Faculty of the School of Accounting will take action to secure the maximum penalty in the event of any observation of a violation. Additional rules regarding student responsibility, discipline and a host of other regulations are set out in the Florida Atlantic University Regulations and are subject to change without notice. For the University Regulations in effect at any given time, visit

Honors Program in Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration (b.b.a.)

Honors Program in Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration (b.b.a.) to Master of accounting ( )
Combined degree Option

The School of Accounting offers a program that gives students the options of earning undergraduate-degree honors and participating in a combined undergraduate and graduate program allowing a student to count 6 credits towards both degrees, saving both time and money. Students in the honors program are not required to participate in the graduate program but for those who choose to pursue the graduate degree, this option offers a significant benefit.

The Honors Program: Students are encouraged to apply for the honors program as early as possible before taking any upper-division accounting classes. For students who have not taken any upper-division accounting courses, a minimum overall GPA of 3.3 and a minimum score of 80 percent on the accounting competency exam are required. However, students who have completed between 3 and 9 upper-division accounting credits may participate in the honors program if they have achieved a minimum overall GPA of 3.3 and have earned a minimum of a "B" in all upper-division accounting coursework. Appeals to admission requirements can be made to the Director of the School of Accounting.

To be eligible to graduate with undergraduate honors, students must achieve an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and an accounting GPA (upper-division ACG and TAX courses) of at least 3.0, and successfully complete the capstone experience. All program requirements must be completed within four semesters (excluding summer semesters) after beginning the program. Students must also complete four honors compacts, a requirement of the university Honors in the Major program. These compacts and the capstone experience involve assignments that develop skills that will help students transition into leadership and professional skills as a Certified Public Accountant.

Students receive special mentoring through interaction with the Coordinator of the School of Accounting Honors Program. The coordinator offers significant career and educational guidance throughout the honors program. Students also receive training on soft skills; adequate soft skills are necessary to be successful as a financial services professional. Workshops, in which this training is conducted, are held exclusively for honors students. Students must attend professional networking events with professionals in the South Florida community to help them better understand the local job market.

Other benefits of the program include cohort classes that enable students to build relationships with other high achieving accounting students. Also, proceeds of some departmental fund-raising events are earmarked for accounting honors students.

Students complete a capstone experience when they are within 12 months of completing the undergraduate degree requirements. The capstone experience usually consists of a case analysis and presentation. To participate in the capstone experience, students must have successfully completed the honors sections of ACG 3141, ACG 4401, and TAX 4001. In addition, they must have either completed or be currently enrolled in the honors section of ACG 4651.

Students admitted to the honors program must maintain high academic and ethical standards. Students may be dismissed from the program for earning two grades lower than "B" in upper-level undergraduate accounting or tax courses, one grade lower than a “B” in graduate-level accounting or tax courses or earning any grade lower than "C” or violating the Code of Academic Integrity.  

Combined B.B.A./M.AC. Degree Option: The combined program allows the student to count 6 credits of graduate accounting or tax courses towards both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. The student is eligible for a bachelor’s degree upon completion of 120 credits. At this point, the student is then granted graduate standing and must complete a total of 30 graduate credits to meet the requirements for the master’s program. Six of these accounting or tax credits (ACG 6475 and TAX 6025 or 5000- or 6000-level Accounting or Tax courses approved by the School of Accounting Director) for the graduate degree are taken as a part of the undergraduate program. The undergraduate electives credits that can be substituted with the above-mentioned graduate credits are ACG 4501, BUL 4422, and/or TAX 4011. In total, the student completes a total of 150 credits but 6 of these credits will be counted in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Students in the honors program who wish to pursue a master’s degree apply for the master’s program in their junior year.  

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students

Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Master's Programs

FAU offers both traditional and executive master's degree programs. These programs operate independently of one another.

The Master of Accounting (M.AC.) and Master of Taxation (M.TX.) degree programs share the same goal: to provide accounting education to a diverse group of students in their paths to become successful professionals in local, national and global enterprises. Both degrees aid students in developing technical, analytical, communication, interpersonal and lifelong learning skills.

The programs are designed to meet the general educational goals established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and may be used to meet the educational requirements for the public accounting license to practice as a Certified Public Accountant. In the traditional program, which includes a combination of live and online courses, a concentration is available in Accounting Information Systems and Taxation.

The Executive Master's Programs
Additionally, degrees offered by the Executive programs (M.AC. and M.TX.) are designed to meet the demanding schedules of busy professionals. Students may complete either the M.AC. or M.TX. via some combination of the following: watch recorded lectures, watch live lectures remotely or attend class in person. Work is submitted through a web-based learning system. Students generally can complete these programs within 24-months of matriculation. Students may enter the programs in the fall, spring or summer semesters. The following concentrations are available in the executive M.AC. program:

  • Professional Accounting
  • Digital Accounting Forensics and Data Analytics
  • Dual Forensic Accounting and Digital Accounting Forensics and Data Analytics
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Master of Accounting with a concentration in Taxation
  • Internal Auditing

Admission Requirements (Deletion effective spring 2025.)
The College of Business seeks a diverse and highly qualified group of graduate students. Admission is competitive and applications are evaluated on several factors indicating the potential for scholarly and professional success. In addition to other requirements for admission to the Graduate College at FAU, to be considered for these master's programs in the College of Business, applicants must:

  1. Have earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university or the international equivalent.
  2. Have a good grade point average on all previous college work, though emphasis is placed on the last 60 credits earned.
  3. If the applicant is a graduate of a foreign college or university who has completed an academic program equivalent to a bachelor's degree earned in the United States, they should submit an official certified transcript indicating the nature and scope of the their academic training.
  4. If the applicant's native language is not English, they should submit a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score.
  5. The following is required for Traditional M.AC. and M.TX., but it is only recommended for the Executive Program: Submit an official, competitive score on a GMAT, GRE or LSAT exam taken within the past five years. When evaluating test scores, the admissions committee looks for a balance between verbal, quantitative and analytical writing. All three components are required. Admission test waivers are considered for 1) students with an active CPA license, J.D. or Ph.D. or those with a master’s degree from an AACSB-accredited business program; or 2) students who hold an undergraduate degree in accounting from a College of Business accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and have earned a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.30 (on a 4.00 scale) overall and in their accounting courses.*

* If the applicant's overall GPA and accounting GPA is below 3.30, the applicant may be requested to write an explanation as to why the applicant's GPA is not 3.30 or higher and, after considering the applicant's reasons for the lower-than-expected GPA, may have the GMAT/GRE waived.

It is recommended that applicants provide the following supplemental information to support the application:

  1. Documentation of professional work experience;
  2. Evidence of professional certifications relevant to the accounting profession;
  3. Evidence of advanced degrees from a regionally accredited college or university or the international equivalent;
  4. A one-page résumé;
  5. Letter(s) of recommendation from employers, faculty members or others who can attest to the applicant's scholarly ability and/or agency;
  6. A writing sample demonstrating analytical and explanatory skills; this writing sample may explain the student's motivation for applying to the program and career intent after graduation.

Admission into an Accounting Master's Program does not constitute admission into an Executive Accounting Master's Program. Non-Executive students cannot register for courses in the Executive Programs.

Admission Requirements – Executive Accounting Master's Programs

The College of Business seeks a diverse and highly qualified group of graduate students. Admission to the Executive Accounting Master's Programs is competitive and applications are evaluated on several factors indicating the potential for scholarly and professional success. In addition to other requirements for admission to the Graduate College at FAU, to be considered for these master's programs in the College of Business, applicants must:

  1. Have earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university or the international equivalent.
  2. Have a competitive grade point average on all previous college work, though emphasis is placed on the last 60 credits earned.
  3. If the applicant is a graduate of a foreign college or university who has completed an academic program equivalent to a bachelor's degree earned in the United States, submit an official certified transcript indicating the nature and scope of the applicant's academic training.
  4. If the applicant's native language is not English, submit a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

It is recommended that applicants provide the following supplemental information to support the application:

  1. An official, competitive score on a GMAT, GRE or LSAT exam taken within the past five years. When evaluating test scores, the admissions committee looks for a balance between verbal, quantitative and analytical writing strengths.
  2. Documentation of professional work experience;
  3. Evidence of professional certifications relevant to the accounting profession;
  4. Evidence of advanced degrees from a regionally accredited college or university or the international equivalent;
  5. A one-page résumé;
  6. Letter(s) of recommendation from employers, faculty members or others who can attest to the applicant's scholarly ability and/or agency;
  7. A writing sample demonstrating analytical and explanatory skills; this writing sample may explain the student's motivation for applying to the program and career intent after graduation.

Admission into an Executive Accounting Master's Program does not constitute admission into a non-Executive Accounting Master's Program. Executive students can only register for courses in the Executive Programs.

Degree Requirements
To qualify for the degree of Master of Accounting (M.AC.) or Master of Taxation (M.TX.), candidates must:

  1. Meet all general requirements of the University for a master's degree and complete the program within five years.
  2. Complete or receive credit for a minimum of 15 credits of Business Foundation courses. No grade lower than "C" will be accepted. The number of foundation courses to be taken depends on the student's undergraduate background and performance in business and related subjects. Students will be notified of these and other requirements upon admission.
  3. Complete 30 credits of required and elective credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of "B" (3.0). Any grade below "C" is considered a failure and the course must be retaken. A maximum of two 5000-level courses may be taken toward completion of the 30 credits in the Master of Accounting program with advance written permission of the College of Business Office of Graduate Student Programs. These approved courses count toward program electives. Students seeking a M.AC. degree may be required to complete Accounting Foundation courses. These courses are in addition to the 30 required credits as described in the Master of Accounting section below.
  4. Complete all requirements of the Graduate Communication Program.

Academic Standing Policy

Student continuation in a program requires satisfactory progress toward the graduate degree. Evidence of such progress includes maintenance of a cumulative 3.0 average. In addition, only grades of "A," "A-," "B+," "B," "B-," "C+" or "C" are acceptable in fulfilling graduate school requirements.

Failure to attain a 3.0 cumulative average within two successive semesters of active enrollment following the semester in which the deficiency first occurred will result in automatic dismissal.

Students who fail to attain a 3.0 FAU graduate GPA will be placed on academic warning. Students on warning are subject to academic dismissal from the College. In conjunction with the Graduate College's warning and dismissal procedures, the College of Business Student Academic Services Office requires many categories of students on warning to complete an academic progression plan (APP) to establish a path for success. The APP is a contractual agreement that outlines particular courses and grades to reestablish good academic standing. APPs should generally outline a path (usually not more than two semesters) to reestablish a 3.0 GPA. Students who do not fulfill the obligations of their APPs are recommended for dismissal to the Dean of the Graduate College.

Graduate students with low GPAs (less than 2.5) after their first semester may be required to complete an APP. All students on academic warning for two continuous semesters are required by the College of Business to complete an APP during their third semester; the College may enact registration holds to prohibit a student's future enrollment until the APP is finalized. Students who do not fulfill the obligations established in the APP are recommended for dismissal to the Dean of the Graduate College.

The School of Accounting and the Director of Graduate Programs in Accounting reserve the right to dismiss any student at any time if the student is deemed to be making unsatisfactory progress toward degree completion within the stipulated time.

Business Foundation Component
The foundation component introduces the broad field of business administration and the fundamental quantitative techniques used in business analysis. These courses should be completed before the student takes other graduate courses. The number of foundation credits required for each student depends on the student's previous academic background. Additional information may be obtained from the College of Business Office of Graduate Student Programs. In special cases, the student may take a foundation course concurrently with a graduate course with the permission of the Director of the School of Accounting. Courses in the Business Foundation Component are:

Financial Accounting Concepts* ACG 6027 3
Seminar in Modern Economic Concepts and Theories ECO 6008 3
Financial Management* FIN 6406 3
Marketing Functions and Processes MAR 6055 3
Data Analysis for Managers QMB 6603 3

* Business Foundation for the Executive Program.

Master of Accounting (M.AC.)
Traditional Program

Accounting Information Systems Concentration
Tax Concentration

Master of Accounting (M.AC.)
Executive Program

Business Valuation 

Digital Accounting Forensics and Data Analytics 
Forensic Accounting 
Forensic Accounting and Business Valuation 
Forensic Accounting and Digital Accounting Forensics 
Internal Auditing 
Professional Accounting 

(Minimum of 30 credits required)

Students with an accounting background will likely receive a waiver for all Accounting Foundation courses. Students without an accounting background or those who did not perform at a satisfactory level in undergraduate courses may have to resolve deficiencies through the Accounting Foundation Component.

Accounting Foundation Component
Students with an accounting background will likely receive a waiver for all accounting foundation courses, but those without an accounting background or who did not perform at a satisfactory level in undergraduate courses may have to resolve deficiencies. The accounting foundation provides the student with the minimum accounting knowledge required to complete the Master of Accounting program. These courses, or the undergraduate equivalent, must be completed with a grade of "C" or better and should be taken as early in the program as possible because they serve as prerequisites for many other courses. Courses in the accounting foundation component are:

Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts
(Undergraduate equivalent of Intermediate
Theory 1 and 2 (ACG 3131 and ACG 3141.)
ACG 6137 3
Auditing Theory and Practice
(Undergraduate equivalent of Auditing and Assurance Services 1 (ACG 4651.)
ACG 6635 3
Cost Accounting Theory and Practice
(Undergraduate equivalent of Cost Accounting
(ACG 3341.)
ACG 6347 3

The exact number of accounting foundation credits required for each student will depend on the student's previous academic record. These foundation credits are in addition to the 30 credits required in the Master of Accounting program.

Accounting foundation courses may not be used to satisfy the core or elective requirements for the Master of Accounting traditional program; however, students in the Executive Program without an undergraduate business degree may include required Accounting Foundation courses as program electives.

Communication Requirement
The communication course requirement works in tandem with other accounting or tax courses where the student must demonstrate proficiency in written and verbal communication appropriate to both the academic and professional environments. Students may receive an incomplete in the communication strategies course until they also complete the writing requirements in the tandem course. Once the communication requirement is met, a grade of satisfactory replaces the incomplete grade. Students who do not meet the communication requirement receive an unsatisfactory grade and must register for the course again in the next active semester, or they will be administratively dropped from graduate courses. Students in the traditional Master of Accounting program must register for the communication requirement in their first semester in the program unless they are only taking Business Foundation courses.

Students take one of the following courses depending on their program:

  • Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up (GEB 6215) -- Traditional Master of Accounting and Master of Taxation
  • Communication Strategies for Professional Accountants (ACG 6396) – Executive Master of Accounting
  • Communication Strategies for Tax Accountants (TAX 6878) – Executive Master of Taxation

Master of Accounting (M.AC.) - 30 credits plus foundation courses, if needed

The accounting profession offers many diverse career options. While the undergraduate degree provides the background for many jobs, the courses in the Master of Accounting program are needed to develop the skills for many of the more desirable jobs in the profession and to acquire the requisite knowledge for successful completion of the CPA exam. The master’s program focuses on communications skills, complex problems and understanding the business environments facing today’s professionals. Accordingly, we offer many different paths depending on the unique interests of students. We encourage students to begin thinking about career possibilities early in their college careers so that they have the ability to plan their education to meet their career goals. The School of Accounting has student organizations to help students learn about the profession, becoming a Certified Public Accountant, and career options that do not require becoming a CPA. We have faculty who have worked in the profession and who are eager to advise students. Please call the advising office for further information.

Traditional Master of Accounting (M.AC.) - 30 credits plus foundation courses, if needed

Traditional Master of Accounting Core    
Advanced Accounting Theory ACG 6135 3
Advanced Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts ACG 6138 3
Advanced Accounting Information Systems ACG 6475 3
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up* GEB 6215 3
Concepts of Federal Income Tax TAX 6025 3
Choose one of the following options   12
No Concentration Option    
Accounting or Tax Elective ACG or TAX 3
Program electives (5000 or 6000 level in accounting or related business areas 9
Students are encouraged to select at least one course in finance or economics from the following list


Advanced Monetary Economics ECO 6216 3
Advanced International Trade ECO 6706 3
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
Financial Management: Investment Decisions and Policy
(no longer offered effective summer 2025)
FIN 6436 3
Investment Management FIN 6515 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537 3
Multinational Finance FIN 6605 3
Real Estate Investment Analysis REE 6305 3
Accounting Information Systems Concentration Option    
IT Auditing ACG 6625 3
Choose three courses from the following list    
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics ISM 6136 3
Database Management Systems ISM 6217 3
Information Technology Project and Change Management ISM 6316 3
Management of Information Assurance and Security ISM 6328 3
Enterprise Information Technology Service Management ISM 6368 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303 3
Tax Concentration Option    
Tax Research TAX 6065 3
Corporate Taxation TAX 6105 3
Partnership Taxation TAX 6205 3
International Taxation TAX 6525 3

Executive Master of Accounting (M.AC.) - 30-36 credits depending on the specialization plus business and accounting foundation courses, if needed

Because students in the Executive Program typically have significant work experience, substitutions for classes may be needed when a student already has demonstrated expertise in a particular area. Substitutions may be approved by either the Director of the School of Accounting or the Academic Director of the School of Accounting Executive Programs.

Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Communication Strategies for Professional Accountants ACG 6396 3
Advanced Accounting Information Systems ACG 6475 3
Forensic Accounting, Fraud and Taxation ACG 6689 3 or
Concepts of Federal Income Tax TAX 6025 3

Students may choose one of the following concentrations.

Executive Professional Accounting Concentration - 30 credits plus business and accounting foundation credits
Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting Theory ACG 5505 3
Advanced Accounting Theory ACG 6135 3
Advanced Financial Reporting an Accounting Concepts ACG 6138 3
Financial  Statement Analysis ACG 6175 3
IT Auditing ACG 6625 3
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Students are directed into one of the following courses depending on their background
Accounting for E-Commerce ACG 6465 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Concepts ACG 6686 3


Executive Tax Concentration - 30 credits plus business and accounting foundation credits
Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Accounting for E-Commerce ACG 6465 3
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Tax Research TAX 6065 3
Corporate Taxation TAX 6105 3
Partnership Taxation TAX 6205 3
International Taxation TAX 6525 3
IRS Practice and Procedures TAX 6877 3


Executive Forensic Accounting Concentration - 30 credits plus business and accounting foundation credits
Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Business Valuation for Forensic Accountants ACG 6375 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Concepts ACG 6686 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Conduct and Procedures ACG 6687 3
Forensic Accounting and the Legal Environment ACG 6688 3
Students with an accounting background take    
Advanced Digital Forensics in Forensic Accounting ACG 6498 3
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Interviewing for Forensic Accountants and Auditors ACG 6685 3
Students without an accounting background take    
Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts ACG 6137 3
Cost Accounting Theory and Practice ACG 6347 3
Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6635 3


Executive Digital Accounting Forensics and Data Analytics Concentration - 30 credits plus business foundation credits
Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Advanced Accounting Applications of Data Analytics ACG 6496 3
IT Auditing ACG 6625 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Concepts ACG 6686 3
Forensic Accounting and the Legal Environment ACG 6688 3
Students with an accounting background take    
Business Valuation for Forensic Accountants ACG 6375 3
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Conduct and Procedures ACG 6687 3
Students without an accounting background take    
Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts ACG 6137 3
Cost Accounting Theory and Practice ACG 6347 3
Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6635 3


Executive Dual Digital Accounting Forensics and Data Analytics and Forensic Accounting Concentration - 30 or 36 credits plus business and accounting foundation credits
Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Business Valuation for Forensic Accountants ACG 6375 3
Advanced Accounting Applications of Data Analytics ACG 6496 3
Advanced Digital Forensics in Forensic Accounting ACG 6498 3
IT Auditing ACG 6625 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Concepts ACG 6686 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Conduct and Procedures ACG 6687 3
Forensic Accounting and the Legal Environment ACG 6688 3
Students with an accounting background take the following two courses for a total of 36 credits
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Interviewing for Forensic Accountants and Auditors ACG 6685 3


Executive Internal Auditing Concentration - 30 credits plus accounting foundation credits
Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Advanced Accounting Theory ACG 6135 3
Advanced Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts ACG 6138 3
Advanced Digital Forensics in Forensic Accounting ACG 6498 3
IT Auditing ACG 6625 3
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Internal Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6675 3
Internal Auditing Cases and Projects ACG 6678 3


Executive Business Valuation Concentration - 30 credits plus business and accounting foundation credits
Executive Master of Accounting Core   9
Business Valuation for Forensic Accountants ACG 6375 3
Business Valuation for Fair Value Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting ACG 6377 3
Advanced Accounting Applications in Business Valuation ACG 6378 3
Business Valuation, Advanced Theory, Concepts and Methodologies ACG 6379 3
Students with an accounting background take    
Advanced Digital Forensics in Forensic Accounting ACG 6498 3
Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6655 3
Interviewing for Forensic Accountants and Auditors ACG 6685 3
Students without an accounting background take    
Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts ACG 6137 3
Cost Accounting Theory and Practice ACG 6347 3
Auditing Theory and Practice ACG 6635 3


Professional Accounting
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The certificate in Professional Accounting is designed for students who need additional upper-division accounting or tax coursework to meet professional licensure requirements, but who do not wish to pursue a graduate degree. The certificate gives these students the opportunity to obtain the coursework they need.  It is available for traditional as well as executive students.

Students must complete 12 credits of coursework and all courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. Students may select from the courses below or select up to 6 credits of preapproved 3000-4000-level ACG/TAX courses that were not taken as part of their undergraduate degree program. Prerequisite restrictions apply.

Select from courses below
(or 6 credits of preapproved upper-division ACG/TAX courses)
Advanced Accounting 1 ACG 5205 3
Auditing and Assurance Services 2 ACG 5647 3
Internal Auditing ACG 5677 3
Financial Statement Analysis ACG 6175 3
Accounting for E-Commerce ACG 6465 3
IT Auditing ACG 6625 3
Accounting Fraud Examination Concepts ACG 6686 3

Credits counted toward an undergraduate or graduate degree program may not be used toward the certificate in Professional Accounting. The certificate is only open to non-degree-seeking students. However, with advisor approval, students may begin the certificate during their last semester of undergraduate coursework. Students earning more than one grade below a "C" in the approved certificate courses may not receive the certificate in Professional Accounting or register for additional graduate courses.

Master of Taxation (M.TX.)
Traditional Program

Master of Taxation (M.TX.)
Executive Program

(Minimum of 30 credits required)

Master of Taxation (M.TX.) - 30 credits plus foundation courses, if needed

Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up GEB 6215 3
Concepts of Federal Income Tax TAX 6025 3
Tax Research TAX 6065 3
Corporate Taxation TAX 6105 3
Partnership Taxation TAX 6205 3
Estates and Trusts TAX 6405 3
Select three from the following options    
Advanced Corporate Taxation TAX 6115 3
International Taxation TAX 6525 3
Contemporary Tax Topics TAX 6875 3
IRS Practice and Procedures TAX 6877 3
Select any approved TAX 6000-level or ACG 5000-level course (Accounting, Tax, Business Law, Finance or Economics). Foundation courses are not included.

Executive Master of Taxation (M.TX.) - 30 credits plus foundation courses, if needed

Forensic Accounting, Fraud and Taxation ACG 6689 3 or
Concepts of Federal Income Tax TAX 6025 3
Tax Research TAX 6065 3
Corporate Taxation TAX 6105 3
Advanced Corporate Taxation TAX 6115 3
Partnership Taxation TAX 6205 3
Estates and Trusts TAX 6405 3
International Taxation TAX 6525 3
IRS Practice and Procedures TAX 6877 3
Students are directed into one of the following courses based on their background
Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts ACG 6137 3
Contemporary Tax Topics TAX 6875 3

Accounting Graduate Policies

Transfer Credit
No transfer credit is allowed in the Master of Taxation, Master of Accounting or related Executive Master's Programs.

Time Limit Policy Statement
Candidates for either the M.AC. or M.TX. degree must complete all work within a consecutive five-year term after initial admission into the graduate program.

Prerequisite Policy Statement
Any student not meeting course prerequisites may be dropped at any time during a semester if such deficiency is determined to exist.

Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up (GEB 6215)
Written and verbal communication skills are integrated components of both the M.AC. and M.TX. programs. Students must demonstrate their written and verbal communication proficiency, appropriate to both the academic and professional environments, in one or more of their accounting courses before they successfully complete GEB 6215* and in their successful completion of GEB 6215. This course includes:

  1. Weekly professional development sessions;
  2. Written course assignments;
  3. Classroom presentations.

M.AC. and M.TX. students must register for GEB 6215 in their first semester in the program unless they are only taking Business Foundation courses. Registration in GEB 6215 is required when the student enrolls in the first required or elective graduate-level course. In the Master of Accounting program this includes the 5000-level elective courses.

Once students satisfy the Graduate Communication Program requirements, a grade of satisfactory ("S") replaces the incomplete ("I") grade. Students who fail to advance through GEB 6215 receive an unsatisfactory grade ("U") in the course and must register for the course again.

Failure to complete GEB 6215 within the designated time frame will result in the student's ineligibility to take further graduate-level courses. Students who have received a grade of "U" and who do not re-register for GEB 6215 in the next active semester after issuance of the "U" grade will be administratively dropped from graduate courses.

Applications for the degree will not be accepted unless all certification requirements have been completed prior to the graduating term.

*Communication courses for students in the Executive Accounting and Executive Taxation Programs are different from those required of traditional M.AC. and M.TX. students.


Escaleras, M., Chair; Banerjee, K.; Bosshardt, W., Director, Center for Economic Education; Boudreaux, C.; Caudill, S. B.; Cutsinger, B., Undergraduate Director; Faria, J. R.; Ghosh, S.; Gropper, D.; Levy, E.; Levy, T.; Liu, L.; Luther, W. J., Graduate Director; Manage, N.; Rhodd, R.; Van Tassel, E.

The Economics Department offers two undergraduate programs that prepare students for careers in business and government, as well as for graduate study. The General Economics program provides a broad liberal arts education with emphasis in social science and leads to a B.S. degree. The Economics program with a concentration in Business Economics has the same diverse foundation in core business principles as other majors in the College, but also integrates business and economics courses in such a way that students can analyze business problems with the insight that the economics discipline offers. This program leads to a B.B.A. or B.S. degree with the B.B.A. option available in person and online. Both undergraduate degree programs require a minimum of 120 credits. Students must complete a minimum of 45 credits at the upper-division (3000 and 4000) level. The department also offers several Economics minors.

The department also offers an Honors Program in Economics that provides undergraduate students the opportunity to achieve academic excellence beyond the level of standard coursework.

A combined degree program - Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Science with major in Economics to Master of Science with major in Economics - is available for students interested in pursuing graduate work in Economics.

For students pursuing graduate study, the department offers a Master of Science in Teaching and a Master of Science with Major in Economics with three two concentrations available: International Economics, Econometrics and Data Analytics and Financial Economics. (Changes effective spring 2025.)

Economics Graduate Study Prerequisites
Economics majors interested in a graduate degree in Economics should include the following courses as part of their undergraduate degree program.

Mathematical Modeling in a Connected World ECO 4401 3
Introduction to Econometric Methods ECO 4421 3
Calculus with Analytic Geometry 1 MAC 2311 4
Calculus with Analytic Geometry 2 MAC 2312 4
Matrix Theory MAS 2103 3


Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Business Economics Concentration

(Minimum of 120 credits required)

Link to Master's Programs /Link to Minors

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

General Economics
(Liberal Arts Foundation)

General Economics combines the requirements of the Economics major with cognate work in the social sciences and electives. The following courses are required. (Change effective spring 2025.)

Admission Policy

  1. Pass the following pre-major courses, ECO 2013, ECO 2023 and MAC 2233, with grades of "C" or better. For pre-Economics admissions GPA calculation, only the highest grade of multiple attempts is used.
    Note: Students who have attempted any of the pre-Economics admissions courses more than three times, including withdrawals (“W”), cannot be admitted.
  2. Earn a minimum of 51 credits in addition to the 9 credits noted above for the pre-major courses.
  3. Complete the foreign language entry (FLENT) requirements.

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework
These are previously listed under the heading
Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading Pre-Business Foundation Coursework in this section.

Economics Course Requirements (Changes effective spring 2025.)
The program requires 30 27 credits of economics courses (beyond Microeconomic Principles and Macroeconomic Principles). All economics courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. The following are required.

Five Four courses in Economic Foundations
Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 3101 3
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 3203 3
Introduction to Econometric Methods ECO 4421 3
Analysis of Economic Data ECO 4430 3
Economic Policy Analysis ECO 4933 3
Five additional economics courses
(3 credits each at the 3000 level or above)

Social Science Cognates

Students must complete 12 credits of work in the social sciences. The departments that comprise the social sciences are Anthropology, Geosciences, History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. The following courses are suggested as two of the courses required; however, students may choose any course from the social sciences.

International Political Economy INR 3702 3
Government and the Economy PUP 4710 3

Free Electives or Foreign Language

Students are required to complete an additional 30 21 credits that may be taken in any department. Care should be exercised to meet the minimum requirement of 45 credits at the upper-division level (3000 and 4000). Additionally, elective credit may be utilized to meet the foreign language graduation requirement of two semesters of the same college-level language (8 credits) or equivalent competency.

Business Economics Concentration
(College of Business Foundation)

In addition to the University and College of Business degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, Business Economics concentration students must complete the major requirements below.

Business Economics Course Requirements
The program requires 21 credits of economics courses (beyond Microeconomic Principles and Macroeconomic Principles). All economics courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. The following are required.

Four courses in Economic Foundations
Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 3101 3
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 3203 3
Introduction to Econometric Methods ECO 4421 3
Economic Policy Analysis ECO 4933 3
Three additional economics courses
(3 credits each at the 3000 level or above)


Undergraduate Minor for Non-Business Majors

(Minimum of 15 credits required)

A minor in Economics shall consist of a minimum of 15 credits in upper-division economics courses. The following courses are required, all with a grade of "C" or better.

Core Courses
Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 3101 3
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 3203 3
Three economics courses
(3 credits each at the 3000 level or above)

A minimum of 12 of the 15 credits must be earned from FAU, including the core courses.

International Economics
Undergraduate Minor for Non-Business Majors

(Minimum of 15 credits required)

A minor in International Economics shall consist of a minimum of 15 credits in upper-division economics courses. The following courses are required, all with a grade of "C" or better.

Core Courses
Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 3101 3
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 3203 3
International Economics Courses
International Trade ECO 4704 3
International Monetary Economics ECO 4713 3
International Economic Development ECS 3013 3

A minimum of 12 of the 15 credits must be earned from FAU, including the core courses.

Undergraduate Minor for Business Majors

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

The Economics minor is designed for non-Economics Business majors requiring the Business Core courses. Because part of its requirements include successful completion of the Business Core classes, the minor is usually not practical for Health Administration majors.

The Economics minor requires three upper-division economics courses (3000 level or above  with a grade of "C" or better. 

A maximum of 3 credits used for the Economics minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. A minimum of 6 credits must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a College of Business degree program.


Undergraduate Minor for Secondary Social Science Education Majors

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

This minor consists of 12 credits. The following courses are required, all with a grade of "C" or better.

Core Course (choose one)
Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 3101 3
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 3203 3
Upper-Division Economics Courses (choose three)
ECO, ECS, ECP upper-division courses at 3 credits each 9

A minimum of 9 of the 12 credits must be earned from FAU, including the core courses.

Honors Program in Economics

The Honors Program in Economics provides FAU undergraduate students the opportunity to achieve academic excellence beyond the level of standard coursework by completing honors level enrichment in Economics. Students interested in pursuing an Honors designation in Economics are required to meet the eligibility and admission requirements noted below. Each student’s Honors program of study includes 12 credits in Honors coursework in upper level Economics courses.

Undergraduate students who successfully fulfill all requirements below and have a final cumulative GPA of 3.25 or greater at the time of degree conferral will receive a designation of Honors in the Major on their transcript. The transcript designations is Honors in Economics: [Honors Capstone Research]

Eligibility Requirements
Eligible students have:

  1. Completed Microeconomics and Macroeconomics principles (ECO 2023 and ECO 2013), Methods of Calculus (MAC 2233), and Introductory Statistics (STA 2023) with a minimum cumulative GPA in those courses of 3.5;
  2. Attained a cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.25 overall;
  3. Submitted a formal application after completion of 30 credits no later than three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester for which students seek to enroll in the Honors Program in Economics. Most students will apply for the program after completing their sophomore year.

Admissions Requirements

  1. Application form;
  2. Unofficial transcript;
  3. Resume;
  4. Personal statement;
  5. A letter of support by a member of the Economics department faculty (a Principles instructor). The director will schedule a brief interview before enrolling students into the honors program.

Standards for Maintaining Active Status
Students must:

  1. Maintain good academic and ethical standing;
  2. Maintain cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.25 overall;
  3. Maintain cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.5 in all four honors courses.

If any of the above standards for maintaining eligibility in the program are not met, students will be advised accordingly on how to undertake remedial actions. Students will be required to bring their GPA up to the required 3.5 by the end of the program. If students are not able to bring their GPA in the four courses back up to a 3.5 or their cumulative GPA falls below 3.25, they will be removed from the honors program, but credits will still apply toward their undergraduate degree in economics.

Students will not be allowed to continue in the Honors Program in Economics for Violation of the Code of Academic Integrity or any grade of less than B in an Honors course.

Honors Program Curriculum
The Honors Program in Economics consists of four courses (Students who have already taken any of the core courses in the honors program as a non- honors course [Intermediate micro, Intermediate macro or Econometrics] are ineligible for the program. The four courses are: an Honors section of Intermediate Microeconomics, an Honors section of Intermediate Macroeconomics, an Honors section of Introduction to Econometrics, and a senior capstone Honors research course called Honors Senior Seminar in Economics. Students will take Honors Intermediate Microeconomics in the fall semester of their junior year, followed by Honors Intermediate Macroeconomics and Honors Applied Econometrics in the spring semester of their junior year. In the fall of their senior year they will take the capstone undergraduate research course.

Honors Level Enrichment
Honors level enrichment will be provided in the form of extensive mentoring in practical research by departmental faculty or approved departmental affiliated faculty culminating in production of a research project. Honors students will meet regularly with a faculty mentor and a mentor from our Advisory Board. Honors students will be invited to all faculty seminars and workshops. Students will have a total of two years to complete all requirements for the honors program, after which they will have to meet with the director to discuss their progress.

Honors Capstone Research Outcomes
The anticipated outcomes for students in this Honors program include:

  1. Production of a high-quality report for an external agency or internal use, a research grant application, conference paper or a journal article;
  2. Dissemination of research results via a presentation or a poster at a local, regional, national or international research conference/ symposium;
  3. If the requirements are not met, the student will receive a grade for the course that will count toward her/his degree in Economics but will not receive the Honors Designation;
  4. Students will be encouraged to seek opportunities for publication/ presentation such as participation in the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Distinction through Discovery competitions, FAU Undergraduate Research Journal, and National Collegiate Honors Society conference, among others;
  5. All Honors students must complete the Honors Senior Seminar course, which will involve individual supervised research. Students complete a research paper on a topic of their choosing.  At the end of the semester the Honors students will present their research to the class, members of the faculty and other guests and submit the paper to a journal for consideration for publication.

Combined Program

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or bachelor of science (b.s.) to master of science (m.s.)
combined program

The department offers a combined Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics or Bachelor of Science in Economics to Master of Science in Economics degree program. Students in this combined program may count up to 9 credits of approved graduate coursework (5000 level or higher) toward both their bachelor's degree and master’s degree.

  1. The student has met the minimum 120 credits for the bachelor’s degree; and
  2. The student has taken a minimum of 30 credits in 5000 level or higher courses for the master’s

With the approximate duration of five years, this combined program provides attractive ways for students to continue their graduate work. Students will complete and graduate from their bachelor degree first, and then continue coursework to finish their master's degree program.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the pre-requisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Admission Requirements
The GRE/GMAT requirement is waived for this program. To be eligible for the combined program, the baccalaureate student in Economics should:

  1. Have a cumulative FAU GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year. Note that the cumulative FAU GPA of at least 3.25 must be maintained until the completion of the bachelor’s degree in Economics.
  2. Formally apply to the combined program, completing the admissions process at least one semester prior to the beginning of the master’s degree portion of their program.

Once admitted to the program, students begin taking graduate courses (5000/6000 level courses) in their senior year that would apply to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Students in the combined program must maintain continuous enrollment, in full-time status, during their bachelor’s degree to remain in the combined program. Once students are admitted to the master’s degree program, they must maintain continuous enrollment to remain in good standing. Students must also meet all of the degree requirements of the graduate program.

Degree Requirements
To be eligible for the combined B.B.A. or B.S. in Economics to M.S. in Economics Degree Program, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of the requirements for the B.B.A. or B.S. in Economics, and other requirements stipulated by the University or College.
  2. Completion of all requirements for the M.S. in Economics.

Credits Counted toward Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
The following undergraduate course requirements may be replaced with the shown graduate-level courses (up to a total of 9 credits). These graduate credits count toward both the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree.

Undergraduate Course Requirements Graduate Course Substitution (Choose among the following courses)
Upper Division Economics Elective (3 credits) Advanced Microeconomics, ECO 6115
Advanced Macroeconomics Fluctuations, ECO 6206 (effective summer 2025)
Advanced Monetary Economics, ECO 6216
Advanced Mathematical Economics, ECO 6403
Advanced Game Theory and Applications, ECO 6409
Advanced Econometrics, ECO 6426
Advanced International Trade, ECO 6706
Advanced Economic Growth and International Development, ECO 6709
(effective summer 2025)
Advanced International Monetary Economics, ECO 6716
Upper Division Economics Elective (3 credits)
Upper Division Economics Elective (3 credits) or Upper Division Business Elective (3 credits)


Master's Programs

Master of Science (M.S.)

Econometrics and Data Analytics Concentration
Financial Economics Concentration
International Economics Concentration (Changes effective spring 2025.) 

Modern businesses require leaders who understand economics and analyze economic data to make informed decisions. The Master of Science in Economics degree program equips students with a solid foundation in microeconomic and macroeconomic theory. Students gain advanced skills in econometrics and data analytics, while also learning how to engage in economic analysis across various industries. The program prepares students for careers in business, government and think tanks while also business and providing a strong foundation for further academic pursuits at the doctoral level basis for Ph.D. study. The program is designed to permit properly prepared full-time students to complete the requirements in one year. Many of the courses are offered in the late afternoon or evening.

Admission Requirements
Unconditional Acceptance: Unconditional or full acceptance into the master's program is granted to applicants who have earned:

  1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 (or equivalent) credits of college coursework leading toward a bachelor's degree. Post-baccalaureate coursework from an AACSB-accredited business school not included in an advanced degree may be included in the calculation.
  3. Submit an official, competitive score on a GMAT or GRE taken within five years. A score of at least 1000 (combined quantitative and verbal) or 150 Verbal, 150 Quantitative and 4.0 Analytical Writing on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or a score of at least 500 on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). When evaluating GMAT/GRE scores, the admissions committee looks for a balance between verbal, quantitative and analytical writing strengths. All three components of the GMAT/GRE are required.

Conditional Admission: Conditional admission may be given to applicants who fall just short of the requirements. Persons who receive conditional admission have only one academic year in which to meet the specific conditions established by the Director of Master's Programs in Economics. By the end of that year, the director notifies the Graduate College of the final action to be taken, either unconditionally accepting or dropping the student from the master's program.

Degree Requirements
The Master of Science in Economics Program (minimum of 30 credits) offers the General Economics program and two three concentrations: (1) Econometrics and Data Analytics and (2) Financial Economics International Economics, Financial Economics and Econometrics and Data Analytics. The General Economics major offers the tools for in-depth analysis of economics. The International Economics concentration gears the economics program to an international dimension of business in an environment of globalization. The Econometrics and Data Analytics concentration satisfies the growing demand by employers for working professionals with skills in economics and data analytics, including offering experience with time series and panel data, business analytics, Big Data Analytics and Blockchain. The Financial Economics concentration aims to blend the core of economics with the essence of finance in such a way that students take full advantage of the integration of the two disciplines. All economic fields lead to a Master of Science degree with major in Economics. The general program and two three concentrations have a common core of economics courses, with the remaining requirements tailored to each area. M.B.A. Foundation courses (ACG 6027, ECO 6008, FIN 6406 and MAR 6055) may be required as prerequisites for desired graduate electives but cannot count for graduate credit.

Core of Economics Courses (21 12 credits)
Advanced Microeconomics ECO 6115 3
Advanced Macroeconomic Fluctuations ECO 6206 3
Advanced Mathematical Economics ECO 6403 3
Advanced Game Theory and Applications ECO 6409 3
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Advanced Econometrics ECO 6426* 3
Advanced Economic Growth and Development ECO 6709 3

* ECO 4422 cannot substitute for ECO 6426.

The core classes are taken by all Economics students. Additional requirements for the General Economics program and two three concentrations are as follows:

General Economics
Completion of the core classes above and the following:

Two Field Courses in Economics (6 credits)
Advanced Monetary Economics ECO 6216 3
Advanced Game Theory and Applications ECO 6409 3
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Advanced Panel Data Analysis ECO 6427 3
Advanced International Trade ECO 6706 3
Advanced International Development ECO 6709 3
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
International Economics Field Experience ECO 6958 3

One Two Graduate Elective Course s in Business (3 6 credits):

  1. Students may take any 6000-level ECO course not used to satisfy one of the previously mentioned requirements; or Students with no background in business must take FIN 6406 before taking any other finance course. Foundation courses such as FIN 6406 do not count as graduate credit.
  2. Students may take any course from the following list. Students with prior training in business may select two courses from the approved lists for Financial Economics or International Economics.
Seminar in Financial Markets FIN 6246 3
Financial Management: Investment Decisions and Policy
(no longer offered effective summer 2025)
FIN 6436* 3
Seminar in Investment Management FIN 6515* 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537* 3
Multinational Business Finance FIN 6605* 3
Theory of Financial Management FIN 6804* 3
Seminar in Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806* 3
Data Mining and Predictive Analysis ISM 6136 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
Business Innovation and Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation ISM 6455 3
International Business Operations MAN 6614 3
Global Business Strategy MAN 6721 3
Managing Effectively in Emerging Market Economies MAN 6728 3
Global Environment of Management MAN 6937 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303 3


Master's Thesis or Graduate Economic Electives (6 credits):
Students may elect to write a master's thesis for 6 credits or take 6 additional credits of Economics courses. One course may be taken at the 5000 level.

International Economics Concentration
Completion of the core classes above and the following.

Two Field Courses in Economics (6 credits)
Advanced International Trade ECO 6706 3
Advanced International Development ECO 6709 3
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
International Economics Field Experience ECO 6958 3
Two Graduate Courses in Business (6 credits)
Multinational Finance FIN 6605* 3
International Business Operations MAN 6614 3
Global Business Strategy MAN 6721 3
Emerging Market Economies MAN 6728 3
Global Environment of Management MAN 6937 3

* Students selecting FIN 6246, FIN 6436, FIN 6515, FIN 6537, FIN 6605, FIN 6804 or FIN 6806  must complete FIN 6406, or its equivalent, as a prerequisite that cannot count for graduate credit.
(Course no longer offered effective summer 2025.)

Master's Thesis or Graduate Electives in Economics or International Business (6 credits):
Students may elect to write a master's thesis for 6 credits or take 6 additional credits in economics and/or international business. One course, if an economics course, may be taken at the 5000 level.

Econometrics and Data Analytics Concentration
Completion of the core classes above and the following:

Two Three Field Courses (6 9 credits)
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Advanced Panel Data Analysis ECO 6427* 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
One Elective Graduate Course in Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) (3 credits)
Data Mining and Predictive Analysis ISM 6136 3
Business Innovation and Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation ISM 6455 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303 3
Additional course from Field Courses above ECO/ ISM 3

* Students must select ECO 6427.

Financial Economics Concentration

Completion of the core classes above and the following:

Two Field Courses in Economics (6 credits)
Advanced Monetary Economics ECO 6216 3
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
International Economics Field Experience ECO 6958 3
One Two Elective Graduate Courses in Finance (3 6 credits)
Financial Management FIN 6406* 3
* This course or its equivalent must be completed before any other finance course and cannot be counted for graduate credit. Students with prior training in finance may choose two courses from the following:
Seminar in Financial Markets FIN 6246* 3
Financial Management: Investment Decisions and Policy
(no longer offered effective summer 2025)
FIN 6436* 3
Seminar in Investment Management FIN 6515* 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537* 3
Multinational Business Finance FIN 6605* 3
Theory of Financial Management FIN 6804* 3
Seminar in Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806* 3

* Students selecting FIN 6246, FIN 6436, FIN 6515, FIN 6537, FIN 6605, FIN 6804 or FIN 6806  must complete FIN 6406, or its equivalent, as a prerequisite that cannot count for graduate credit.
(Course no longer offered effective summer 2025.)

Master's Thesis or Two Graduate Courses in Economics or Finance (6 credits):
Students may elect to write a master's thesis for 6 credits or take 6 additional credits in economics and/or finance. One course, if an economics course, may be taken at the 5000 level.

The Master's Thesis
Students electing to write a master's thesis may select the thesis topic and thesis committee. The thesis is written under supervision of this committee, composed of a thesis director and at least two other faculty members. One member of the committee must be from outside the department.

Econometrics and Data Analytics Concentration
Completion of the core classes above and the following:

Three Field Courses (9 credits)
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Panel Data ECO 6427 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
One Graduate Course in Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) (3 credits)
Data Mining and Predictive Analysis ISM 6136 3
Business Innovation and Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation ISM 6455 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303 3
Additional course from Field Courses above ECO/ISM 3

Master's Thesis or Two Graduate Courses in Econometrics or ITOM (6 credits):

Students may elect to write a master's thesis for 6 credits, take 6 additional credits in economics (ECO 6000 level or higher), or take 3 additional credits in economics (ECO 6000 level or higher) and 3 additional credits from the list of ITOM courses above.

The Master's Thesis
Students electing to write a master's thesis may select the thesis topic and thesis committee. The thesis is written under supervision of this committee, composed of a thesis director and at least two other faculty members. One member of the committee must be from outside the department.

Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.)

Economics offers a Master of Science in Teaching. The following option is for students who hold State of Florida certification in secondary social studies teaching. A minimum of 30 credits is required as follows:

  1. Eighteen credits of required courses in the Master of Science in Economics program;
  2. Six credits in College of Education courses;
  3. Six credits of directed research in economics (a final comprehensive paper with modified thesis format is required).


Pennathur, A., Chair; Agapova, A.; Castater, N.; Cheng, P.; Cole, R.; Cumming, D., DeSantis Distinguished Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship; Dubois, P.; Garcia-Feijoo, L.; Giannetti, A.; Gropper, D.; Javakhadze, D.; Johan, S.; Johnson, K.; Knight, R.; Pomeranets, A.; Yang, C.

The Department of Finance is committed to providing quality instruction. Its objective is to prepare students for careers in finance and other industries. The department considers as an integral part of its mission the production of scholarly research and involvement of its faculty in providing service to the College, the University and the community.

Undergraduate Finance programs include a Bachelor of Science (B.S.), a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) and an online B.B.A. Minors in Finance, FinTech (Financial Technology), Investment Management and Real Estate are offered as well as FinTech (Financial Technology) undergraduate and graduate certificates, an Investment Management undergraduate certificate and Risk Management undergraduate and graduate certificates. The department also offers an executive Master of Science (M.S.) in Finance while the traditional Master of Science in Finance is on hiatus and currently not accepting students.

Link to Master's Programs

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

The Finance Department provides high-quality instruction in the various areas of finance so that students understand the finance functions of a business enterprise. To this end, the department offers courses in corporate finance, investments, financial markets and institutions, international finance, banking, risk management/enterprise risk management and personal finance.

Along with the University and College of Business degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, Finance program students must complete the requirements below.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading Pre-Business Foundation Coursework in this section.

Business Core Requirements
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading College of Business Core in this section.

Finance Major (21 credits)
The program requires 21 credits of upper-level finance courses, beyond FIN 3403, as outlined below. A grade of "C" or better is required in all major courses. 

Finance Major Required Courses
Financial Institutions FIN 4303 3
Advanced Managerial Finance FIN 4424 3
Investment Analysis FIN 4504 3
Choose four Finance major electives. The electives are to be selected to align with career paths of interest; for example, investment management, corporate finance, investment banking, commercial banking, Fintech, real estate or risk management and insurance.
Crowdfunding ENT 4512 3
Financial Management of Institutions (no longer offered effective summer 2025) FIN 4313 3
Cases in Financial Management FIN 4422 3
Financial Derivatives FIN 4533 3
Student-Managed Investment Fund FIN 4560 3
International Finance FIN 4604 3
Global Capital Markets FIN 4633 3
Special Topics FIN 4934 3
Finance Internship FIN 4940 3
Principles of Real Estate REE 3043 3
Real Estate Finance REE 4204 3
Real Estate Investment REE 4303 3
Risk Management and Insurance RMI 3011 3
Insurance and Financial Planning RMI 4116 3
Corporate Risk Management RMI 4353 3
Risk Management and Insurance Internship RMI 4940 3

Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

The Finance minor is designed for non-Finance Business majors requiring the Business Core courses. Since part of the requirements include successful completion of the Business Core classes, the minor is usually not practical for General Economics or Health Administration majors. The Finance minor requires the following courses with a grade of "C" or better:

Required Courses
Financial Institutions FIN 4303 3
Investment Analysis FIN 4504 3
One of the following courses
Advanced Managerial Finance FIN 4424 3
Cases in Financial Management FIN 4422 3

A maximum of 3 credits used for the Finance minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor.
A minimum of 6 credits must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a College of Business degree program.

FinTech (Financial Technology)
Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

Link to FinTech Graduate Certificate

The FinTech minor and certificate are offered jointly by the Department of Finance and the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM). These programs enhance the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to business, finance and information technologies. Students acquire knowledge and skills in online and digital business and digital finance, as well as in developing, analyzing and enhancing a company’s ability to access capital through financial technologies. Also, students acquire knowledge and skills pertinent to the use of financial technology in trading. Professions and majors benefiting from the minor and certificate include finance, information technology, management information systems and others.

The minor is available to all undergraduate degree-seeking students and may be earned upon successful completion of the coursework below and the simultaneous completion of a bachelor's degree at FAU. For non-Business majors, waiver of prerequisites may be made on a case-by-case basis. For Business majors, a maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. For exceptions, a petition should be submitted to the Finance Department chair or the ITOM Department chair.

The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree students and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Business Office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework below.

Students cannot obtain both a certificate and a minor. Both programs require 12 credits each, with minimum grades of "C" required in all courses for the minor and certificate. For the minor, at least 9 of the 12 credits must be earned from FAU.

Finance Course
Crowdfunding ENT 4512 3
Finance Courses - Select one of the following
Financial Institutions FIN 4303 3
Financial Derivatives FIN 4533 3
Information Technology and Operations Management Courses
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation for Business ISM 4421 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Business Implications  ISM 4451 3


Investment Management
Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Certificate 

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Investment Management minor is available to all undergraduate degree-seeking students and may be earned upon successful completion of the coursework below and the simultaneous completion of a bachelor's degree at FAU. For non-Business majors, waiver of prerequisites will be made on a case-by-case basis. For Business majors, a maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. For exceptions, a petition should be submitted to the Finance Department chair.

The Investment Management certificate is available to degree-seeking and non-degree students. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Business Office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework below.

Students cannot obtain both a certificate and a minor. Both programs require 12 credits each, with minimum grades of "C" required in all courses for the minor and certificate. For the minor, at least 9 of the 12 credits must be earned from FAU. The certificate requires the following four FAU courses.

Required Courses (12 credits)    
Principles of Financial Management FIN 3403 3
Investment Analysis FIN 4504 3
Financial Derivatives FIN 4533 3
Student-Managed Investment Fund (SMF) FIN 4560 3


Real Estate
Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

The Real Estate minor is designed for non-Real Estate Business majors requiring the Business Core courses. Because part of the requirements include successful completion of the Business Core classes, the minor is usually not practical for General Economics or Health Administration majors. The Real Estate minor requires the following three courses with a grade of "C" or better:

Required Courses (9 credits)
Principles of Real Estate REE 3043 3
Real Estate Finance REE 4204 3
Real Estate Investment REE 4303 3

A maximum of 3 credits used for the Real Estate minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. A minimum of 6 credits must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a College of Business degree program.

Risk Management and Insurance
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

Link to Graduate Certificate

The Risk Management and Insurance certificate provides students with an overall background in risk management and insurance. The certificate requires the following three courses with a grade of "C" or better .

Required Courses (9 credits)
Risk Management and Insurance RMI 3011 3
Insurance and Financial Planning
RMI 4116 3
Corporate Risk Management RMI 4353 3


Master's Programs

Master of Science (M.S.)
Executive Program

This 16-month executive program is specially designed to allow participants to continue their professional responsibilities while earning an AACSB-accredited M.S. degree with major in Finance. Each class begins and progresses through the program as a group, sharing the same sequence of classes and educational experiences. The program requires 30 credits with courses offered on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the Boca Raton campus.

Admission Requirements
The College of Business seeks a diverse, highly qualified group of graduate students. Applications are evaluated on several factors emphasizing prior academic performance, GMAT or GRE scores, work experience and the potential for scholarly and professional success. 

  1. Bachelor’s degree in any discipline; no business prerequisites are required;
  2. GPA approximately 3.0 or higher over the last 60 undergraduate credits;
  3. Four years of non-industry-specific professional work experience;
  4. GMAT/GRE (see waiver information below)

GMAT/GRE Waiver Information
The GMAT or GRE will be waived if the applicant meets one of the following conditions:

  1. Undergraduate degree in any discipline with an upper division GPA of at least 3.0 AND an advanced degree (masters, doctoral, professional) with at least a 3.0 GPA;
  2. Undergraduate degree in business with an upper division GPA of at least 3.0 AND at least four years in a finance affiliated industry such as banking, investment, accounting, insurance, etc.;
  3. Undergraduate degree in Finance, Economics or Accounting from FAU AND upper division GPA is at least 3.0;
  4. Undergraduate degree in Finance, Economics or Accounting from an AACSB-accredited School of Business with an upper division GPA of 3.5 or higher;
  5. Undergraduate degree in mathematics from a SACS-accredited university with an upper division GPA of 3.5 or higher.

If it is determined by the Admissions Committee that the GMAT or GRE is required, the minimum score requirement is: GMAT: 500; GRE: (Verbal) 150; (Quantitative) 150; (Analytical Writing) 4.

International students who obtained a degree from a U.S. education institution prior to applying to the M.S. program will not need to take the English proficiency test.

Students making "B" grades or better in FAU's Executive Education's Financial Analyst Program (FAP) will receive credit for two courses upon admission to the program. The likely courses to be waived are FIN 6804, Theory of Financial Management, and FIN 6605, Multinational Finance.

Conditional admission may be available under extraordinary circumstances to applicants who have received a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, but who fall short of the GPA and/or the GMAT requirement or who show high promise. In these cases, the M.S. in Finance admissions committee will review all evidence of high promise, including but not limited to: grade trends, mature work experience, work accomplishment and promotion, type and rigor of undergraduate degree program, references and letters of recommendation and evidence of having attained some "A" grades in rigorous courses.

After the first year in the M.S. in Finance Executive program, the admissions committee will review each student receiving conditional admission and will recommend either full admission to or dismissal from the program.

Executive Program Format
The program consists of 30 credits. Courses are every Monday and Wednesday evening on the Boca Raton campus from 6:15 p.m. to 10 p.m., with breaks between semesters. The pace and intensity of the program are balanced to provide students with optimal opportunities to assimilate knowledge.

A variety of learning methods are employed throughout the program. Case studies, computer simulations of challenging, competitive business situations, problem-solving discussions, team presentations, individual study, lectures, visual presentations, guest speakers and assigned readings are regularly used. Students also complete research and analytical studies to develop strategic thinking abilities. On-site M.S. in Finance Executive programs are available to local sponsoring organizations.

Students start the M.S. in Finance Executive program with a boot camp. The boot camp is designed to give students a refresher in quantitative methods, finance, accounting, and economics and covers material from FIN 6406, ACG 6027 and ECP 6705. The boot camp is required and included in tuition fees at no additional cost. A passing grade is required for boot camp courses and is assessed toward the student's overall GPA. Students then take the courses below in order.

Boot Camp with Final Exam    
Financial Statement Analysis ACG 6175 3
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals GEB 6217 3
Theory of Financial Management FIN 6804 3
Financial Markets
FIN 6246 3
Security Analysis FIN 6517 3
Quantitative Methods in Finance FIN 6456 3
Financial Modeling FIN 6455 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537 3
Multinational Finance FIN 6605 3
Portfolio Management FIN 6525 3

Content, coursework and fees may vary as determined by the administration. Florida Atlantic University reserves the right to change curriculum, sequence, program fees and other program requirements as necessary.

Academic Standing, Policies, Graduation
The M.S. in Finance Executive program follows the same policies regarding academic standing and graduation used in the College of Business and the same grading standards of the University. Student continuation in the M.S. in Finance Executive program requires satisfactory progress toward the graduate degree. Evidence of such progress includes maintenance of a cumulative 3.0 grade point average (GPA). Graduation will be prohibited if the final cumulative GPA is less than 3.0 upon completion of the total program curriculum.

Graduate students with GPAs less than 3.0 will be required to complete an academic progression plan (APP). The APP is a contractual agreement that outlines particular courses and grades to reestablish good academic standing. APPs should generally outline a path (usually not more than two semesters) to reestablish a 3.0 GPA. Students that are placed on an academic progression plan and are not making progress towards their academic goals set forth by the APP may be recommended for dismissal from the program. The College may enact registration holds to prohibit a student's future enrollment until the APP is finalized. Students who do not fulfill the obligations established in the APP are recommended for dismissal to the Dean of the Graduate College.

Program Fees
The M.S. in Finance Executive program is a full-service, all-inclusive program. The program fees cover all program costs, including tuition, textbooks, course materials, snacks and graduation activities. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit See the Finance website for more information.

Application Process and More Information
To apply to or receive more information about the M.S. in Finance Executive program, see the website or call 561-297-6000.


Master of Science (M.S.)

This program is on hiatus and currently not accepting students.

The design focus of this master's degree is to extend the educational opportunities for business baccalaureate degree holders who wish to further their knowledge in the specialty of finance. The degree emphasizes finance and directly supportive fields rather than offering a broad view of business functional areas as offered in an M.B.A. degree.

Admission Requirements
The College of Business seeks a diverse, highly qualified group of graduate students. Applications are evaluated on several factors emphasizing prior academic performance, GMAT or GRE scores and the potential for scholarly and professional success. In addition to other requirements for admission to the Graduate College at FAU, to be considered for these master's programs in the College of Business, applicants must:

  1. Have earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university or the international equivalent.
  2. Have a strong grade point average on all previous college work, though emphasis will be on the last 60 credits earned.
  3. Submit a one-to-two page essay describing both the applicant's background and objectives for undertaking graduate study.
  4. Submit an official, competitive score on a GMAT or GRE exam taken within five years. When evaluating test scores, the admissions committee looks for a balance between verbal, quantitative and analytical writing strengths. All three components are required.
  5. International applicants whose native language is not English must have a TOEFL score of at least 600 (paper), 250 (computer) or 100 (Internet).
  6. Have all materials for the application complete and filed with FAU prior to the deadlines. Deadlines for domestic admission: July 1 for fall, November 1 for spring and April 1 for summer. Deadlines for international admission: February 15 for fall, July 15 for spring and January 15 for summer.

Supplemental information that may be provided to highlight characteristics not evident in the required admissions materials includes:

  1. A one-page résumé.
  2. Letter(s) of recommendation from employers, faculty members or others who can attest to scholarly ability and/or agency.
  3. A writing sample demonstrating analytical and explanatory skills.

Degree Requirements
To qualify for this M.S. degree, each candidate must:

  1. Meet all general requirements of the University for a master's degree and complete the program within five years of first enrollment in a finance course.
  2. Complete or receive credit for a minimum of 9 credits of foundation courses. No grade lower than "C" will be accepted. Required foundation courses will be determined by the Office of Graduate Student Programs. Students will be notified of these and other requirements on admission.
  3. Complete 30 credits of required and elective courses with a GPA of 3.0 or better. Any grade below "C" is considered a failure and the course must be retaken.
  4. Complete all requirements of GEB 6215.
  5. Transfer credits, credit duplication, academic standing, financial assistance, career placement assistance and graduation are subject to the policies, procedures, rules and guidelines as stated in the M.B.A. section of this catalog.

Program Components
The degree program includes 30 graduate credits. Candidates who do not hold business baccalaureate degrees enroll in 9 additional credits of preparatory courses. All candidates must successfully complete three required finance courses, two required accounting courses, one required economics course and one required Graduate Communications course. Each candidate must successfully complete three elective courses in finance.

Foundation Component and Courses
The Foundation Component introduces the broad field of business administration and the fundamental quantitative techniques used in business analysis.

Courses in the Foundation Component
Financial Accounting Concepts ACG 6027 3
Seminar in Modern Economic Concepts and Theories ECO 6008 3
Financial Management FIN 6406 3

The exact number of credits required for each student will depend upon the previous academic record. More information may be obtained from the Office of Master's Programs in Business.

Fundamental knowledge of college algebra, calculus, statistics and software is assumed. It is recommended that all candidates evaluate their skills in those areas prior to application.

Successful performance in graduate-level coursework will require proficiency in the use of a personal computer to employ word processing, spreadsheet and database software.

No foundation course may be used to satisfy core or elective requirements for any program.

Graduate Business Communication Program
Written and verbal communication skills are integrated components of the Master of Science with Major in Finance. Students will demonstrate communication proficiency appropriate to both the academic and professional environments. Students will demonstrate their written and verbal communication skills as they complete the Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up course (GEB 6215) that includes:

  1. The class itself;
  2. The evaluation of integrated course papers;
  3. The evaluation of integrated course presentations.

Master's students in Finance must register for GEB 6215 in the first semester of taking core or elective courses. GEB 6215 must be taken prior to or concurrent with ACG 6137 and FIN 6806. Students who are exempt from either or both classes need to notify their GEB 6215 instructor so an alternative course or courses can be selected. Students must complete GEB 6215 within one active semester of taking ACG 6137 and FIN 6806 or the agreed upon alternative course(s).

Students will receive a grade of incomplete ("I") in GEB 6215 until they have completed all the communication requirements. Students who do not advance toward completing their communication requirements will receive an unsatisfactory ("U") grade and must re-register for the course. Students who receive a "U" and do not re-register for GEB 6215 in the next active semester will be administratively dropped from their classes.

Applications for degree will not be accepted unless the communication certification requirements have been completed.

Core Component
Financial Reporting and Accounting Concepts ACG 6137* 3
Financial Statement Analysis ACG 6175 3
Advanced Mathematical Economics ECO 6403 3
Financial Markets FIN 6246 3
Investment Management FIN 6515 3
Seminar in Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806* 3
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up GEB 6215* 3
Core Total 21
Electives 9
Degree Total 30
* Students must take GEB 6215 before or at the same time as they take ACG 6137 and FIN 6806.
Program Electives
Students must select 9 credits from the following list
Financial Management of Financial Institutions
(no longer offered effective summer 2025)
FIN 6314 3
Financial Management: Investment Decisions and Policy
(no longer offered effective summer 2025)
FIN 6436 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537 3
Multinational Finance FIN 6605 3
Theory of Financial Management FIN 6804 3

Students who have successfully completed graduate or undergraduate courses that are equivalent to M.S. in Finance core courses will be required to complete substitute elective courses in the subject area. Example: If a student has completed Intermediate Accounting at the undergraduate or graduate level, then a substitute elective in accounting is required to replace ACG 6137.

Time Limit
Candidates for the M.S. in Finance degree must complete all work within a consecutive five-year period after initial admission into the graduate program.

FinTech (Financial Technology)
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The FinTech graduate certificate is offered jointly by the Department of Finance and the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management. This program enhances the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to business, finance and information technologies. Students acquire knowledge and skills in online and digital business and digital finance, as well as in developing, analyzing and enhancing a company’s ability to access capital through financial technologies. Also, students acquire knowledge and skills pertinent to the use of financial technology in trading. Professions and majors benefiting from the certificate include finance, information technology, management information systems and others.

The FinTech graduate certificate will be granted to a student who completes four courses as indicated in the list below.

Open to students and professionals who have, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree in business or in
a related field and a GPA of at least 3.0. Students must satisfy the prerequisites for each course in the program. The four courses (12 credits) must be completed with a GPA of 3.0 or better. All course materials are in English; international students must demonstrate proficiency in English to enter the program.

Finance Course
Special Topics (such as Crowdfunding) FIN 6936 3
Finance Courses - Select one of the following
Financial Markets FIN 6246 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537 3
Information Technology and Operations Management Courses
Business Innovation with Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation  ISM 6455 3

Risk Management

Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Risk Management certificate, available to all College of Business students, enhances the qualifications of students pursuing careers in all industries.

The certificate is available to degree-seeking students and is awarded upon successful completion of the coursework below and the simultaneous successful completion of a master's degree in the College of Business. The certificate will be posted on the student's transcript upon successful completion of the coursework below.

The program requires 12 credits, with minimum grades of "C" required in all courses for the certificate.

Required Courses (12 credits)
Risk Management and Insurance
RMI 6016 3
Insurance and Financial Planning RMI 6118 3
Corporate Risk Management RMI 6356 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537 3


Information Technology and Operations Management

Dinev, T., Chair; Basiratmand, M., Director of Innovation and Programs; Babbar, S.; Baghersad, M; Behara, R.; Bishop, D.; Carnovale, J.; Carnovale, S., Program Director for Supply Chain Management Graduate Program;  Cerveny, R. P. Emeritus; Chin, P.; Dye, K. C.; Emadikhiav, M.; Feidelman, L.; Galup, S.; Goo, J.; Han, J.; Hart, P.; Huang, D.; Hur, I.; Mehrani, S.; Menachof, D.; Neshenko, N.;  Pusztai, Z.; Queiroz, M.; Schindlbeck, M.; Sharma, B.; Sweet, J.; Yoo, C.

The Department of Information Technology and Operations Management's mission is to develop competence in information systems, operations management (including quality management) and related decision-sciences disciplines for traditional and non-traditional students across the College of Business; to produce skilled individuals proficient in information technology who are able to contribute effectively to their organizations and communities in an ever-evolving technological environment; to engage in an active partnership with the business community; and to continually innovate and increase the quality of its educational and research activities in a manner that increases education effectiveness and global reach.

Undergraduate programs available in Management Information Systems include a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.). In addition, the following minors and certificates are available: Management Information Systems minor, Operations Management minor, Business Analytics minor and certificate, Cybersecurity minor and certificate, Digital Marketing minor and certificate, FinTech (Financial Technology) minor and certificate, and Healthcare Information Systems minor and certificate.

Two of the department's graduate degree programs are multi-college and interdisciplinary in nature: the Master of Science with Major in Data Science and Analytics and the Master of Science with Major in Information Technology and Management (MSITM). Its Big Data Analytics Graduate Certificate, Professional Big Data Analytics Certificate and the MSITM program are offered jointly with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Its Data Science and Analytics program is offered in conjunction with the colleges of Science, Engineering and Computer Science, and Arts and Letters.

Details of the Master of Science with Major in Business Analytics and the Master of Science with Major in Supply Chain Management are shown below in the Master's Programs section.

A graduate certificate in Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management is offered jointly with the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Details can be found here. A graduate certificate in FinTech (Financial Technology) is offered jointly with the Finance Department. Details are found here.

Combined degree programs culminating in the award of a Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Science with Major in Management Information Systems and a Master of Science with Major in Business Analytics or Information Technology and Management or Supply Chain Management are also available to qualified students.

Link to B.S. with Major in Data Science and Analytics

Link to Combined Programs

Link to Master's Programs

Management Information Systems
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Business Analytics Concentration
Cybersecurity Concentration

Management Information Systems develops specialized proficiencies in management information technology and leads to the B.B.A. or B.S. degree. It focuses on the concepts and tools necessary for analyzing, designing, planning and developing resources.

Along with the University and College of Business degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, Management Information Systems students must complete the requirements below.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading Pre-Business Foundation Coursework in this section.

Core Requirements
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading College of Business Core in this section.

Management Information Systems Major Courses
Students who major in MIS are required to take Advanced Systems Analysis and Design (ISM 4133) and five other MIS electives (18 total credits) beyond Management Information Systems (ISM 3011). A grade of "C" or better is required in all major courses. Students may choose to follow one of the two paths below or may choose courses from both paths in consultation with their advisor. The Information Technology path is the classical MIS path that provides core technical skills needed to manage and design information technology in organizations. Students acquire the basic four technical skills of application development and programming languages, databases, data communications and system analysis. The Information and Knowledge Management path provides students with general, broad knowledge in information and knowledge management in organizations, digital products and service development, social media analysis, as well as project management. Graduates will have the skills to analyze and lead technology-enabled products and services and consult organizations on digital products and services.

Additionally, students may choose to concentrate in Business Analytics or Cybersecurity, but are not required to. If a student pursues the Business Analytics concentration, the student must take Database Management Systems (ISM 4212) and any other three courses that constitute the chosen concentration. If a student pursues the Cybersecurity concentration, the student must take the four courses that constitute the chosen concentration. Concentration courses are noted below.

Information Technology Path
Introduction to Computer Systems and Software Development ISM 3230 3
Database Management Systems* ISM 4212 3
Business Data Communications** ISM 4220 3
Advanced Systems Analysis and Design ISM 4133 3
Choose two of the following courses
Special Topics ISM 4930 3
Social Media and Web Technologies ISM 4054 3
Project Management MAN 4583 3
Information Technology and Operations Management Internship ISM 4940 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data* ISM 3116 3
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics* ISM 4117 3
Advanced Business Analytics* ISM 4403 3
Introduction to Cybersecurity** ISM 4320 3
Management of Information Assurance and Security** ISM 4323 3
Computer Forensics** ISM 4324 3

Mobile Apps for Business

ISM 4053 3
Social Media and Web Analytics* ISM 4420 3
Advanced Business Software Development ISM 4234 3
Business Software Systems Development Project ISM 4243 3
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation for Business * ISM 4421 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Business Implications  ISM 4451 3

* These courses constitute the Business Analytics concentration.
** These courses constitute the
Cybersecurity concentration.

Information and Knowledge Management Path
Advanced Systems Analysis and Design ISM 4133 3
Choose five of the following courses
Special Topics ISM 4930 3
Social Media and Web Technologies ISM 4054 3
Project Management MAN 4583 3
Information Technology and Operations Management Internship ISM 4940 3
Introduction to Computer Systems and Software Development ISM 3230 3
Database Management Systems* ISM 4212 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data* ISM 3116 3
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics* ISM 4117 3
Advanced Business Analytics* ISM 4403 3
Business Data Communications** ISM 4220 3
Introduction to Cybersecurity** ISM 4320 3
Management of Information Assurance and Security** ISM 4323 3
Computer Forensics** ISM 4324 3
Global Supply Chain Management MAN 4597 3
Contemporary Issues of Digital Data Management ISM 4041 3
Mobile Apps for Business ISM 4053 3
Social Media Innovation ISM 3007 3
Healthcare Information Systems ISM 4381 3
Social Media and Web Analytics* ISM 4420 3
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation for Business* ISM 4421 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Business Implications  ISM 4451 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 3302 3

* These courses constitute the Business Analytics concentration.
** These courses constitute the
Cybersecurity concentration.

Data Science and Analytics
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Data Science in Business Concentration
Data Science and Engineering Concentration
Data Science in the Natural Sciences Concentration

The Bachelor of Science with Major in Data Science and Analytics (BSDSA) program is a multi-college, interdisciplinary program administered jointly by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) in the College of Business, the Department of Political Science in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters and the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice in the College of Social Work and Criminal Justice. For details about this this program, see the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.

Management Information Systems
Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Management Information Systems (MIS) minor is designed for non-MIS majors in the College of Business and students outside the College of Business. The minor provides students with practical knowledge on managing information technology (IT) and on substantive and current IT topics and issues. Students learn the skill sets necessary to apply information and communications technologies and systems to solve real business issues. The result is a student prepared for careers that involve usage and decision-making regarding IT. The minor in Management Information Systems requires the following courses with a grade of "C" or better.

Business Core Requirement
Management Information Systems ISM 3011 3
Advanced Systems Analysis and Design ISM 4133 3
Elective Requirement*
Two ISM courses (3000 level or above)   6

* While earning the MIS minor is not limited to specific MIS elective courses, the following suggested MIS minor paths of study could be chosen depending on the student's interest.

Programming and Databases path of study: For electives, choose ISM 3230 and ISM 4212.

Cybersecurity path of study: For electives, choose two of the following three courses: ISM 4320, ISM 4323 or ISM 4324.

Business Analytics path of study: For electives, choose two of the following three courses: ISM 3116,
ISM 4117 or ISM 4403.

A maximum of 3 credits used for the MIS minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. For exceptions, a petition should be submitted to the ITOM Department chair. For non-Business majors, waiver of prerequisites will be made on a case-by-case basis. A minimum of 9 credits must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a degree program at FAU.

Operations Management
Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

The Operations Management minor is designed for all undergraduate Business majors. In addition to completion of the Business/Health Administration core courses, minor requirements include three courses from the Operations Management options, as indicated in the table below, or two courses from the Operations Management options and one course from Operations Cognate options. All required courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

Operations Management Options
Project Management MAN 4583 3
Global Supply Chain Management MAN 4597 3
Service Operations MAN 4029 3
Operations Management Applications MAN 4504 3
Operations Cognate Options
International Business Operations MAN 4602 3
Entrepreneurship ENT 4024 3
Advanced Business Planning
(no longer offered, effective fall 2024)
ENT 4114 3
Health Care Quality Management HSA 4383 3
Practice Management HSA 4511 3
Technology in Health Care Organizations HSA 3191 3
Corporate Risk Management RMI 4353 3
Enterprise Risk Management and Corporate
Governance: Qualitative Analysis
RMI 4423 3
Digital Marketing MAR 4721 3
Marketing and Product/Service Innovation MAR 4836 3
Events Management  HFT 3741 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025)
HFT 4253 3
International Hospitality Field Experience in Hospitality
Management (effective spring 2025)
HFT 4955 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 3116 3

A maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. For exceptions, a petition should be submitted to the ITOM Department chair. At least two of the three courses (6 credits) for the minor must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a College of Business degree program.

Business Analytics
Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Business Analytics minor and certificate enhance the qualifications of students pursuing careers in information technology areas related to the collection, integration, analysis and presentation of business data.

The minor is available to all undergraduate degree-seeking students and may be earned upon successful completion of the coursework below and the simultaneous completion of a bachelor's degree at FAU. For non-Business majors, waiver of prerequisites will be made on a case-by-case basis. For Business majors, a maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. For exceptions, a petition should be submitted to the ITOM Department chair.

The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree students and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Business Office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework below.

Students cannot obtain both a certificate and a minor. Both programs require 12 credits each, with minimum grades of "C" required in all courses for the minor and certificate. For the minor, at least 9 of the 12 credits must be earned from FAU.

Select four of the following courses (12 credits)
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 3116 3
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics ISM 4117 3
Database Management Systems ISM 4212 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 4403 3
Social Media and Web Analytics ISM 4420 3
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation for Business ISM 4421 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 3302 3


Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

Cybersecurity is the study of methods to ensure information and system security. Industry and government need an educated workforce to serve as information and systems security analysts, security and network administrators and more. Due their extensive expertise and facilities, the departments of Information Technology and Operations Management (in the College of Business), Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (in the College of Engineering and Computer Science) and Mathematics and Statistics (in the College of Science) have jointly designed the Cybersecurity Minor and Certificate. Three tracks, each requiring 12 credits, constitute the minor and certificate: Information Technology (IT), Computer Science (CS) and Mathematical Sciences (MS). Details of this minor and certificate can be found in the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.

Digital Marketing
Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Digital Marketing minor and certificate are jointly offered by the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management and the Department of Marketing. These programs enhance the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to business, marketing and information technologies. Students acquire knowledge and skills in online and digital business and digital product delivery, as well as in developing, analyzing and enhancing a company’s presence on the web and in social networking. Professions and majors benefiting from the minor and certificate include marketing, business development, business strategy, information technology, management information systems and others.

The minor is available to all undergraduate degree-seeking students and may be earned upon successful completion of the coursework below and the simultaneous completion of a bachelor's degree at FAU. For non-Business majors, waiver of prerequisites will be made on a case-by-case basis. For Business majors, a maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. For exceptions, a petition should be submitted to the ITOM Department chair or the Department of Marketing chair.

The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree students and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Business Office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework below.

Students cannot obtain both a certificate and a minor. Both programs require 12 credits each, with minimum grades of "C" required in all courses for the minor and certificate. For the minor, at least 9 of the 12 credits must be earned from FAU.

Information Technology and Operations Management Courses
(Select two courses from the following four)
Social Media Innovation ISM 3007 3
Contemporary Issues of Digital Data Management ISM 4041 3
Social Media and Web Technologies ISM 4054 3
Social Media and Web Analytics ISM 4420 3
Marketing Courses
RI: Marketing Research and Consumer Analytics Information Systems (effective spring 2025) MAR 4613 3
Digital Marketing MAR 4721 3

FinTech (Financial Technology)
Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

Link to Graduate Certificate

The FinTech minor and undergraduate certificate are offered jointly by the Department of Finance and the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management. These programs enhance the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to business, finance and information technologies. Students acquire knowledge and skills in online and digital business and digital finance, as well as in developing, analyzing and enhancing a company’s ability to access capital through financial technologies. Details are found here.

Healthcare Information Systems
Undergraduate Minor
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Healthcare Information Systems minor and certificate enhance the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to healthcare. Professions and majors benefiting from these programs include healthcare administration, nursing, medicine, biomedical sciences, actuaries, insurance, information technology and management information systems, among others. This minor and certificate are offered in conjunction with the Health Administration program of the College of Business Management Programs Department.

The minor is available to all undergraduate degree-seeking students and may be earned upon successful completion of the coursework below and the simultaneous completion of a bachelor's degree at FAU. For non-Business majors, waiver of prerequisites will be made on a case-by-case basis. For Business majors, a maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. For exceptions, a petition should be submitted to the ITOM Department chair or the Health Administration Program director.

The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree students and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Business Office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework below.

Students cannot obtain both a certificate and a minor. Both programs require 12 credits each, with minimum grades of "C" required in all courses for the minor and certificate. For the minor, at least 9 of the 12 credits must be earned from FAU.

Information Technology and Operations Management Courses
(Select two courses from the following three)
Healthcare Information Systems ISM 4381 3
Contemporary Issues of Digital Data Management ISM 4041 3
Service Operations MAN 4029 3
Health Administration Courses
Health Delivery Systems HSA 3111 3
Technology in Health Care Organizations HSA 3191 3

The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree students and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the college where the track is located upon successful completion of the coursework.

Combined Programs

Management Information Systems to Business Analytics
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or bachelor of science (b.s.) to Master of Science (M.S.)
combined program

The Information Technology and Operations Management department offers a combined Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems to Master of Science (M.S.) in Business Analytics (MSBA) program. Students in this combined program may count up to 12 credits of approved graduate coursework (5000 level or higher) toward both their bachelor’s degree and master’s degree long as the combined program totals a minimum of 150 credits and:

  1. The student has met the minimum 120 credits for the bachelor’s degree; and
  2. The student has taken a minimum of 30 credits in 5000 level or higher courses for the master’s program.

With the approximate duration of five years, this combined program provides attractive ways for students to continue their graduate work. Students complete and graduate from their bachelor's degree first, and continue coursework to finish their master's degree program.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the
Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Admission Requirements
The GRE/GMAT requirement is waived for this program. To be eligible for the combined program, students in the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems should:

  1. Have a cumulative undergraduate FAU GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year. Note that the cumulative FAU GPA of at least 3.25 must be maintained until the completion of the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in the Management Information Systems degree program.
  2. Formally apply to the combined program, completing the admissions process at least one semester prior to the beginning of the M.S. in Business Analytics portion of the program.

Once admitted to the program, students begin taking graduate courses (5000/6000 level courses) in their senior year that would apply to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Students in the combined program must maintain continuous enrollment, in full-time status, during their bachelor’s degree to remain in the combined program. Once students are admitted to the M.S in Business Analytics program, they must maintain continuous enrollment to remain in good standing. Students must also meet all of the degree requirements of the graduate program.

Degree Requirements
To be eligible for the combined Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems to Master of Science (M.S.) in Business Analytics (MSBA) degree program, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of the requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of
    Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems; and
  2. Completion of all requirements for the Master of Science (M.S.) in Business Analytics (MSBA).

Credits counted Toward Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
The following undergraduate course requirements may be replaced with the shown graduate-level courses (up to a total of 12 credits). These graduate credits count toward both the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree programs.

Undergraduate Course Requirements Graduate Course Substitutions.* Choose any three courses (9 credits) from the Business Analytics group and any one course (3 credits) from the Technology Management group 
Upper Division ITOM Department Electives
(12 credits)
Business Analytics Group
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics ISM 6136
Database Management Systems ISM 6217
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405
Business Innovation with Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C
Social Media and Web Analytics ISM 6555
Special Topics ISM 6930
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303
Technology Management Group
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation  ISM 6455
Special Topics ISM 6930
Project Management MAN 6581
Supply Chain Management MAN 6596
Supply Chain Analytics QMB 6616

* Students who have taken an undergraduate elective course cannot use the corresponding graduate course for substitution or for credit towards the graduate program. The following
are corresponding undergraduate-graduate courses: ISM 3116-ISM 6404; ISM 4117-ISM 6136; ISM 4212-ISM 6217; ISM 4403- ISM 6405; ISM 4420-ISM 6555; ISM 4421-ISM 6427C; ISM 4451-ISM 6455; MAN 4583-MAN 6581; MAN 4597-MAN 6596; QMB 3302-QMB 6303.

Management Information Systems to Information Technology and Management
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or bachelor of science (b.s.) to master of science (m.s)
combined program

The Information Technology and Operations Management department offers a combined Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems to a Master of Science (M.S.) in Information Technology and Management (MSITM) program. Students in this combined program may count up to 12 credits of approved graduate coursework (5000-level or higher courses) toward both their bachelor's degree and their master's degree as long as the combined program totals a minimum of 150 credits and: 

  1. The student has met the minimum of 120 credits for the bachelor's degree; and
  2. The student has taken a minimum of 30 credits in 5000-level or higher courses for the master's program.

With an approximate duration of five years, this combined program provides attractive ways for students to continue their graduate work. Students complete and graduate from their bachelor's degree program first, and continue coursework to finish their master's degree program.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Admission Requirements
The GRE/GMAT requirement is waived for this program. To be eligible for the combined program, students in the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems program should:

  1. Have a cumulative undergraduate FAU GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year. Note that the cumulative FAU GPA of at least 3.25 must be maintained until the completion of the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in the Management Information Systems degree program.
  2. Have an Information Technology GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year.
  3. Formally apply to the combined program, completing the admissions process at least one semester prior  to the beginning of the M.S. in Information Technology and Management portion of their program.

Once admitted to the program, students begin taking graduate courses (5000/6000 level courses) in their senior year that would apply to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Students in the combined program must maintain continuous enrollment, in full-time status, during  their bachelor’s degree to remain in the combined program. Once students are admitted to the M.S. in Information Technology and Management program, they must maintain continuous enrollment to remain in good standing. Students must also meet all of the degree requirements of the graduate program.

Degree Requirements
To be eligible for the combined Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems to Master of Science (M.S.) in Information Technology and Management (MSITM) degree program, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of the requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or
    Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems; and
  2. Completion of all requirements for the Master of Science (M.S.) in Information Technology and Management (MSITM).

Credits Counted Toward Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees 
The following undergraduate course requirements may be replaced with the graduate-level courses shown (up to a total of 12 credits). These graduate credits count toward both the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree programs.

Undergraduate Course Requirements Graduate Course Substitutions.* 
Upper Division ITOM Department Core Courses (3 credits) Choose one from the following 3-credit courses
  Information Technology Fundamentals ISM 6148
  Database Management Systems ISM 6217
  Business Data Communications ISM 6225
  Choose three from the following 3-credit courses
Upper Division ITOM Department Electives
(9 credits)
Business Analytics Group
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics ISM 6136
Database Management Systems ISM 6217
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405
Business Innovation with Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C
Social Media and Web Analytics ISM 6555
Special Topics ISM 6930
Information Technology Management Group
Mobile Apps for Business ISM 6058
Information Technology Fundamentals ISM 6148
Business Data Communications ISM 6225
Information Technology Project and Change Management ISM 6316
Management of Information Assurance and Security ISM 6328
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation ISM 6455
Web-Based Business Development ISM 6508
Information Technology Sourcing Management ISM 6509
Special Topics ISM 6930
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303

* ISM 4133 must be taken at the undergraduate level so that the WAC requirement is satisfied. Students pursuing the Business Analytics concentration for MSITM should choose two courses from the Business Analytics Group and one course from the Technology Management Group. Students pursuing the Information Technology Management concentration for MSITM should choose two courses from the Technology Management Group and one course from the Business Analytics Group.

Students who have taken an undergraduate elective course cannot use the corresponding graduate course for substitution or for credit toward the graduate program. The following are corresponding undergraduate-graduate courses: ISM 3116-ISM 6404; ISM 3230-ISM 6148; ISM 4053-ISM 6058; ISM 4117-ISM 6136; ISM 4133-ISM 6123; ISM 4212-ISM 6217; ISM 4220-ISM 6225; ISM 4320-ISM 6328; ISM 4403-ISM 6405; ISM 4420-ISM 6555; ISM 4421-ISM 6427C; ISM 4451-ISM 6455; MAN 4583-MAN 6581; MAN 4597-MAN 6596; QMB 3302-QMB 6303.

Management Information Systems to Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or bachelor of science (b.s.) to Master of Science (M.S.)
Combined Program

The Information Technology and Operations Management department offers a combined Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems to Master of Science (M.S.) in Supply Chain Management (MSSCM) program. Students in this combined program may count up to 12 credits of approved graduate coursework (5000 level or higher) toward both their bachelor’s degree and master’s degree long as the combined program totals a minimum of 150 credits and:

  1. The student has met the minimum 120 credits for the bachelor’s degree; and
  2. The student has taken a minimum of 30 credits in 5000 level or higher courses for the master’s program.

With the approximate duration of five years, this combined program provides attractive ways for students to continue their graduate work. Students complete and graduate from their bachelor's degree first, and continue coursework to finish their master's degree program.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Admission Requirements
The GRE/GMAT requirement is waived for this program. To be eligible for the combined program, students in the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems should:

  1. Have a cumulative undergraduate FAU GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year. Note that the cumulative FAU GPA of at least 3.25 must be maintained until the completion of the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in the Management Information Systems degree program.
  2. Formally apply to the combined program, completing the admissions process at least one semester prior to the beginning of the M.S. in Business Analytics portion of the program.

Once admitted to the program, students begin taking graduate courses (5000/6000 level courses) in their senior year that would apply to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Students in the combined program must maintain continuous enrollment, in full-time status, during their bachelor’s degree to remain in the combined program. Once students are admitted to the M.S in Supply Chain Management (MSSCM) program, they must maintain continuous enrollment to remain in good standing. Students must also meet all of the degree requirements of the graduate program.

Degree Requirements
To be eligible for the combined Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems to Master of Science (M.S.) in Supply Chain Management (MSSCM) degree program, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of the requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of
    Science (B.S.) in Management Information Systems; and
  2. Completion of all requirements for the Master of Science (M.S.) in Supply Chain Management (MSSCM).

Credits Counted Toward Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
The following undergraduate course requirements may be replaced with the shown graduate-level courses (up to a total of 12 credits). These graduate credits count toward both the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree programs.

Undergraduate Course Requirements Graduate Course Substitutions.* Choose any three courses (9 credits) from the Technology Management group and any one course (3 credits) from the Business Analytics group
Upper Division ITOM Department Electives
(12 credits)
Technology Management Group
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation  ISM 6455
Special Topics ISM 6930
Project Management MAN 6581
Supply Chain Management MAN 6596
Supply Chain Analytics QMB 6616
Business Analytics Group
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics ISM 6136
Database Management ISM 6217
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405
Business Innovation with Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C
Social Media and Web Analytics ISM 6555
Special Topics ISM 6930
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303

* Students who have taken an undergraduate elective course cannot use the corresponding graduate course for substitution or for credit towards the graduate program. The following are corresponding undergraduate-graduate courses: ISM 3116-ISM 6404; ISM 4117-ISM 6136; ISM 4212-ISM 6217; ISM 4403- ISM 6405; ISM 4420-ISM 6555; ISM 4421-ISM 6427C; ISM 4451-ISM 6455; MAN 4583-MAN 6581; MAN 4597-MAN 6596; QMB 3302-QMB 6303.

Master's Programs

Business Analytics
Master of Science (M.S.)

The Master of Science in Business Analytics is a STEM program with emphasis on artificial intelligence that provides a strong curriculum. It teaches business graduate students methods and tools to extract, curate, preserve, analyze, mine, visualize and present structured and unstructured business data, helping them make well-informed managerial and executive decisions in various domain-specific business contexts. The program provides graduates with the key skills and hands-on experience demanded by employers locally, statewide, nationally and internationally. Students are required to complete 30 graduate-level credits with a 3.0 GPA or better to graduate. The program does not offer a thesis option. It is available in person or fully online.

The College of Business seeks a diverse, highly qualified group of graduate students. Applications are evaluated on several factors emphasizing prior academic performance, GMAT or GRE scores, work experience and the potential for scholarly and professional success. Other aspects of admission include:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in any discipline; no business prerequisites are required;
  2. GPA approximately 3.0 or higher over the last 60 undergraduate credits;
  3. GRE/GMAT scores more than five years old are normally not acceptable. The GRE and the GMAT requirement is waived for any student who has a baccalaureate degree from FAU's Deprtment of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) with a GPA of at least 3.25 (out of a possible 4.0) in the last 60 credits attempted prior to graduation;
  4. International students  from non-English-speaking  countries must be proficient  in written and spoken English as evidenced by a score of at least 500 (paper-based  test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (Internet-based test) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or a score of at least 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); and
  5. Applicants must meet other requirements of the FAU Graduate College.

Degree Requirements
Students are required to complete 30 graduate-level credits, or ten 3-credit courses (5000 level or higher), with a 3.0 GPA or higher to graduate. The program does not offer a thesis option.

Required Courses - 24 credits
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up GEB 6215 3 or
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals (for students in the Professional MSBA only) GEB 6217 3
Management of information Systems and Technology ISM 6026 3
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics ISM 6136 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
Business Innovation with Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C 3
Social Media and Web Analytics ISM 6555 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303 3
Elective Courses - Select two from this list
Database Management Systems ISM 6217 3
Managing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Product Development (effective spring 2025) ISM 6426 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation ISM 6455 3
Special Topics ISM 6930 2-5
Graduate Information Technology and Operations Management Internship ISM 6942 3
Project Management MAN 6581 3
Supply Chain Management MAN 6596 3
Marketing Analysis and Executive Action MAR 6816 3
Supply Chain Analytics QMB 6616 3


Business Analytics
Master of Science (M.S.)
Professional Program

The Professional Master of Science with major in Business Analytics is a new self-supporting program administered by the Executive Education Department in the College of Business. This program is designed for working professional students. There are no concentrations, tracks or specializations. The program requires 30 credits and does not offer a thesis option. Each course duration is eight weeks, and students are expected to take two courses simultaneously. Required and elective courses are listed in the table above. The expected fast track completion time is 12 months.

Data Science and Analytics
Master of Science (M.S.)

Data Science in Business 

Data Science via Scientific Inquiry 
Data Science and Engineering 
Data Science in Society 

The Master of Science with Major in Data Science and Analytics (MSDSA) is a multi-college interdisciplinary program jointly administered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in the College of Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) in the College of Business and the Department of Political Science in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters. The program aims to prepare students with essential skill sets needed to analyze small, fast, big, massive and complex data. To allow for maximum flexibility in career aspirations, students may select from four concentrations:

  • Data Science via Scientific Inquiry Concentration, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Data Science and Engineering Concentration, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
  • Data Science in Business Concentration, Department of Information Technology and Operations Management.
  • Data Science in Society Concentration, Department of Political Science.

For more information about the Master of Science with Major in Data Science and Analytics degree program, see the Interdisciplinary Program section of this catalog.

Information Technology and Management
Master of Science (M.S.)

Advanced Information Technology Concentration
Business Analytics Concentration
Computer Science Data Analytics Concentration
Cybersecurity Concentration

Information Technology Management Concentration

The Master of Science with Major in Information Technology and Management (MSITM) is offered jointly with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Details of this program can be found in the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog. The program is offered in person with the Business Analytics and the Information Technology Management concentrations offered in person and fully online.

Information Technology and Management
Master of Science (M.S.)
Professional Program

Advanced Information Technology Concentration
Business Analytics Concentration
Computer Science Data Analytics Concentration

Information Technology Management Concentration

Details for the Professional Master of Science with Major in Information Technology and Management are also described in the Interdisciplinary Programs section of the catalog. The program is offered in person with the Business Analytics and the Information Technology Management concentrations offered in person and fully online.

Supply Chain Management
Master of Science (M.S.)

The Master of Science with Major in Supply Chain Management offers a strong curriculum delivering the foundations and principles of Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Procurement and Sourcing. This curriculum is integrated with concentrated study of Business Analytics, Shipping and Trade to provide students with the key skills and hands-on experience demanded by employers locally, statewide, nationally and internationally. Students are required to complete 30 graduate-level credits with a 3.0 GPA or better to graduate. The program does not offer a thesis option. It is available in person or fully online.

The College of Business seeks a diverse, highly qualified group of graduate students. Applications are evaluated on several factors emphasizing prior academic performance, GMAT or GRE scores, work experience and the potential for scholarly and professional success. Important factors are:

  1. A bachelor's degree in any discipline. No business prerequisites are required;
  2. A GPA approximately 3.0 or higher over the last 60 undergraduate credits;
  3. GRE/GMAT scores more than five years old are normally not acceptable. The GRE and the GMAT requirement is waived for any student who has a baccalaureate degree from FAU's Department of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) with a GPA of at least 3.25 (out of a possible 4.0) in the last 60 credits attempted prior to graduation; 
  4. International students from non-English-speaking countries must be proficient in written and spoken English as evidenced by a score of at least 500 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or a score of at least 6.0 on the International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS); and
  5. Students must meet other requirements of the FAU Graduate College.

Degree Requirements

Students are required to complete 30 graduate-level credits or ten 3-credit courses (5000 level or higher) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher to graduate. The program does not offer a thesis option.

Required Courses - 24 credits 
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up GEB 6215 3 or
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals (for students in the Professional MSSCM only) GEB 6217 3
Information Technology Sourcing Management ISM 6509 3
Operations Management MAN 6501 3
Business Process Improvement Management  MAN 6525 3
International Shipping, Trade and Port Management MAN 6565 3
Supply Chain Management MAN 6596 3
Data Management and Analysis with Excel QMB 6303 3
Supply Chain Analytics QMB 6616 3
Elective Courses - Select two from this list
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics ISM 6136 3
Database Management Systems ISM 6217 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
Business Innovation with Artificial Intelligence ISM 6427C 3
Blockchain and Crypto Assets: Digital Business Transformation ISM 6455 3
Web-Based Business Development ISM 6508 3
Social Media and Web Analytics ISM 6555 3
Special Topics ISM 6930 2-5
Graduate Information Technology and Operations Management Internship ISM 6942 3
Business Process Improvement Management MAN 6525 3
Project Management MAN 6581 3

Supply Chain Management

Master of Science (M.S.)
Professional Program

The Professional Master of Science with major in Supply Chain Management is a self-supporting program administered by the Executive Education Department in the College of Business. Designed for working professional students, the program requires 30 credits and does not offer a thesis option. There are no concentrations, tracks or specializations. Each course duration is eight weeks, and students are expected to take two courses simultaneously. Required and elective courses are listed in the table above. The expected fast track completion time is 12 months. The program is available in person or fully online.

Big Data Analytics

Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The digital age is here to stay. Organizations now own and have access to unfathomable amounts of data. New technologies and efforts are needed to move on to the next phase of the digital revolution - the data revolution. To provide students with the knowledge necessary in this age of Big Data, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) have jointly designed the Big Data Analytics graduate certificate. This 12-credit certificate allows graduate students to expand their knowledge and skills in the concepts, technologies, and tools of business intelligence, data analytics and business analytics and be recognized for their achievement. The certificate program has two tracks: Computer Science (CS) and Business (BU). Details for both tracks can be found in the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.

Big Data Analytics
Graduate Certificate
Professional Program

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

Details for the Professional Big Data Analytics Graduate Certificate are also described in the Interdisciplinary Programs section of the catalog.

FinTech (Financial Technology)

Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The FinTech minor and undergraduate certificate are offered jointly by the Department of Finance and the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management. These programs enhance the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to business, finance and information technologies. Students acquire knowledge and skills in online and digital business and digital finance, as well as in developing, analyzing and enhancing a company’s ability to access capital through financial technologies. Details are found here.

Management Programs

Williams, E., Chair; Alexandre, P.; Arikan, A.; Attonito, J.; Barbera, S.; Bernet, P.; Brant, K.; Castro, S.; Castrogiovanni, G.; Chandrashekhar, L.; Cooke, D.; Cox, K.; Ellis, K.; Feyereisen, S.; Golden, P., Emeritus; Goodrick, E.; Gumus, G.; Harari, M.; Herst, D.; Kidwell, R.; Li, M.; Mishra, C.; Monestime, J.; Neubaum, D.; Newmann, L.; Paczkowski, P.; Palkon, D.; Patton, J.; Puro, N.; Sawant, R.; Schwartz, H.; Searcy, O.; Smith, S.; Terjesen, S.; Thams, V.; Trevino, L.; Whiteman, A.; Willis, L.

The Department of Management Programs develops future leaders who are skilled in the art of managing in a global business environment. The department recognizes the urban nature of the student population and designs programs to be delivered through non-traditional and technology-driven delivery systems. Through its programs in Health Administration, International Business, and Management, it provides skill bases that are useful in a world marketplace. The department's scholarly initiatives and service make it a valuable partner for the regional and international community.

In addition to the programs mentioned above, the department offers courses in Motion Picture Management and Sport Management. See Course Descriptions.

Programs in Health Administration

Link to Health Administration Master's Programs

Link to Health Administration Graduate Certificates

Link to Health Administration Combined Program

Link to Health Administration Minors

Link to Health Administration Undergraduate Certificates

Health Administration

Bachelor of Health Services (B.H.S.)

The Bachelor of Health Services (B.H.S.) is concentrated at the upper division of the baccalaureate program. This curriculum provides students with a university education that promotes personal and professional growth as well as concentrated awareness of health systems and their effects on society. Flexibility in course selection allows students to strengthen their analytical skills and develop their awareness of leadership and responsibility as citizens and future health administrators. The graduate of this program is prepared to assume entry managerial positions in health; to continue the study of health administration or other relevant disciplines at the graduate level; and to advance to health administration positions with broader responsibility and leadership. Program requires a minimum of 120 credits.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Admission Policy
Students are classified as Pre-Business until the preprofessional courses below are completed with "C" or better grades and 60 minimum credits are attained with a 2.25 minimum FAU GPA. Until admitted, students can only take three upper-level courses in the program: HSA 3104, HSA 3111 and HSA 3534.

Preprofessional Requirements
Preprofessional requirements are lower-division courses (1000-2000 level) conveying information or skills necessary to be successful in a student's major course of study. The Health Administration major requires the five courses listed below. Four of the courses, excluding ECO 2023, must be taken before a student can be formally classified as a Health Administration major. A grade of "C" or better (or passing the competency exam in ISM 2000) is required in each course.

Principles of Accounting 1 ACG 2021 3
Principles of Accounting 2 ACG 2071 3
Microeconomic Principles  ECO 2023 3
Information Systems Fundamentals ISM 2000 3
Introductory Statistics STA 2023 3

Students interested in majoring in Health Administration who have not yet completed the four courses (again, ECO 2023 may be taken later) with a "C" or better will be placed in the Pre-Business major until the courses are successfully completed or waived. While in Pre-Business status, students may take these three Health Administration courses:

Health Delivery Systems HSA 3111 3
Introduction to Health Professions HSA 3104 3
Health Care Medical Terminology HSA 3534 3

This preprofessional requirement also applies to students who are classified Pre-Business and are seeking a minor in Health Administration. Students from other colleges seeking a minor in Health Administration are not required to complete the four (again, excepting ECO 2023) preprofessional courses before taking the Health Administration courses leading to a minor.

Residency Requirements

  1. After a student matriculates at FAU, the College of Business will not accept upper-level business transfer coursework taken after admission, except from AACSB-accredited institutions.
  2. After being admitted to the College and declaring a major (not Pre-Business), transient coursework is not permitted.
  3. A minimum of 30 upper-level business credits (including GEB 3213) are required from FAU to obtain a College of Business bachelor's degree. The last 30 credits must be from FAU.
  4. At least 75 percent of a student's coursework in the major must be completed at FAU.

Degree Requirements

Students enrolled in Health Administration must complete 33 credits in the program (24 credits of Health Administration major courses, including RI: Health Practicum (HSA 4817), and 9 credits of Health Administration electives); 15 credits in additional business courses at the upper division (3000-level or above); and 12 credits of additional electives out-of-College. A minimum of 18 credits in Health Administration major courses must be earned at FAU.

Students must complete the RI: Health Practicum (HSA 4817) to graduate. The Practicum is a combination internship/classroom course. Registration in the Practicum requires an FAU GPA of 2.5 and successful completion (earning a "C" or better) of the six other Health Administration core courses and three other required courses in business and writing skills (see below).

Health Administration Courses – 33 credits
Health Administration Major Courses  24 credits 
Health Delivery Systems HSA 3111 3
Organizational Behavior in Health Care  HSA 4110 3
Strategic Management in Health Organizations HSA 4140 3
Health Law HSA 4423 3
Introduction to Health Research and Managerial Epidemiology HSA 4700 3
Health Care Financial Management
(see item 2 below)
HSA 4170 3 or
Principles of Financial Management FIN 3403 3
RI: Health Practicum HSA 4817 6
Health Administration Elective Courses  9 credits
Introduction to Health Professions HSA 3104 3
Technology in Health Care Organizations HSA 3191 3
Health Care Medical Terminology HSA 3534 3
Managed Care HSA 4109 3
Issues and Trends in Health Care HSA 4113 3
International Healthcare Systems HSA 4124 3
Long-Term Care Administration HSA 4222 3
Management of Long-Term Care Facilities HSA 4223 3
Health Care Quality Management HSA 4383 3
Practice Management HSA 4511 3
Directed Independent Study HSA 4905 1-3
Special Topics HSA 4930 1-3

Choice of Financial Management Course

The option to take FIN 3403 rather than HSA 4170 is available only to students seeking a Business Administration minor. Students choosing this option must still complete 33 credits in Health Administration courses. They will do this by taking an additional Health Administration elective for a total of 12 elective credits rather than the standard 9 credits.

RI: Health Practicum, HSA 4817
Successful completion of RI: Health Practicum is necessary for graduation. Students taking the Practicum must:

  1. Have successfully completed, i.e., earned a "C" or better, the six core courses;
  2. Have a GPA of 2.5 or better in all courses taken at FAU;
  3. Have completed at least 33 upper-division (3000-level or above) credits;
  4. Be a Health Administration program major; and
  5. Not be on academic probation.

College of Business Courses – 15 credits
ISM 3011, Management Information Systems; ECP 4530, Health Care Economics and Policy; GEB 3213, Introduction to Business Communication: Critical Analysis and Application; and 6 additional upper-division credits of College of Business courses are required. Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in the three specified business courses: ISM 3011, ECP 4530 and GEB 3213. Students are encouraged to take courses in several Business departments.

Out-of-College Courses – 12 credits
Courses in social sciences, communication, education, science, nursing or public administration are recommended. College of Business courses may not be used.

Gordon Rule Math and Writing College-Level Communication and Computational Skills Requirements (formerly Gordon Rule) are mandated by the State of Florida. The Writing Requirement states that students must complete four courses with significant writing content with grades of "C" or higher. The Math requirement states that students must earn 6 credits in mathematics (including statistics) at or above the level of college algebra with grades of "C" or higher.

Foreign Language Entry Requirement must be fulfilled by: two years of successful completion of high school foreign language, two successful semesters of a college-level foreign language, the successful completion of the CLEP exam for two semesters of the same foreign language or demonstrated proficiency in a foreign language through the Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature Department.

Complete a minimum of 120 credits (excluding remedial and technical coursework).

An FAU minimum GPA of 2.5.

The University's General Education Program.

Health Administration
Bachelor of Health Services (B.H.S.) to Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.)
Combined Program

The Management Programs Department offers a combined Bachelor of Health Services (B.H.S.) to Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.) program. Students in this combined program may count up to 9 credits of approved graduate coursework (5000 level or higher) toward both their bachelor’s degree and master’s degree as long as the combined program totals a minimum of 150 credits and:

  1. The student has met the minimum 120 credits for the bachelor's degree; and
  2. The student has taken a minimum of 30 credits in 5000 level or higher courses for the master's program.

With the approximate duration of five years, this combined program provides an attractive way for students to continue their graduate work. Students complete and graduate from their bachelor's degree program first, and then continue coursework to finish their master's degree program.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the
Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Admission Requirements
The GRE/GMAT requirement is waived for this program. To be eligible for the combined program, the bachelor’s students in the B.H.S. program should:

  1. Have a cumulative FAU GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year. Note that the cumulative FAU GPA of at least 3.25 must be maintained until the completion of the bachelor’s degree in Health Administration.
  2. Formally apply to the combined program, completing the admissions process at least one semester prior to the beginning of the M.H.A. portion of their program.

Once admitted to the program, students begin taking graduate courses (5000/6000 level courses) in their senior year that would apply to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Students in the combined program must maintain continuous enrollment, in full-time status, during their bachelor’s degree to remain in the combined program. Once students are admitted to the M.H.A. program, they must maintain continuous enrollment to remain in good standing. Students must also meet all of the degree requirements of the graduate program.

Degree Requirements
To be eligible for the combined B.H.S. in Health Administration to M.H.A in Health Administration
Degree Program, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of the requirements for the B.H.S. in Health Administration.
  2. Completion of the requirements for the M.H.A in Health Administration.

Credits Counted Toward Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
The following undergraduate course requirements may be replaced with the graduate level courses shown (up to a total of 9 credits). These graduate credits count toward both the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree.

Undergraduate Course Requirements Graduate Course Substitution
Upper Division Health Administration Elective (6 credits) Choose among the following courses:
Entrepreneurial Skills for Managers ENT 6226 3
Special Topics (such as Global Health, Managed Care, Medical Practice Management, Disaster Management in Health Care, Introduction to Public Health) HSA 6930 3
Current Topics in Health Care Management HSA 6937 3
Human Resource Management MAN 6156 3
Data Analysis form Managers QMB 6603 3
Health Law HSA 4423 3 Health Law HSA 6425 3

Link to Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Healthcare Information Systems

Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Healthcare Information Systems minor, available to all undergraduate degree-seeking students, enhances the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to healthcare. Professions and majors benefiting from the minor include healthcare administration, nursing, medicine, biomedical sciences, actuaries, insurance, information technology and management information systems, among others. This minor is offered in conjunction with the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) in the College of Business. Minor requirements are listed in ITOM's catalog section above.

Health Administration
Undergraduate Minor for Business Majors

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

Students seeking a major in the College of Business other than Health Administration may concurrently earn a minor in Health Administration while pursuing a bachelor's degree. To earn the minor, students must complete 9 credits with a grade of "C" or better from the following courses.

Required Courses
Health Delivery Systems HSA 3111 3
Select two of the following
Technology in Health Care Organizations HSA 3191 3
Health Care Medical Terminology HSA 3534 3
Managed Care HSA 4109 3
Organizational Behavior in Health Care  HSA 4110 3
Issues and Trends in Health Care HSA 4113 3
International Healthcare Systems HSA 4124 3
Strategic Management in Health Organizations HSA 4140 3
Health Care Financial Management HSA 4170 3
Long-Term Care Administration HSA 4222 3
Health Law HSA 4423 3
Health Care Quality Management HSA 4383 3
Practice Management HSA 4511 3

At least two of the three courses (6 credits) must be completed at FAU. Successful completion of the minor requires the successful completion of the College of Business baccalaureate degree. A maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor.

Health Administration
Undergraduate Minor for Non-Business Majors

(Minimum of 12 15 credits required)

(Changes effective fall 2025.) Students seeking a major in a college other than the College of Business may concurrently earn a minor in Health Administration while pursuing a bachelor's degree. To earn the minor, students must complete 12 15 credits with a grade of "C" or better from the following courses.

Required Courses
Health Delivery Systems HSA 3111 3
Select three four of the following 
Introduction to Health Professions HSA 3104 3
Technology in Health Care Organizations HSA 3191 3
Health Care Medical Terminology HSA 3534 3
Managed Care HSA 4109 3
Organizational Behavior in Health Care  HSA 4110 3
Issues and Trends in Health Care HSA 4113 3
International Healthcare Systems HSA 4124 3
Strategic Management in Health Organizations HSA 4140 3
Health Care Financial Management HSA 4170 3
Long-Term Care Administration HSA 4222 3
Health Law HSA 4423 3
Introduction to Health Research and Managerial Epidemiology HSA 4700 3
Health Care Quality Management HSA 4383 3
Practice Management HSA 4511 3

At least three four of the four five courses (9 12 credits) must be completed at FAU. Successful completion of the minor requires the successful completion of the student's College baccalaureate major.

Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 15 credits required)

(Changes effective fall 2025.) The certificate in Gerontology provides an interdisciplinary educational opportunity for undergraduate students working with older adults and for those interested in the process of aging. Student must complete 12 15 credits from the courses below. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "C" or better.

Core Courses (credits)
Health Delivery Systems HSA 3111 3
Long-Term Care Administration HSA 4222 3
Management of Long-Term Care Facilities HSA 4223 3
Electives (3 6 credits; select one course from each group)
Group A - Exercise Science/Health Promotion and Psychology
Human Memory EXP 4525 3
Perspectives in Health HSC 3102 3
Nutrition in Health and Exercise PET 3361 3
Group B - Social Sciences
Sociology of Aging and Dying SYP 3740 3
Social Work with Aging Populations SOW 4643 3

Healthcare Information Systems

Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The certificate in Healthcare Information Systems enhance the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to healthcare. Professions and majors benefiting from these programs include healthcare administration, nursing, medicine, biomedical sciences, actuaries, insurance, information technology and management information systems, among others. This 12-credit certificate is offered in conjunction with the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management (ITOM) in the College of Business. Certificate requirements are listed under ITOM's catalog section above.

Link to Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.)

Programs in International Business

Link to Honors Program in International Business

Link to Combined Program in International Business

Link to International Business Minor

Link to International Business Certificate

Link to Master's Program

International Business

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

The major in International Business attracts high-quality students and prepares them to contribute effectively to their organizations and community in a global business environment. This program's goals are accomplished through an active partnership with the business community while the program continuously enhances the quality and impact of international business education.

In addition to the University and College of Business degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, International Business students must complete the requirements below.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading Pre-Business Foundation Coursework in this section.

Business Core Requirements
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading College of Business Core in this section.

Foreign Language Requirement
Two semesters of the same college-level foreign language (6-8 credits) or equivalent competency.

International Business Major
A grade of "C" required in all major courses.

Core Courses - 15 credits 
International Finance FIN 4604 3
International Business MAN 3600 3
Global Human Resource Management  MAN 4610 3
International Business Operations MAN 4602 3
International Marketing MAR 4156 3
International Cognate Options- 3 credits required; choose one course
Law of International Trade BUL 4461 3
International Healthcare Systems HSA 4124 3
Negotiating in a Globalized World  MAN 3442 3
Global Supply Chain Management MAN 4597 3
International Business Study Abroad MAN 4956 1-4
Marketing Study Abroad MAR 4957 1-4
Enterprise Risk Management and Corporate Governance: Qualitative Analysis RMI 4423 3
Any 3000/4000-level foreign language course   3
An approved internship with significant international/cross-cultural content   3
Special Topics MAN 4930 3

Students may select an additional international economics course (ECO 4704, 4713 or ECS 3013) beyond the one required to meet the College Economics Requirement.

International Business
Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The minor is designed for non-Management majors. It gives non-Management majors the option to internationalize without fulfilling the requirements for a major. The minor consists of four courses indicated below. A grade of "C" or better is required in all minor courses.

Required Courses - 9 credits
International Business MAN 3600 3
International Business Operations MAN 4602 3
Global Human Resource Management  MAN 4610 3
Select one of the following, 3 credits
International Finance FIN 4604 3
International Healthcare Systems HSA 4124 3
International Marketing MAR 4156 3

A maximum of 3 credits used for the International Business minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. At least three of the courses above (9 credits) must be taken in residence at Florida Atlantic University. Acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a Florida Atlantic University degree program.

International Business

Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The certificate in International Business: Theory and Practice meets the needs of working professionals whose jobs have an international dimension and students who envision a career with an international business component. This certificate is an ideal enhancement to an undergraduate Business major; however, it is not available to students obtaining a major in International Business. Participants must have at least two years of college or university education and must satisfy the certificate's requirements below.

To sign up for the certificate or for more information, call the Office of Student Academic Services at 561-297-3688.

Required Courses
1. International Business MAN 3600 3
2. Two courses at FAU from the list below
Law of International Trade BUL 4461 3
International Trade ECO 4704 3
International Monetary Economics ECO 4713 3
International Economic Development ECS 3013 3
International Finance FIN 4604 3
International Healthcare Systems HSA 4124 3
Negotiating in a Globalized World  MAN 3442 3
Global Human Resource Managment  MAN 4610 3
Global Supply Chain Management MAN 4597 3
International Marketing MAR 4156 3
Personal Selling MAR 4400 3
3. Practical Component  One of the following Executive Education courses is required; all four options are off campus
Directed Independent Study with significant international/cross-cultural content MAN 4690 1-4
International Business Study Abroad MAN 4956 1-4
An approved internship with significant international/cross-cultural content

honors program in international business

The Honors in International Business provides FAU undergraduate students the opportunity to achieve academic excellence beyond the level of standard coursework by completing honors-level enrichment within and outside of coursework in International Business. Students interested in pursuing the Honors designation in International Business are required to meet the eligibility and admission requirements noted below. Each student’s Honors program of study includes 9 credits in Honors coursework in upper-level International Business courses, in addition to other enrichment requirements.

Undergraduate students who successfully fulfill all requirements below and have a final cumulative GPA of 3.25 or greater at the time of degree conferral receive a designation of Honors in the Major on their transcript. The transcript designation is Honors in International Business.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible students have:

  1. Been accepted into the College of Business at FAU as a declared major in International Business;
  2. A cumulative/overall GPA of at least 3.25;
  3. Submitted a formal application after completion of 30 credits no later than three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester for which students seek to enroll in the Honors Program in International Business. Most students will apply for the program after completing their sophomore year.

Admissions Requirements

  1. Application form;
  2. Unofficial transcript;
  3. Résumé;
  4. Personal statement;
  5. A letter of support by a member of the International Business department faculty;
  6. A brief interview, the result of which will be added by an interviewer after packet The director or a designated faculty member will conduct interviews.

Standards for Maintaining Active Status

  1. Maintain good academic and ethical standing;
  2. Maintain cumulative GPA of at least 25 overall;
  3. Maintain cumulative GPA of 5 in all three Honors-in-the-Major courses;
  4. Participate in all enrichment

If any of the above standards for maintaining eligibility in the program are not met, students will be advised accordingly on how to undertake remedial actions.

Students will not be allowed to continue in the Honors in International Business for Violation of the Code of Academic Integrity or any grade of less than a B in an Honors-course.

Honors in International Business Enrichment Requirements

Honors-level enrichment includes all designated ways in which a student in the International Business Honors program will experience an improved and enhanced quality education in the major of International Business at FAU.

If the enrichment requirements detailed below are not met, the student will not receive the Honors designation. However, work toward their degree and grades received for each course completed will be unaffected.

Requirement #1: General Enrichment

In general, Honors students are required to:

  1. Participate in a form of extensive mentoring in practical research by department faculty or approved departmental affiliated faculty, culminating in the completion of the Capstone Project as detailed
  2. In addition to course instructors, Honors students will meet regularly with a designated faculty mentor from the International Business Program.
  3. Join the undergraduate club for the International Business Program, currently named the Student Global Business Honors students are expected to participate in activities and, where possible, serve as officers.
  4. Participate, after being invited, in all of the International Business Program’s faculty seminars and
  5. Complete within two years all requirements for the Honors program, after which they will meet with the director to discuss their situation and options. 

Note: Prior to application, students who have already completed four or more of the approved Honors-level courses available in the program are not eligible for the Please see the next section for a list of approved courses.

Requirement #2: Coursework

The Honors in International Business program requires the completion of three courses upon which additional enrichment requirements have been agreed. These requirements are determined between the student and the instructor of the course according to an Honors Compact.

Course Selection and Honors Compact Procedure 

  1. Students must register for an approved course that may be designated as Honors level. Courses that may be designated as Honors-level include:
    • FIN 4604 International Finance
    • MAN3442 International Business Negotiations
    • MAN 3600 International Business
    • MAN 4602 International Business Operations
    • MAN 4610 Global Human Resource Managment 
    • MAR 4156 International Marketing
  2. Students may approach the course instructor and request that the course be designated as Honors- This decision is entirely the instructor’s. The instructor is not required to work with the student. However, a system will be developed so that all faculty will share the responsibility of supporting the Honors Program coursework requirements.
  3. The student will present the Honors Compact to the Instructor with their portion of the form A form for the Honor’s Compact will be provided by the International Business program.
  4. The instructor determines the nature of the Honors-level enrichment of the
  5. After the student and the instructor sign the Honors Compact, it will be sent to the Honors in International Business program faculty advisor, as well as to the University Honors Director, for final Honors Compacts must have final approval completed no later than three weeks after the beginning of a semester.

Students take Honors course #1 in their first semester of their first year of the Honors program, followed by Honors course #2 and #3 in subsequent semesters. Ideally, Honors courses should be completed no later than the end of the fall of their senior year at FAU.

Requirement #3: Honors Capstone Project

In addition to coursework and general enrichment, students in the Honors in International Business Program also need to complete a Capstone Project. A student’s Capstone Project consists of two parts: An experiential component, followed by the creation of a portfolio exploring the connections between work completed in their Honor’s Compacts and the experiential component. The final portfolio acts as their Honors Capstone Project.

Part 1: Experiential Component

Completion of the equivalent of one semester of one of the following experiences after entering the International Business Honors program:

  1. Study abroad as a full-time enrolled student at an International Business Program and/or FAU approved foreign university or college.
  2. MAN 4956 International Business Study Abroad course enrollment, or approved equivalent, required for at least one semester.

An international internship with an organization that is doing, or dealing with, for-profit business, all while living in a foreign The International Business Program must grant approval of the internship before it begins.

  1. MAN 4940 Management Internship course enrollment required for at least one semester.

Domestic internship with international requirements for at least 50 percent of required on-the-job duties. The International Business Program must grant approval of the internship before it Again, the organization must be doing, or dealing with, for-profit business.

  1. MAN 4940 Management Internship course enrollment required for at least one semester.

Part 2: Honors Capstone Portfolio Project

Honors students create a portfolio consisting of the following:

  1. Completed work from all three Honors Course
  2. A major analysis of the experiential component using prior Honor’s Compact
    1. Analysis consists of applying Course Compact work to real-world situations experienced by the student during an internship or study abroad.
    2. The goal of the portfolio project is for students to see connections among their honors experiences and to document for others their honors-level achievements.

The Capstone Portfolio Project is evaluated utilizing a set of criteria designed according to the type of experiential component chosen by the Honors student. In addition, the portfolio represents at least 25 percent of the student’s grade in the associated internship/study abroad courses. Honors students are required to score at least a 75 percent on their final Capstone Portfolio Project to complete the requirement.

international Business

The International Business department offers a combined Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business or Bachelor of Science in International Business to Master of Science in International Business program. Students in this combined program may count up to 12 credits of approved graduate coursework (5000 level or higher) toward both their bachelor’s degree and master’s degree.

  1. The student has met the minimum 120 credits for the bachelor’s degree; and
  2. The student has taken a minimum of 30 credits in 5000 level or higher courses for the master’s

With the approximate duration of five years, this combined program provides attractive ways for students to continue their graduate work. Students will complete and graduate from their bachelor degree first, and then continue coursework to finish their master degree program.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transfer Student Manual.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment. 

Admission Requirements
The GRE/GMAT requirement is waived for this program. To be eligible for the combined program, the bachelor student in International Business should:

  1. Have a cumulative and FAU GPA of 3.25 or better at the end of their junior year. Note that the
    cumulative FAU and GPA of at least 3.25 must be maintained until the completion of the
    bachelor’s degree in International Business.
  2. Formally apply to the combined program, completing the admissions process at least one
    semester prior to the beginning of the master’s degree portion of their program.

Once admitted to the program, students begin taking graduate courses (5000/6000 level courses) in their senior year that would apply to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Students in the combined program must maintain continuous enrollment, in full-time status, during their bachelor’s degree to remain in the combined program. Once students are admitted to the master’s degree program, they must maintain continuous enrollment to remain in good standing. Students must also meet all of the degree requirements of the graduate program.

Degree Requirements
To be eligible for the combined B.B.A. or B.S. in International Business to M.S. in International Business Degree Program, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Completion of the requirements for the B.B.A. or B.S. in International Business, and other
    requirements stipulated by the University or College; and
  2. Completion of all requirements for the M.S. in International Business.

Credits Counted Toward Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
The following undergraduate course requirements may be replaced with the shown graduate-level courses (a total of 12 credits). These graduate credits will count toward both the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree.

Undergraduate Course Requirements Graduate Course Requirements
Upper Divistion International Cognate Elective - 3 credits

Choose one of the following courses:

Supply Chain Management, MAN 6596
International Business Operations, MAN 6614

Upper Division Business Elective - 3 credits

Choose one of the following courses:

International Field Study Tour, GEB 6957
Cross Cultural Management, MAN 6609
Global  Leadership Assessment and Development, MAN 6899
Multinational Finance, FIN 6605

International Finance - FIN 4604 - 3 credits

Financial Markets, FIN 6246

International Marketing - MAR 4156 - 3 credits

  Advanced Marketing Management, MAR 6815

Programs in Management

Link to Master's Programs

Link to Doctoral Program

Link to Entrepreneurship Minor

Link to Entrepreneurial Management Minor and Certificate

Link to Leadership and Human Resource Development Minor

Link to Crisis and Disaster Management Certificate

Link to Innovation Entrepreneurship Certificate

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Concentration
Leadership and Change Management Skills Concentration

The major in Management attracts high-quality students and prepares them to contribute effectively to organizations in the areas of general management skills and entrepreneurship. The department achieves this through an active partnership with the business community using traditional and alternate delivery systems to create managers and entrepreneurs with necessary skills to advance in a complex and changing world. The major in Management has two possible concentrations, one in Leadership and Change Management Skills and the other in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. To obtain a Management major, students must complete one of the concentrations. Since there is significant overlap in the coursework and the major granted is the same (Management), double majors are not permitted.

The department also offers an undergraduate online Management program (Leadership and Change Management Skills concentration only); undergraduate minors in Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Management, and Leadership and Human Resource Development; and graduate certificates in Crisis and Disaster Management and Innovation Entrepreneurship.

In addition to the University and College of Business degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, Management majors must complete the requirements below.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading Pre-Business Foundation Coursework in this section.

Business Core Requirements
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading College of Business Core in this College of Business section.

Management Major  
A grade of "C" or better is required in all major courses.

Core Courses (6 credits) 
International Business MAN 3600 3
Strategic Human Resource Management MAN 4301 3
Management Major Concentrations
(Choose one of the concentrations below; 15 credits)
1. Leadership and Change Management Skills Concentration - 9 credits required
Leading People and Projects  MAN 4046 3
Negotiating in a Globalized World  MAN 3442 3
Leading Change and Development MAN 4350 3
Electives - choose 6 credits from the following list  
Operations Management Applications MAN 4504 3
Managing Workplace Diversity MAN 3113 3
Entrepreneurship ENT 4024 3
International Business Operations  MAN 4602 3
Management Internship MAN 4940 1-4
Employment Law BUL 4540 3
Human Resource Recruitment and Selection MAN 4320 3
Special Topics MAN 4930 1-4
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Concentration - 9 credits required
Entrepreneurship ENT 4024 3
Entrepreneurial Finance ENT 4412 3
Entrepreneurship Consulting Project  ENT 4934 3
Electives - choose 6 credits from the following list 
Launching Your Business  ENT 4015 3
Entrepreneurship Internship ENT 4940 1-4
Intellectual Property Law BUL 4514 3
Economics of Entrepreneurship ECP 4407 3
Directed Independent Study ENT 4905 3
Negotiating in a Globalized World  MAN 3442 3
Leading People and Projects MAN 4046 3
Special Topics ENT 4935 1-4


Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

The Entrepreneurship minor is designed for non-Management Business majors. Completion of the Business Core courses is required for this minor in addition to the three courses indicated below, all of which must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.

Required Courses (in addition to the Business Core)
Entrepreneurship ENT 4024 3
Entrepreneurial Finance ENT 4412 3
Intellectual Property Law BUL 4514 3

A maximum of 3 credits used for the Entrepreneurship minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor.
At least two of the courses above (6 credits) must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgement of the minor is official upon successful completion of a College of Business degree program.

Entrepreneurial Management
Undergraduate Minor and certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

(Changes effective fall 2025.) The Entrepreneurial Management minor and certificate are is designed for non-Business majors interested in organizing, owning, managing and assuming the risks of a business or assisting organizations in developing new business opportunities. Four courses are required as indicated below, all of which must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.

Required Courses (12 credits) 
Entrepreneurship ENT 4024 3
Entrepreneurial Finance ENT 4412 3
Entrepreneurship Consulting Project  ENT 4934 3
Select one of the courses below:
Launching Your Business  ENT 4015 3
Entrepreneurship Internship ENT 4940 1-4

At least three of the courses above (9 credits) must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgement of the minor is official upon successful completion of a Florida Atlantic University degree program. The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree seeking students and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Business office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework. Students cannot obtain both a minor and a certificate.

Leadership and Human Resource Development

Undergraduate Minor and certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

(Changes effective fall 2025.) Effective leadership, change management and human resource planning and development are critical in today's competitive business environment. The minor and certificate in Leadership and Human Resource Development are is designed to enhance students' personal leadership potential, capacity to implement organization change and ability to organize and develop employees. Students examine contemporary leadership models, strategies for approaching organizational transformation and employee intervention processes.

The minor or certificate is available to Business or non-Business majors interested in leadership and human resource development in organizations. Students must complete the four courses below (12 credits) with a grade of "C" or better.

Required Courses - 9 credits
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior
Management of Organizations
(effective fall 2025)
MAN 3025 3
Leading People and Projects  MAN 4046 3
Strategic Human Resource Management MAN 4301 3
Choose one course from the following:
Human Resource Recruitment and Selection MAN 4320 3
Leading Change and Development MAN 4350 3
Total 12

A maximum of 3 credits used for the Leadership and Human Resource Development minor or certificate may count toward other Business major requirements. At least three of the courses above (9 credits) must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgement of the minor is official upon successful completion of an FAU degree program. The certificate is available to degree-seeking students, non-degree seeking students and working professionals. Students pursuing the certificate may apply for it in the College of Business office of Student Academic Services upon successful completion of the coursework. Students cannot obtain both a minor and a certificate.

Master's Programs

Programs in Health Administration

Link to Programs in International Business

Link to Programs in Business Administration

Health Administration
Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.)

(Minimum of 30-37 credits required)

Link to Executive M.H.A.

Link to Health Administration Certificates

The Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.) is a 30-37 credit program that builds skills reflecting the latest in management and health care theory and practice. The M.H.A. program develops leaders who possess the values, knowledge and skills to achieve optimal delivery of healthcare. The program is designed for:

  1. Recent graduates of health administration programs or business programs who want to further prepare for a non-clinical career in a health care or related field.
  2. Graduates of clinical programs—medicine, physical therapy, nursing, etc.—who want to pursue a management career or who want to develop management skills.
  3. Clinical practitioners and aspiring administrators seeking to make a career change or wanting to move into an administrative position.
  4. People working in non-health fields who want to make a career change.

M.H.A. students gain a mastery of knowledge in healthcare administration varying from hospitals to nursing homes, outpatient clinics and assisted living facilities. Students gain understanding of patient demographics, health law, health insurance, systems organization, research, finance, health care technology and leading topics in today's healthcare industry. For more information, visit

Admission Requirements
Applicants must meet the following qualifications:

  1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution or its equivalent; and
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 (or equivalent) credits of college coursework leading toward a bachelor's degree. Post-baccalaureate coursework from an AACSB-accredited business school not included in an advanced degree may be included in the calculation; and
  3. Submit official, competitive scores on a GMAT or GRE taken within five years: GMAT scores of 500 and 4.0 (writing), or GRE scores of at least 153 (verbal), 144 (quantitative) and 4 (analytical writing).* When evaluating GMAT/GRE scores, the admissions committee looks for a balance between verbal, quantitative and analytical writing strengths. All three components of the GMAT are required.

* The GMAT or GRE requirement is waived for licensed physicians (MDs, osteopathic physicians, dentists, chiropractic and pediatric physicians and others) who have completed a nationally recognized qualifying examination for admission to post-graduate training.

Program Components
Foundation Requirements
Financial Accounting Concepts ACG 6027 3
Marketing Functions and Processes MAR 6055 3
The courses above are waived for students who have already taken them or similar courses as part of their undergraduate program, subject to program approval.
Core Courses
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up GEB 6215 3
Introduction to Health Care Systems HSA 6103 3
Planning and Marketing in Healthcare HSA 6108 3
Organizational Behavior in Healthcare HSA 6118 3
Health Policy HSA 6152 3
Healthcare Finance HSA 6175 3
Health Law HSA 6425 3
Research Methods for Healthcare Management HSA 6707 3
Total   24
Recommended Electives    
Students are encouraged to select two additional courses (6 credits) from the list below. Students may petition the program director if they want to satisfy their elective requirements with courses other than these.
Health Administration    
Current Topics in Health Care Management HSA 6937 3
Entrepreneurial Skills for Managers ENT 6226 3
Human Resources Management MAN 6156 3
Venture Creation ENT 6016 3
Data Analysis for Managers QMB 6603 3
Influencing Health Care Policy through Nursing: Advanced Nursing Situations NGR 6892 3
Public Administration    
Introduction to Public Administration PAD 6053 3
Public Policy and Nonprofit Organizations PAD 6143 3
Fundraising for Nonprofits PAD 6206 3
Grantwriting and Project Management PAD 6233 3
Social Work    
Advanced Context of Social Work Practice within Healthcare SOW 6605 3


Students who do not have sufficient prior work experience in healthcare, as defined below, are required to take GEB 6901 for 1 credit, in which they will perform an internship activity for about 15 hours per week during the semester. The internship will be approved by the instructor prior to registration and will meet the goal and one or more of the objectives stated below. The internship must be shown to accomplish at least one of objectives 1 through 3 below before it will be approved.

Internship Goal: To provide M.H.A. students with a practical learning experience within the management structure of a healthcare organization.

Internship Objectives: For M.H.A. students to:

  1. Experience the interaction of patients, providers and payments;
  2. Learn the nature of the interactions between sectors in the healthcare industry;
  3. Function in the work environment of the healthcare sector of their career interest;
  4. Make contacts that can help the student locate a job when they finish their degree.

The internship requirement may be waived if the student has acceptable prior job experience, which includes two years of supervisory or managerial experience in an organization that diagnoses, produces products for, treats or cares for frail, sick or injured people, or makes grants to or pays for care in such organizations. "Supervisory or managerial experience" means that the person had at least two employees reporting to her/him and the person had budgetary responsibility for a functional area.

Graduate Business Communication Program
Students must register for GEB 6215 their first term in the main program. Students enrolling in only foundation-level courses are not required to register for GEB 6215 at that point, but they must register for it during the next semester in which they register for M.H.A. core or elective credits.

Disallowed Course Combinations
M.H.A. students may not take both HSA 6707 and SOW 6404 for credit toward the M.H.A. degree. However, SOW 6404 may be substituted for HSA 6707 in extraordinarily extenuating circumstances with approval of the program director and lead course instructor.

Health Administration
Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.)
Executive Program

(Minimum of 30 credits required)

Crisis and Disaster Management Concentration

This 15-month executive program is specially designed to allow participants to continue their professional responsibilities or for those students who prefer the convenience of a full service, structured cohort program. The program requires 30 credits with courses offered every third weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6:15 p.m., and it is fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). FAU offers the program in two formats: on-campus every third weekend and 100 percent online.

Online Master of Health Administration
FAU’s Executive Master of Health Administration Online Program (OMHA) is 100 percent asynchronous, allowing students to access courses at any time and from any location, with an internet connection. The instruction and content replicates the classroom experience, where students have recorded online lectures, presentations, discussion and chats.

Admission Requirements
The EMHA/ OMHA curriculum is a cross section of business disciplines. From Health Law and Organization Behavior in Healthcare to Healthcare Finance and Research Methods, the EMHA/OMHA courses are packed with the latest health administration-specific content. Additionally, students earn the Lean Six-Sigma Green Belt certification.

To qualify for unconditional or full acceptance to the Executive Master of Health Administration or Online Master of Health Administration, applicants are required to have:

  1. At least four years of professional work experience;
  2. An undergraduate degree in any discipline from a regionally accredited institution with at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 (or equivalent) credits of college coursework leading toward a bachelor's degree. Post-baccalaureate coursework from an AACSB-accredited business school not included in an advanced degree may be included in the calculation.
  3. An official GMAT score of at least 500 or GRE scores of at least 153 (verbal), 144 (quantitative) and 4 (analytical writing) are required. The GMAT/GRE exam score may be waived for the program. GMAT/GRE waiver eligibility is based on evaluation of credentials listed under Admission Requirements.

Conditional admission may be available under extraordinary circumstances to applicants who have received a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, but who fall short of the GPA and/or the GMAT requirement or who show high promise. In these cases. The Executive Master of Health Administration or Online Master of Health Administration admissions committee will review all evidence of high promise, including but not limited to: grade trends, mature work experience, work accomplishment and promotion, type and rigor of undergraduate degree program, references and letters of recommendation and evidence of having attained some "A" grades in rigorous courses.

After the first year in the Executive Master of Health Administration or Online Master of Health Administration program, the admissions committee will review each student receiving conditional admission and will recommend either full admission to or dismissal from the program.

Executive Master of Health Administration Format
Florida Atlantic University's Executive Master of Health Administration (EMHA) Program is an intensive 15-month program offering exceptional quality.

The Executive M.H.A. curriculum allows participants to continue their professional responsibilities while earning an AACSB accredited M.H.A. degree as full-time graduate students. Each class begins and progresses through the program as a group, sharing the same sequence of classes and educational experiences.

This program consists of 30 credits. Classes are held every third weekend (Saturday and Sunday) from 8 a.m. to 6:15 p.m., with breakfast and lunch served each weekend.

The Executive Master of Health Administration Program is offered at the FAU campus in Boca Raton. On-site Executive Master of Health Administration are available to local sponsoring organizations.

Online Master of Health Administration Format
The online M.H.A. is 100 percent online and contains the same curriculum and is taught by the same professors as in the campus-based programs.

Executive Master of Health Administration Curriculum

Class 1

Introduction to Health Care Systems

HSA 6103


Class 2

Communication Strategies for Business Professionals

GEB 6217


Class 3

Global Issues in Health Care Delivery

HSA 6125


Class 4

Healthcare Finance

HSA 6175


Class 5

Organizational Behavior in Healthcare

HSA 6118


Class 6

Research Methods for Healthcare Management

HSA 6707


Class 7

Planning and Marketing in Healthcare

HSA 6108


Class 8

Health Policy

HSA 6152


Class 9

Health Law

HSA 6425


Class 10

Current Topics in Healthcare Management

HSA 6937


Content, coursework and fees may vary as determined by the administration. Florida Atlantic University reserves the right to change curriculum, sequence, program fees and other program requirements as necessary.

Academic Standing, Policies, Graduation
The Executive Master of Health Administration program and Online Master of Health Administration programs follow the same policies regarding academic standing and graduation used in the College of Business and the same grading standards of the University. Student continuation in the Executive Master of Health Administration program or Online Master of Health Administration program requires satisfactory progress toward the graduate degree. Evidence of such progress includes maintenance of a cumulative 3.0 grade point average (GPA). Graduation will be prohibited if the final cumulative GPA is less than 3.0 upon completion of the total program curriculum.

Graduate students with GPAs less than 3.0 will be required to complete an academic progression plan (APP). The APP is a contractual agreement that outlines particular courses and grades to reestablish good academic standing. APPs should generally outline a path (usually not more than two semesters) to reestablish a 3.0 GPA. Students who are placed on an academic progression plan and are not making progress toward their academic goals set forth by the APP may be recommended for dismissal from the program. The College may enact registration holds to prohibit a student's future enrollment until the APP is finalized. Students who do not fulfill the obligations established in the APP are recommended for dismissal to the Dean of the Graduate College.

Program Fees Executive M.H.A.
The Executive Master of Health Administration program is a full-service, all-inclusive program. Executive Master of Health Administration Program fees cover all program costs, including tuition, textbooks, course materials, meals and graduation activities. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit See the Executive M.H.A. website for more information.

Program Fees Online M.H.A.
The Online Master of Health Administration program. is a full-service, all-inclusive program. Online Master of Health Administration program fees cover all program costs, including tuition and graduation activities. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit Books are not included for the Online Master of Health Administration. See the website for more information.

Application Process and More Information
To apply or to receive more information about the Executive Master of Health Administration program or Online Master of Health Administration program, see website or call 561-297-6000.

Health Administration
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

Graduate students may earn a certificate in Health Administration with the successful completion of four courses from the choices below. If a student chooses this option, the courses used to earn the certificate cannot later be counted toward a Master of Health Administration degree.

Certificate Requirements
Introduction to Healthcare Systems (required) HSA 6103 3
One of the following
Planning and Marketing in Healthcare HSA 6108 3
Organizational Behavior in Healthcare HSA 6118 3
One of the following
Health Policy HSA 6152 3
Health Law HSA 6425 3
One of the following
Healthcare Finance HSA 6175 3
Research Methods for Healthcare Management HSA 6707 3

Health Administration
Graduate Certificate
Professional Program

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Professional Health Administration certificate is designed for working professionals currently enrolled in self-supporting programs in the College of Business. This is a stand-alone certificate tailored for working professionals and alumni with graduate degrees who are looking for specialized knowledge in Health Administration. The certificate consists of 12 credits chosen from the table above.

Programs in International Business

Link to International Business Executive Program

International Business
Master of Science (M.S.)

(Minimum of 33 credits required)

The Master of Science (M.S.) with major in International Business is a 33-credit program that provides specialized management education for students who want to pursue or enhance a career in businesses and organizations that are involved in global, cross-national production, services, trade or investment. Prior business coursework is not required for the program. The degree combines a broad-based curriculum in international business, classroom learning, a possible study abroad field experience as well as an applied project designed to develop managerial skills in various aspects of global business.

Admission Requirements
Applicants will:

  1. Have earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university or the international equivalent;
  2. Have a strong grade point average on all previous coursework (typically 3.0 minimum GPA), though emphasis will be on the last 60 credits earned;
  3. Submit a one- to two-page essay describing both the applicant's background and objectives for undertaking graduate study;
  4. Submit an official GMAT score of at least 500 or GRE scores of at least 153 (verbal), 144 (quantitative) and 4 (analytical writing);

Conditional admission may be available under certain circumstances to applicants who have received a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, but who fall short of the GPA and/or the GMAT requirement or who show high promise. In these cases, the admissions committee will review all evidence of high promise including, but not limited to, grade trends, mature work experience, work accomplishment and promotion, type and rigor of undergraduate degree program, references and letters of recommendation and evidence of having attained some "A" grades in rigorous courses. After the first term, the admissions committee will review each student receiving conditional admission and will recommend either full admission to or dismissal from the program.

Admission Requirements for International Students
A graduate of a college or university outside of the United States who has completed an academic program equivalent to an American bachelor's degree may apply for admission to the master's program. International students are required to submit the application forms and an official certified transcript indicating the nature and scope of their academic training. An international applicant whose native language is not English must submit a score of at least 600 (CBT-250) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). For details, applicants should visit The IELTS test may also be considered. Visit

Application Procedure and Deadlines
Applicants must follow application procedures outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog. The GMAT or GRE must be taken, and the required application material must be submitted to the Graduate College by the deadline established by the University each term. Early submission of admission documents facilitates the decision process.

The coursework conveys the body of knowledge of international business management. Prior coursework in business is not required.

Required Coursework (33 credits)
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
Entrepreneurial Consulting Project ENT 6946 3 1-4
Financial Markets FIN 6246 3
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals GEB 6217 3
Cross-Cultural Management and Human Resources MAN 6609 3
Managing Effectively in Emerging Markets MAN 6728 3
Global Environment of Management MAN 6937 3
Advanced Marketing Management MAR 6815 3
One of the following two courses
Supply Chain Management MAN 6596 3 or
International Business Operations MAN 6614 3
International Business Elective Coursework
Graduate electives relevant to international business approved by the chair or program director. Typical coursework includes a short study abroad excursion and additional classes from departmental offerings. 6
Total Required Credits 33


International Business  
Master of Science (M.S.)
Executive Program

(Minimum of 33 credits required)

The Executive Program in International Business is designed to prepare emerging leaders for work in national and global corporations in various business-centric roles, including business development, finance, economics, marketing, operations, communications and entrepreneurship. Classes are held on weeknights and are designed with the working professional in mind. This is a 33-credit, 15-month program and does not require prior business coursework. The curriculum is the same as for the traditional M.S. program noted above. The program is available in person or fully online.

Programs in Business Administration

Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)


Business Analytics 
Crisis and Disaster Management 
Entrepreneurial Management 
Health Administration 
Hospitality and Tourism Management 
International Business 
Management Information Systems 
Operations Management 
Sport Management 

Link to Executive M.B.A.

Link to Professional M.B.A.

Link to Crisis and Disaster Management Certificate

Link to Innovation Entrepreneurship Certificate

The principal objective of the Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Program is to advance the quality of business management. The program provides advanced management education in an environment that encourages students to extend their leadership capabilities. It enables students to gain broad managerial skills and to develop specialized expertise in a business discipline that best suits their career aspirations. This program also available online.

Admission Requirements
The College of Business seeks a diverse, highly qualified group of graduate students. Applications are evaluated on several factors emphasizing prior academic performance, GMAT or GRE scores and the potential for scholarly and professional success. In addition to other requirements for admission to the Graduate College at FAU, to be considered for this master's program in the College of Business, applicants must:

  • Have earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university or the international equivalent.
  • Have a strong grade point average on all previous college work, though emphasis will be on the last 60 credits earned.
  • Submit a one-to-two page essay describing both the applicant's background and objectives for undertaking graduate study.
  • Submit an official, competitive score on a GMAT or GRE taken within five years: a score of at least 1000 (combined quantitative and verbal) or 153 Verbal, 144 Quantitative and 4 Analytical Writing on the GRE or a score of at least 500 on the GMAT. When evaluating GMAT/GRE scores, the admissions committee looks for a balance between verbal, quantitative and analytical writing strengths. All three components of the GMAT/GRE are required.
  • International applicants whose native language is not English must have a TOEFL score of at least 600 (paper), 250 (computer) or 100 (Internet).
  • Have all materials for the application complete and filed with FAU prior to the deadlines. Deadlines for domestic admission: July 1 for fall, November 1 for spring and April 1 for summer. Deadlines for international admission: February 15 for fall, July 15 for spring and January 15 for summer.

Supplemental information that may be provided to highlight characteristics not evident in the required admissions materials includes:

  • A one-page résumé.
  • Letter(s) of recommendation from employers, faculty members or others who can attest to scholarly ability and/or agency.
  • A writing sample demonstrating analytical and explanatory skills.

Successful performance in other graduate work attempted will also be considered in the admission decision. Due to the uniqueness of The Executive M.B.A. Program, transfer between programs is not possible. Admission to one program does not constitute admission to all programs.

Transient students are students in good standing in a graduate program at another accredited institution. To enroll in graduate business courses at FAU and transfer that credit to another institution, transient students must present a letter certifying good standing and enumerating the exact courses to be taken from FAU. Transient students enroll for those courses on a space-available basis and as non-degree-seeking students.

Non-Business graduate students who are fully admitted, are making progress in an FAU graduate program and are in good standing may enroll in graduate business courses with permission of the assistant or associate dean. All course prerequisites must be met.

Admission Requirements for International Students
A graduate of a foreign college or university who has completed an academic program equivalent to an American bachelor's degree may apply for admission to the master's program. International students are required to submit the application forms and an official certified transcript indicating the nature and scope of their academic training. An international applicant whose native language is not English must submit a score of at least 600 (CBT-250) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). For details, applicants should write to: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Educational Testing Service, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, New Jersey, 08540-6151, U.S.A., or visit The IELTS test may also be considered. See

Application Procedures and Deadlines
Applicants must follow application procedures outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog. The GMAT must be taken and the required application material must be submitted to the Graduate College by the deadline established by the University each term. Early submission of admission documents will facilitate the decision process.

Enrollment Policy
Priority for enrollment in graduate (6000 and 7000 level) business courses is as follows:

  1. Students who have been admitted to a graduate business program that requires a particular course;
  2. Students in other FAU graduate programs that require a specific business course;
  3. Students who have been admitted to a graduate business program not requiring a particular course but desire the course as an elective;
  4. Degree-seeking students in other FAU graduate programs who desire a business class as an elective to supplement their program.

Students must have completed class prerequisites to enroll in graduate business courses. In most cases, non-degree students are not permitted to enroll in graduate business courses unless they have received permission from Student Academic Services and/or the faculty member teaching the course. Students in the M.B.A. or M.AC. programs who lack foundation coursework may be prohibited from registering for some courses until foundation requirements are met.

Students not falling into one of the above categories may not register for graduate business courses at the 6000 and 7000 levels without permission from the assistant or associate dean and the instructor. Persons doing so will be administratively withdrawn from those classes sometime after the drop/add period.

Degree Requirements
To qualify for the M.B.A. degree, each candidate must:

  1. Meet all general requirements of the University for a master's degree and complete the program within 10 years of first enrollment in an M.B.A. graduate course. If the thesis option is selected, the thesis must be completed within five years of its start and within the 10-year period.
  2. Complete 43 credits of required and elective courses with a GPA of 3.0 or better. Any grade below a "C" is typically considered a failure and the course must be retaken. No more than two courses or 6 credits of M.B.A. graduate work can be transferred from other accredited institutions. Any additional transfer credit may be accepted only by petition. (See Transfer Credits heading appearing later in this section.)
  3. Successfully complete GEB 6215 requirements.
  4. File a plan of study no later than one semester prior to graduation.

Courses in the M.B.A. curriculum are offered at the Fort Lauderdale campus in the evening and the Boca Raton campus during the day and in the evening. Nearly all M.B.A. courses are offered at all locations as affected by demand and resource constraints. A few M.B.A. courses are offered online, but the entire degree program likely cannot be completed without traditional courses.

Time Commitment
Full-time graduate students having the required academic background in business can complete the M.B.A. Program in as little as 18 months. For full-time students lacking that background, completion requires at least 30 months. Part-time students can progress at their own pace, the only requirement being that all degree requirements must be completed within 10 years of first enrollment in a graduate M.B.A. course.

Academic Standing Policy Statement
Continuation in the program requires satisfactory progress toward the graduate degree. Evidence of such progress includes maintenance of a cumulative 3.0 average throughout the course of academic study. In addition, only grades of "A," "A-," "B+," "B," "B-," "C+" or "C" are acceptable in fulfilling graduate school requirements in the M.B.A. plan of study.

Students who fall below a 3.0 GPA are placed on academic warning. Students on academic warning for two consecutive semesters may be academically dismissed. Failure to attain a 3.0 cumulative average within three successive semesters of active enrollment will result in automatic dismissal. The Assistant or Associate Dean of Business reserves the right to dismiss any student at any time when, in the dean's judgment, the student is not making satisfactory progress toward the degree.

Prerequisite Policy Statement
Any student who does not meet course prerequisites will be dropped by the administration from such course(s) at any time during a semester when the deficiency is discovered. Tuition will be forfeited.

The M.B.A. Curriculum
The M.B.A. Program consists of 43-55 credits of graduate business study. All new M.B.A. students must register for GEB 6215, Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up, and GEB 6931, The Executive Forum, at their first registration in core or elective courses.

First semester
Business Law and Applied Ethics BUL 6455 1.5
Advanced Managerial Economics ECP 6705 1.5
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up GEB 6215 3
Contemporary Issues in Industry: The Executive Forum GEB 6931 1
Second semester
Financial Accounting Concepts ACG 6027* 3
Leadership and Organizations MAN 6296 3
Subsequent semesters
Advanced Analysis and Application of Accounting Data (1) ACG 6315 3
Financial Management FIN 6406* 3
Advanced Financial Management (2) FIN 6806 3
Management of Information Systems and Technology (1) ISM 6026 3
Operations Management (3) MAN 6501 3
Global Business Strategy MAN 6721 3
Global Environment of Management MAN 6937 3
Marketing Functions and Processes MAR 6055* 3
Advanced Marketing Management (4) MAR 6815 3
Data Analysis for Managers QMB 6603* 3
Core Total 31-43*
Electives 12
Degree Total 43-55*

* Course can be waived if student has taken undergraduate course equivalent.


  1. Accounting concentration students must be approved by both the School of Accounting and the M.B.A. program. Admission to the M.B.A. program does not guarantee entry into the Accounting concentration. The Accounting concentration student will substitute ACG 6138 for ACG 6315 and ACG 6475 for ISM 6026. M.B.A. students who are undergraduate Accounting majors NOT in an Accounting concentration will substitute another 6000-level accounting elective course for ACG 6315. ACG 6027, ACG 6137, ACG 6347 and ACG 6635 may not be counted for graduate credit. The exact substitutions must be approved by the College of Business Office of Graduate Student Programs based on the prior academic record.
  2. Students with 18 or more undergraduate credits in Finance may substitute another 6000-level FIN course for FIN 6806.
  3. Students who have had an undergraduate operations management course may substitute MAN 6525, MAN 6581 or MAN 6596 for MAN 6501.
  4. Students with 18 or more undergraduate credits in Marketing may substitute a 6000-level MAR elective offered by the Marketing Department for MAR 6815.


Concentrations are not required and may not be desirable for a student seeking a well-rounded, diverse skill set. For students who desire the depth of a concentration, all concentrations within the M.B.A. program consist of the basic core as listed above (31 credits) and concentration electives (12 credits). In order to receive certification in a concentration, all coursework must be completed with no grade less than a "B-" and an average of 3.0 for the 12 to 15 credits of the concentration. Students who do not elect a concentration will be granted a General M.B.A. Concentrations are not designated on a diploma, but they are noted on the transcript.

The Accounting Concentration: 
Students electing the Accounting concentration will take the basic core as listed above and make the appropriate substitutions as listed in Note #1 under the Core Component. In addition, students must complete four 6000-level ACG or TAX courses for which prerequisites have been met. ACG 6027, ACG 6137, ACG 6347, ACG 6635 and Accounting courses at the 5000-level are not acceptable for the Accounting concentration in the M.B.A. program.

The Business Analytics Concentration:  Students electing the Business Analytics concentration take the basic core as listed above and four of the following elective courses:

ISM 6136, Data Mining and Predictive Analytics
ISM 6217, Database Management Systems
ISM 6404, Introduction to Business Analytics
ISM 6405, Advanced Business Analytics
ISM 6427C, Business Innovation with Artificial Intelligence
ISM 6555, Social Media and Web Analytics
QMB 6303, Data Management and Analysis with Excel
QMB 6616, Supply Chain Analytics

Or other approved courses.

The Crisis and Disaster Management Concentration: Students take the basic core courses listed above and the following 3-credit course plus three additional courses in consultation with the advisor for a total of 12 credits for the concentration.

Three graduate MAN courses in consultation with an advisor
MAN 6926, Field Project

The  Entrepreneurial Management Concentration: Students in the Entrepreneurial Management concentration will take the basic core as listed above. The entrepreneurial component consists of four courses as follows:

Required: ENT 6016, Venture Creation

Two of the following:
ENT 6116, Advanced Business Plan Development (no longer offered effective summer 2025)
ENT 6186, Technology Commercialization Strategies
ENT 6428, Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital
MAN 6581, Project Management
MAR 6837, Developing and Marketing Innovations

One of the following:
ENT 6226, Entrepreneurial Skills for Managers
ENT 6946, Entrepreneurial Consulting Project
HSA 6103, Introduction to Health Care Systems
ISM 6508, Web-Based Business Development
MAN 6156, Human Resources Management
MAN 6931, Special Topics
MAN 6943, Graduate Management Internship
SPB 6815, Managing the Sport Enterprise
or a relevant course from another graduate program (subject to department chair or advisor approval)

The Finance Concentration:  Students electing the Finance concentration will take the basic core as listed above and any four of the following courses: FIN 6246, FIN 6436, FIN 6537, FIN 6605, FIN 6515, REE 6305, FIN 6936, RMI 6356, RMI 6426 or RMI 6727. Students with 18 undergraduate credits in Finance may replace FIN 6806 in the core with an alternative course from the elective list.
(Course no longer offered effective summer 2025.)

The Health Administration Concentration:  Students electing the Health Administration concentration will take the basic core as listed above and four elective courses as follows:

Required: HSA 6103, Introduction to Healthcare Systems

One of the following:
HSA 6108, Planning and Marketing in Healthcare
HSA 6118, Organizational Behavior in Healthcare

One of the following:
HSA 6152, Health Policy
HSA 6425, Health Law

One of the following:
HSA 6175, Healthcare Finance
HSA 6707, Research Methods for Healthcare Management

The Hospitality and Tourism Management Concentration:  Permits students to combine interests in the hospitality and tourism industry in a complementary manner to the core courses of the MBA. Students gain an understanding of the core areas within this industry, including, but not limited to, guest service, operations, finance and marketing/revenue management.

Students electing the Hospitality and Tourism Management concentration will take the basic MBA core courses and four elective courses (12 credits) from the list below. Students interested in Directed Independent Study (DIS) must receive permission from both the chair/director and the instructor of record prior to using the DIS course toward the 12-credit concentration*.

Students must be in good standing at FAU, must meet all requirements of their respective graduate program and may use hospitality and tourism management courses as electives if permitted by their particular graduate program. Students must maintain an overall average grade of "B" (3.0 GPA) upon completion of all required courses in order to receive the Hospitality and Tourism Management concentration.

Choose any four courses from the following list (12 credits):
HMG 6299, Hospitality Operations: A Case Approach, 3 credits
HMG 6506, Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Marketing, 3 credits
HMG 6546, Strategies for Excellence in Guest Service Management, 3 credits
HMG 6756, Events Management, 3 credits
HMG 6901, Directed Independent Study in Hospitality Management, 3 credits
Any Marketing (MAR) course at the 6000 level or higher, 3 credits

The International Business Concentration:  Students in the International Business concentration will take the basic core as listed above. The international component consists of four elective courses within three blocks. Students must take one course from each block. The fourth course may be chosen from any block with a limit of 3 credits for GEB 6957, International Field Experience.

Block 1: ECO 6706, Advanced International Trade; ECO 6716, Advanced International Monetary Economics; or FIN 6605, Multinational Finance.

Block 2: MAN 6614, International Business Operations; MAN 6728, Managing Effectively in Emerging Market Economies; MAR 6158, Global Marketing; or MAN 6609, Cross-Cultural Management and Human Resources.

Block 3: ACG 6275, International Accounting; GEB 6957, International Field Experience (research on and travel to a foreign country); or an additional course from Block 1 or 2.

The Management Information Systems Concentration: Students electing the Management Information Systems concentration will take the basic core as listed above and four of the following: ISM 6508, ISM 6328, ISM 6368, ISM 6427C, ISM 6455, ISM 6509, MAN 6581.

The Marketing Concentration: Students electing the Marketing concentration will take the basic core as listed above with any four elective courses offered by the Marketing Department at the 6000 level.

The Operations Management Concentration: Students electing the Operations Management concentration will take the basic core as listed above and four elective courses as follows: MAN 6525, Business Process Improvement Management; MAN 6581, Project Management; MAN 6596, Supply Chain Management; and one class from the following list: ISM 6508, ISM 6455, MAR 6837, QMB 6616 or other approved Special Topics courses.

The Sport Management Concentration: Students electing the Sport Management concentration will take the basic core as listed above and the following required courses: SPB 6406, Sport Law; SPB 6815, Managing the Sport Enterprise; SPB 5817, Financial Aspects of Sport Management; SPB 6940, Sport Management Internship; and SPB 6716, Sport Marketing. Students must also take either SPB 6106, Management of Intercollegiate Athletics; or SPB 6306, Management of Sport, Entertainment and Convention Facilities. Admission to the Sport Management concentration is dependent upon the recommendation of the director. A pre-admission interview is required.

Graduate Business Communication Program
Written and verbal communication skills are integrated components of the M.B.A. program. As such, students must demonstrate communication proficiency appropriate to academic, professional and business environments. Students will demonstrate their written and verbal communication skills as they complete the following activities: weekly professional development sessions, written course assignments and classroom presentations. Students are not permitted to register for key integrated courses (ACG 6315, ACG 6138, ACG 6475, MAN 6937, ISM 6026, FIN 6806 or HSA 6103) unless they have enrolled in GEB 6215.

The Graduate Communications Program is offered in GEB 6215: Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up. It is integrated with core and elective courses. Some assignments are evaluated by both the professor and by Graduate Communication Program instructors. Communication skills are also enhanced in the weekly sessions.

Students must register for GEB 6215 upon their first registration in core or elective courses. Students enrolling only for foundation-level courses are not required to register for GEB 6215 at that point. Grades in GEB 6215 are distributed on a satisfactory or unsatisfactory basis. Students who fail to advance through GEB 6215 will receive an unsatisfactory ("U") grade and must register for the course again. Failure to complete GEB 6215 in a reasonable timeframe will result in the student's dismissal from the M.B.A. program.

A student who does not register for GEB 6215 during the first semester of M.B.A. core or elective credit will have an academic hold placed on the student's record. The hold denies advance registration privileges until the student has conferred with the Director of Master's Programs in Business.

Students who have received a grade of "U" and who do not re-register for GEB 6215 in the next semester of attendance following issuance of the "U" will be administratively dropped from graduate courses.

Applications for degree will not be accepted unless certification requirements have been met and a grade of "S" has been issued.

Contemporary Issues in Industry: The Executive Forum
The forum provides exposure to and interaction with business executives from a variety of fields. Students will register for the forum in the first fall or spring semester of their program and must attend 10 sessions or presentations by executives to receive credit. There will be 14 presentations each fall and spring semester, and the student may complete the requirements in one semester or may divide attendance into two semesters. Presentations will not be made in summer semesters.

The executives invited to participate provide an invaluable bridge between the theory and practice of business and the consideration of current challenges facing business and industry, and provide an important linkage with the business community.

The forum will be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory ("S"/"U") basis, with an incomplete ("I") grade issued until all requirements are completed.

Elective Component
The elective component consisting of 12 advanced graduate credits in business at the 6000 level:

  1. From one or more departments in the College of Business, or
  2. From thesis options that provide 6 credits in an original area of research in lieu of coursework, or
  3. Electives as specified in a concentration.

Electives are available in accounting, information technology, economics, finance, health administration, human resources, international business, management, marketing, operations management and real estate, as well as from interdisciplinary industry-specific programs. Out-of-College electives may be approved by the Assistant or Associate Dean of Business if they are pertinent to the individual plan. Directed study electives are limited to one course or 3 credits. No foundation course may be used as an elective in any program.

The Thesis Option
The Thesis option consists of 6 graduate credits of thesis research in business. Thesis work involves the following steps and regulations:

  1. Submit to the appropriate department chair a written proposal discussing the area in which the study/research will be conducted. The scope of the study must involve a significant amount of originality.
  2. If the proposal is satisfactory, the department chair will recommend to the Director of Master's Programs in Business a thesis committee. It will include a thesis committee chair and two faculty members, one of whom will be from outside the concerned department.
  3. The original and three copies of the completed thesis must be submitted to the chair of the thesis committee at least 30 days before the end of the semester in which the student expects to receive the degree.
  4. An examining committee will then conduct an oral examination during which the student defends the thesis.
  5. Upon passing the oral defense, the student shall deliver to the Assistant or Associate Dean of Business copies of the thesis in final form in accordance with Graduate College policies. It must be properly signed by the chair of the thesis committee and the chair of the thesis director's department. The chair must be a graduate faculty member of the College of Business.
  6. Refer to University thesis guidelines for earlier deadlines and requirements.
  7. The student can be certified for the M.B.A. degree only after the thesis has been approved and accepted by the Assistant or Associate Dean of Business and the Graduate College.

Once the thesis is begun, the student will be expected to register for at least 3 credits of thesis study each succeeding term (excepting summer term) until the degree requirements are satisfied. Students who find it necessary to be excused from thesis registration for any term because they will, indeed, be inactive for the term, must obtain written approval from the Assistant or Associate Dean of Business prior to the beginning of the term.

Transfer Credits
Acceptance of transfer credits from accredited institutions is dependent upon the pertinence of the work to the M.B.A. Program. A transfer student must confer with a graduate business advisor immediately upon entry to ensure that no misunderstanding occurs with regard to transfer credit in the degree plan. The transfer of two courses or 6 credits may be allowed subject to the following restrictions:

  1. All transfer credits must be at least a "B" (3.0 on a 4.0 scale), and the student's overall grade point average in all previous graduate work must be at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  2. No graduate credit will be allowed for life experience.
  3. Additional transfer credits may be accepted, by petition, from other institutions that are accredited by AACSB. A maximum of one-third of the credits leading to a degree is eligible for transfer consideration.
  4. The use of transfer credit in concentrations is strictly limited and requires advance, written approval.
  5. Transfer credits are only considered if earned less than seven years prior to matriculating into the program.

Credit Duplication Policy Statement
Neither credit used for another degree nor any foundation course credit may be counted toward the 40 credits of advanced courses. Students will not receive credit for core courses that duplicate their undergraduate education courses.

Time Limit
Candidates for the M.B.A. degree must complete all work within a 10-consecutive-year period after initial registration in an M.B.A. course. Thesis credits must be earned within five years of first thesis registration and within 10 years of first registration in a graduate M.B.A. course.

Academic Standing
Continuation in the M.B.A. Program requires satisfactory progress toward the degree. Evidence of such progress includes:

  1. Maintenance of a 3.0 cumulative GPA throughout the program, including the Foundation Component;
  2. Progress made toward completing GEB 6215 in a timely fashion;
  3. Absence of academic irregularities, as defined in the FAU Student Handbook;
  4. Progress made since first enrollment in a graduate course. Only grades of "A," "A-," "B+," "B," "B-," "C+" and "C" are acceptable in fulfilling graduate school and M.B.A. Program requirements.

Failure to attain a 3.0 cumulative average within two successive semesters may result in dismissal. The College reserves the right to dismiss any student at any time in their academic career when the student is not making satisfactory progress.

Students who fail to attain a 3.0 FAU graduate GPA will be placed on academic warning. Students on warning are subject to possible academic dismissal from the College. In conjunction with the Graduate College's warning and dismissal procedures, the College of Business Student Academic Services Office may require many categories of students on warning to complete an academic progression plan (APP) to establish a path for success. Graduate students with very poor GPAs (less than 2.5) after their first semester may be required to complete an APP. Students who do not fulfill the obligations established in the APP will be recommended for dismissal to the Dean of the Graduate College.

A student receiving conditional admission will be informed by the M.B.A. admissions committee about the admission/dismissal decision at the end of the conditional admission period, which is within one year or less from the beginning of the semester specified in the letter of conditional acceptance. A student who fails to meet the criteria for unconditional/full admission will be dismissed at either the termination date specified under the conditional admission arrangement, or as soon as evidence of unsatisfactory progress becomes available.

Financial Assistance
Limited financial assistance is available to graduate students in the College of Business through fellowships and assistantships, which may include both income and out-of-state tuition waivers. Interested students should contact a graduate business advisor or a department chair. Additional information may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office.

Cooperative education programs are available. Contact the FAU Career Center. Full-time and part-time employment in the local community is available to graduate students as well.

Career Placement Assistance
The FAU Career Center provides full-time staff to assist graduate students in finding employment opportunities that meet their various needs. The College of Business has established an Office of Career Placement and Internships to assist graduate students in the College.

Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Executive Program

Business Analytics 
Crisis and Disaster Management 
Entrepreneurial Management 
Health Administration 
Hospitality and Tourism Management 
International Business 
Management Information Systems 
Operations Management 
Sport Management 

The Executive Master of Business Administration Program (Executive M.B.A.) was developed in response to a need for convenient, advanced executive education. The goal of the Executive M.B.A. Program is to prepare participating managers to assume leadership roles so that they and their companies can maximize investments in executive education. Many graduates will occupy senior management positions and provide leadership in an increasingly competitive business environment. The Executive M.B.A. is internationally accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB).

Admission Requirements
The Executive Master of Business Administration Program is designed to educate a broad range of people displaying management potential, including but not limited to, managers, salespersons, computer systems professionals, engineers, government administrators and workers, medical and legal professionals and scientists. Candidates should have significant business and professional experience and must demonstrate potential for continued career growth in management.

To qualify for unconditional or full acceptance to the Executive M.B.A. Program, applicants are required to have:

  1. Five or more years of professional/managerial work experience.
  2. An undergraduate degree in any discipline from a regionally accredited institution with at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 (or equivalent) credits of college coursework leading toward a bachelor's degree. Post-baccalaureate coursework from an AACSB-accredited business school not included in an advanced degree may be included in the calculation.
  3. An official GMAT score of at least 500 or GRE scores of at least 153 (verbal), 144 (quantitative) and 4 (analytical writing). The GMAT/GRE exam score may be waived for the program. GMAT/GRE waiver eligibility is based on evaluation of credentials listed under Admission Requirements.

Conditional admission may be available under extraordinary circumstances to applicants who have received a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, but who fall short of the GPA and/or the GMAT requirement or who show high promise. In these cases, the Executive M.B.A. admissions committee will review all evidence of high promise, including but not limited to: grade trends, mature work experience, work accomplishment and promotion, type and rigor of undergraduate degree program, references and letters of recommendation and evidence of having attained some "A" grades in rigorous courses.

After the first year in the Executive M.B.A. Program, the admissions committee will review each student receiving conditional admission and will recommend either full admission to or dismissal from the program.

Executive M.B.A. Format
The Executive M.B.A. Program is an accelerated, 23-month program that allows participants to continue their managerial responsibilities while earning a nationally accredited M.B.A. degree. Each class of executives begins and progresses through the program together, taking the same sequence of courses and sharing the same educational experiences.

The program consists of 40-46 graduate credits in business. Classes are held every third weekend (Saturday and Sunday) from 8 a.m. to 6:15 p.m., with breakfast and lunch served each weekend.

The Executive M.B.A. Program is offered at the FAU campus in Boca Raton. On-site Executive M.B.A. programs are available to local sponsoring organizations.

The foundation component of the M.B.A. Program is covered in FIN 6406 and ACG 6027. The required courses are:

Financial Accounting Concepts ACG 6027* 3
Advanced Analysis and Application of Accounting Data ACG 6315 3
Financial Management FIN 6406* 3
Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806 3
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals GEB 6217 3
Contemporary Issues in Industry: The Executive Forum GEB 6931 1
Management of Information Systems and Technology ISM 6026 3
Operations Management MAN 6501 3
Global Business Strategy MAN 6721 3
Global Environment of Management MAN 6937 3
Advanced Marketing Management MAR 6815 3
International Field Experience GEB 6957 3
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
International Business Operations MAN 6614 3
Managing Effectively in Emerging Marketing Economics MAN 6728 3
Program Total 40-46

* ACG 6027 and FIN 6406 may be waived with a previously received grade of "B" or better within the last five years.

Depending on career trajectory and areas of interest, students can either choose to take elective courses across several areas for a more generalized business understanding or opt to take all elective courses from one single area for focused expertise in a specialized business function. Students who do not elect a specialization will be granted a General MBA. Elective options and specializations can be found here.

Content, coursework and fees may vary as determined by the administration. Florida Atlantic University reserves the right to change curriculum, sequence, program fees and other program requirements as necessary.

Academic Standing, Policies, Graduation
The Executive M.B.A. Program follows the same policies regarding academic standing and graduation used in the College of Business and the same grading standards of the University. Student continuation in the Executive M.B.A. program requires satisfactory progress toward the graduate degree. Evidence of such progress includes maintenance of a cumulative 3.0 grade point average(GPA). Graduation will be prohibited if the final cumulative GPA is less than 3.0 upon completion of the total program curriculum.

Graduate students with GPAs less than 2.5 may be required to complete an academic progression plan (APP). The APP is a contractual agreement that outlines particular courses and grades to reestablish good academic standing. APPs should generally outline a path (usually not more than two semesters) to reestablish a 3.0 GPA. Students who are placed on an academic progression plan and are not making progress toward their academic goals set forth by the APP may be recommended for dismissal from the program. The College may enact registration holds to prohibit a student's future enrollment until the APP is finalized. Students who do not fulfill the obligations established in the APP are recommended for dismissal to the Dean of the Graduate College.

Program Fees
The Executive M.B.A. is a full-service, all-inclusive program. Executive M.B.A. Program fees cover all program costs, including tuition, text books, course materials, meals and graduation activities. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit See the Executive M.B.A. website for more information.

Application Process and Additional Information
To apply to or receive more information about the Executive M.B.A. Program, see the website or call 561-297-6000.

Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Professional Program

Business Analytics 
Crisis and Disaster Management 
Entrepreneurial Management
Health Administration 
Hospitality and Tourism Management 
International Business 
Management Information Systems 
Operations Management 
Sport Management

The Professional Master of Business Administration Program (Professional M.B.A.) was developed in response to a need for convenient, advanced executive education. The goal of the Professional M.B.A. Program is to prepare participating managers to assume leadership roles so that they and their companies can maximize investments in executive education. Many graduates will occupy management positions and provide leadership in an increasingly competitive business environment. The Professional M.B.A. is internationally accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB).

Online Master of Business Administration Program
The Executive Graduate Programs Office in the College of Business at Florida Atlantic University is host to the 23-month or Online M.B.A program. The Online M.B.A program is specially designed to allow participants to continue their professional responsibilities while earning an AACSB-accredited M.B.A degree as full-time graduate students, in a fully online environment.

FAU’s Online M.B.A is 100 percent asynchronous, allowing students to access courses at any time and from any location, with an internet connection. The instruction and content replicates the classroom experience, where students have access to recorded online lectures, presentations, discussion and chats.

The Online M.B.A contains the same curriculum and is taught by the same professors as the campus-based programs. The Online MBA has the same Admission Requirements as the Professional M.B.A.

Admission Requirements
The Professional Master of Business Administration Program and the Online Master of Business Administration Program are designed to educate a broad range of people displaying management potential, including but not limited to, managers, salespersons, computer systems professionals, engineers, government administrators and workers, medical and legal professionals and scientists. Candidates should have significant work experience and must demonstrate potential for continued career growth in management.

To qualify for unconditional or full acceptance to the Professional M.B.A. Program or Online M.B.A. Program, applicants are required to have:

  1. At least four years of professional work experience.
  2. An undergraduate degree in any discipline from a regionally accredited institution with at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 (or equivalent) credits of college coursework leading toward a bachelor's degree. Post-baccalaureate coursework from an AACSB-accredited business school not included in an advanced degree may be included in the calculation.
  3. An official GMAT score of at least 500 or GRE scores of at least 153 (verbal), 144 (quantitative) and 4 (analytical writing). The GMAT/GRE exam score may be waived for the program. GMAT/GRE waiver eligibility is based on evaluation of credentials listed under Admission Requirements.

Conditional admission may be available under extraordinary circumstances to applicants who have received a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, but who fall short of the GPA and/or the GMAT requirement or who show high promise. In these cases, the Professional M.B.A or Online M.B.A. admissions committee will review all evidence of high promise, including but not limited to: grade trends, mature work experience, work accomplishment and promotion, type and rigor of undergraduate degree program, references and letters of recommendation and evidence of having attained some "A" grades in rigorous courses.

After the first year in the Professional M.B.A. or Online M.B.A. Program, the admissions committee will review each student receiving conditional admission and will recommend either full admission to or dismissal from the program.

Professional M.B.A. Format
The Professional M.B.A. Program is an accelerated, 23-month program that allows participants to continue their managerial responsibilities while earning a nationally accredited M.B.A. degree. Each class of executives begins and progresses through the program together, taking the same sequence of courses and sharing the same educational experiences.

The program consists of 40-46 graduate credits in business. Classes are held on the Boca Raton campus on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. Classes are held on the Davie campus on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. On-site Professional M.B.A. programs are available to local sponsoring organizations.

Online M.B.A Format
The Online M.B.A. is 100 percent online.

The Professional M.B.A. and Online M.B.A. Curriculum
The Foundation Component of the M.B.A. Program is covered in FIN 6406 and ACG 6027. The required courses are:

Financial Accounting Concepts ACG 6027* 3
Advanced Analysis and Application of Accounting Data ACG 6315 3
Financial Management FIN 6406* 3
Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806 3
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals GEB 6217 3
Contemporary Issues in Industry: The Executive Forum GEB 6931 1
Management of Information Systems and Technology ISM 6026 3
Operations Management MAN 6501 3
Global Business Strategy MAN 6721 3
Global Environment of Management MAN 6937 3
Advanced Marketing Management MAR 6815 3
International Field Experience GEB 6957 3
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
International Business Operations MAN 6614 3
Managing Effectively in Emerging Marketing Economics MAN 6728 3
Program Total 40-46

* ACG 6027 and FIN 6406 may be waived with a previously received grade of "B" or better
within the last five years.

Depending on career trajectory and areas of interest, students can either choose to take elective courses across several areas for a more generalized business understanding or opt to take all elective courses from one single area for focused expertise in a specialized business function. Students who do not elect a specialization will be granted a General MBA. Elective options and specializations can be found here.

Content, coursework and fees may vary as determined by the administration. Florida Atlantic University reserves the right to change curriculum, sequence, program fees and other program requirements as necessary.

International Business Focus and Concentrations
Specialization courses are international business-specific with an optional international field study tour. Optional concentrations are also available. Details can be found here.

Academic Standing, Policies, Graduation
The Professional M.B.A. and Online M.B.A. programs follows the same policies regarding academic standing and graduation used in the College of Business and the same grading standards of the University. Student continuation in the Professional M.B.A. program or Online M.B.A. program require satisfactory progress toward the graduate degree. Evidence of such progress includes maintenance of a cumulative 3.0 grade point average (GPA). Graduation will be prohibited if the final cumulative GPA is less than 3.0 upon completion of the total program curriculum.

Graduate students with GPAs less than 2.5 may be required to complete an academic progression plan (APP). The APP is a contractual agreement that outlines particular courses and grades to reestablish good academic standing. APPs should generally outline a path (usually not more than two semesters) to reestablish a 3.0 GPA. Students who are placed on an academic progression plan and are not making progress toward their academic goals set forth by the APP may be recommended for dismissal from the program. The College may enact registration holds to prohibit a student's future enrollment until the APP is finalized. Students who do not fulfill the obligations established in the APP are recommended for dismissal to the Dean of the Graduate College.

Program Fees Professional M.B.A.
The Professional M.B.A. is a full-service, all-inclusive program. Professional M.B.A. Program fees cover all program costs, including tuition, textbooks, course materials, meals and graduation activities. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit See the Professional M.B.A. website for more information.

Program Fees Online M.B.A.
The Online M.B.A. is a full-service, all-inclusive program. Online M.B.A. program fees cover all program costs, including tuition and graduation activities. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit Books are not included for the Online M.B.A. See the website for more information.

Application Process and More Information
To apply to or receive more information about the Professional M.B.A. program or the Online M.B.A. program, click on the links or call 561-297-6000.


Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

This program is on hiatus and currently not accepting students.

The Environmental Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) is a 22-month weekend program that combines the traditional M.B.A. program with environmental business management courses. Students meet face-to-face with faculty approximately every third weekend. The program is designed for working professionals who have a bachelor's or higher degree (not necessarily in business) from an accredited university.

The high-tech, industry-based Environmental M.B.A. program is designed for:

  1. Individuals currently working in environmental business.
  2. Those who want to be in environmental business management.

The program covers current and future compliance needs while helping business managers establish a competitive edge. Its purpose is to provide a formal learning experience in the environmental business management field, to provide managers with the skills to meet stakeholder needs and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and research findings in the high-technology, industry-specific environmental business fields for the future. For information, call 561-297-1086.

Admission Requirements
Admission into the Environmental M.B.A. Program requires a B.A. or B.S. degree (or higher degree in any field) from an accredited institution of higher learning, a minimum GPA of 3.0, a GMAT score of 500 and work experience or potential in a high-tech and/or environmental activity. The application, including two letters of recommendation from the work place, must be mailed directly to the College of Business Environmental M.B.A. Program Office. Exceptions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Program Components
The Environmental M.B.A. comprises 28-34 credits of required core graduate business courses and 12 credits of required environmental management courses.

Core Courses
Financial Accounting Concepts* ACG 6027 3
Financial Management* FIN 6406 3
Advanced Analysis and Application of
Accounting Data
ACG 6315 3
Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806 3
Communication Strategies for Business Professionals and Core-Course Follow-Up GEB 6215 3
Contemporary Issues in Industry:
The Executive Forum
GEB 6931 1
Management of Information Systems
and Technology
ISM 6026 3
Operations Management MAN 6501 3
Global Business Strategy MAN 6721 3
Advanced Marketing Management MAR 6815 3
Global Environment of Management MAN 6937 3
* Course may be waived contingent upon evaluation of transcripts.
Environmental Management Courses
Special Topics GEB 6930 3
Corporate Management (Green Pinstripes) and Environmental Policy GEB 6944 2
Environmental Project Management GEB 6945 2


Legal Compliance Management
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

This program is on hiatus and currently not accepting students.

The M.B.A. program in Legal Compliance Management is one of the first programs in the U.S. to offer this specialization. The program's objective is to develop managers whose primary or secondary responsibilities are to ensure legal and regulatory compliance within their companies or operating units.

This program is designed for regulatory affairs officers; managers in highly regulated departments (HR, FDA, etc.); legal counsel and attorneys with legal oversight responsibilities; risk and loss prevention managers and consultants; and federal, state and local regulatory personnel.

Experts in the legal compliance field will teach students how the legal/regulatory process functions, the impact of regulations (law) on the business environment, how to design and implement compliance policy, methodologies to measure and enforce compliance, the major regulatory schemes common to all organizations, regulation central to the larger organization (OSHA, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, etc.) and regulation that focuses on the student's specific career objectives (Directed Independent Study).

The M.B.A. program in Legal Compliance Management can be completed in less than two years. Classes meet on the Boca Raton campus for five semesters with six weekend meetings each on Saturdays (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and Sundays (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Admission requirements are similar to those of the Environmental M.B.A. program, combining the traditional M.B.A. courses with the following four specialized courses:

Employment Practices, Risk Management and Legal Compliance BUL 6843 3
Corporate Governance and Compliance BUL 6872 3
Contractual Compliance BUL 6876 3
Principles and Practices of Enterprise Risk Management and Legal Compliance (no longer offered effective summer 2025) RMI 6346 3


Certificate Programs

The Management Programs Department offers several graduate certificates as noted below in the requirements for the Crisis and Disaster Management certificate and the Innovation Entrepreneurship certificate. Two additional certificate programs, Environmental Management and Legal Compliance Management, are on hiatus and currently not accepting students.

Crisis and Disaster Management
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The certificate in Crisis and Disaster Management enables graduate students and working professionals to obtain cutting-edge knowledge of the crisis and disaster management field and to develop their management leadership skills in that field. These areas form the primary objectives of the certificate program so that students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills to develop disaster resilient organizations.

The program is interdisciplinary in nature, linking the disciplines of business, health administration, medicine, nursing and public administration. The interdisciplinary threads carried through all four certificate courses include impacts on business/economy; health/medical issues; psychological, social, behavioral issues; and communication.

This certificate is available to any graduate student in good standing at FAU and to any graduate-level non-degree seeking student accepted by FAU. Students must complete four courses for 12 credits, including the course noted below and three additional courses in consultation with an advisor. The courses must be completed with a grade of "B" or better. FAU graduate students or non-degree seeking students accepted by FAU must complete at least one of the additional three courses before taking the Field Project course. For information about the certificate program, call 561-297-6000.

Required Courses (12 credits)
Three graduate courses in consultation with an advisor MAN  9
Field Project MAN 6926 3


Innovation Entrepreneurship
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The certificate in Innovation Entrepreneurship allows graduate students to combine interests in innovation and entrepreneurship with the thrust of their particular master's program in a complementary manner. The certificate program facilitates innovation and entrepreneurship across the University's graduate programs.

Among the program's objectives, students will gain an understanding of the entrepreneurial process, from initial idea to business development, and about commercializing new technologies, assessing product-adoption likelihood, evaluating licensing opportunities and dealing with intellectual property issues. In addition, students will acquire an appreciation for new venture finance and become familiar with the key challenges encountered in developing an innovation.

The certificate in Innovation Entrepreneurship is available to any graduate student in good standing at FAU. Students may obtain this certificate by completing each of the following four courses with a grade of "B" or better and meeting all the requirements of their respective graduate program. The four courses below may be taken as electives that fulfill requirements of the student's graduate program if permitted by that graduate program. If not permitted, they must be taken as additional courses.

Required Courses (12 credits)
Venture Creation ENT 6016 3
Technology Commercialization Strategies ENT 6186 3
Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital ENT 6428 3
Developing and Marketing Innovations MAR 6837 3


Doctoral program

Business Administration
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Information Technology and Operations Management 

The College of Business offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Business Administration with concentrations in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology and Operations Management, Management and Marketing (collectively referred to as the specialized concentrations) as well as an Executive concentration. Required courses consist of a set of tool courses (such as statistics and econometrics), a set of courses tailored to the student's concentration and a dissertation. Students accepted into the program are required to enroll on a full-time basis.

The doctoral program's specialized concentrations prepare students for university teaching and research. Students entering the doctoral program and pursuing a specialized concentration typically have a master's in a Business Administration program and require about four to five years to complete the requirements for the Ph.D. in Business Administration. The Executive Doctorate concentration of the doctoral program enhances research and consulting capabilities. Students entering the doctoral program pursuing an Executive Doctorate have significant business experience and require three years to complete requirements for the Ph.D. in Business Administration.

Admission Requirements
Admission to the program is restricted to students who show exceptionally high promise for mastering the conceptual and analytic tools required for doctoral study in business. Evidence of such promise is obtained by evaluation of previous graduate and undergraduate class standing, the score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE), letters of recommendation and the applicant's statement of career goals. In addition, if feasible, applicants are interviewed either in person, by video or by telephone. The minimum criteria for admission include the following:

  1. The student must satisfactorily meet the general University requirements for admission to graduate programs. International applicants must also satisfactorily meet any additional requirements of the Graduate College. Additional details are found here.
  2. The student must hold a master's in a related discipline or an M.B.A. degree, preferably from an AACSB-accredited, graduate-level institution.
  3. Typically the student presents a minimum score of 600 on the GMAT or a comparable score on the GRE, taken within the last five years.
  4. An applicant whose native language is not English must present a minimum score as set by the Graduate College on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the Test of Spoken English (TSE). Applicants who have completed a minimum of two years of postsecondary education in the United States are exempt from this requirement.

An entering student is expected to be proficient in computer and quantitative skills. An exceptionally qualified student with a master's degree in a non-business discipline may also enter the program, but must undertake additional work that is sufficient to establish knowledge of the material comprising the AACSB M.B.A. core requirements. The minimum criteria do not guarantee acceptance into the program, as enrollment in any year is limited.

Application Process and More Information
For details about admission and degree requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Business Administration, contact Program Admissions, 561-297-2179.

Degree Requirements

  1. Basic Tool Areas: Doctoral-level courses such as Statistics, Quantitative Methods and Economics.
  2. Area of Concentration: Several courses are required in the student's area of concentration.
  3. Comprehensive Examination: Students pursuing specialized concentrations must pass a comprehensive examination that will be administered in the area of the concentration after completion of all required coursework.
  4. Dissertation: A minimum of 18 credits of dissertation must be taken, and the completed dissertation, reflecting an original contribution to knowledge, must be successfully defended at both the proposal stage as well as at the final completed stage.
  5. A minimum of 80 credits is required (including dissertation credits).
  6. To remain in good standing, Ph.D. students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (based on a 4.0 scale) on all courses taken for the doctoral program (individual concentrations may have higher minimums). If a Ph.D. student receives a grade below "B" for any course or has a grade point average below the minimum permitted for the student's area of concentration, a Ph.D. committee of professors within the student's area of concentration will decide whether any action (such as remedial coursework requirements, dismissal, etc.) should be taken.
Accounting Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration
Foundation and Statistics Courses - 24 credits
Advanced Accounting Theory ACG 6135 3
Scientific Method in Business ACG 7884 3
Seminar in University Business Education BTE 7175 3
Advanced Microeconomics ECO 6115 3
Advanced Econometrics ECO 6426 3
Research Methods 1 QMB 7565 3
Select 6 credits from the following list
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Special Topics ECO 6930 1-3
Empirical Methods in Finance FIN 7817 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
Research Methods 2 QMB 7566 3
Measurement Design and Evaluation QMB 7567 3
Experimental Design 2 PSY 6207 3
Advanced Statistics STA 7114 3
Accounting Core Courses - 18 credits
Seminar in Financial Accounting ACG 7145 3
Seminar in Accounting Information Systems ACG 7415 3
Seminar in Auditing ACG 7646 3
Seminar in Current Accounting Research Issues ACG 7918 3
Qualifying Research Project ACG 7916 3
Summer Paper ACG 7917 3
Elective Courses - 9 credits
Select 9 credits from the following courses, 6 of which must be at the 7000 level
Seminar on Accounting Research and Capital Markets ACG 7896 3
Special Topics in Accounting (may be taken multiple times if topics vary) ACG 7935 3
Advanced Macroeconomics Fluctuations
(effective summer 2025)
ECO 6206 3
Advanced Game Theory and Applications ECO 6409 3
Introduction to Qualitative Theory EDA 6415 3
Financial Markets FIN 6246 3
Investment Management FIN 6515 3
Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806 3
Seminar in Capital Markets FIN 7247 3
Seminar in Corporate Financial Theory FIN 7449 3
Seminar in Investments FIN 7527 3
Seminar in Financial Institutions FIN 7811 3
Empirical Methods in Finance FIN 7817 3
Seminar in Current Financial Research (may be taken multiple times if topics vary) FIN 7932 3
Seminar in International Finance FIN 7938 3
Business Transformation in Information Systems and Operations Management ISM 7345 3
Big Data Research Methods ISM 7888 3
Seminar in Information Systems ISM 7935 3
Organizational Theory MAN 7207 3
Organizational Behavior MAN 7275 3
Seminar in Operations and Supply Chain Management MAN 7768 3
Business Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies MAN 7926 3
Advanced Social Behavior SOP 6079 3
Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Techniques for Social Work SOW 6128 3
Dissertation - 30 credits (minimum)
Advanced Research in Accounting
(may be taken multiple times)
ACG 7978 12-18
Doctoral Dissertation in Accounting
(may be taken multiple times)
ACG 7980 18-24

Finance Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration
Foundation and Statistics Courses - 18 credits
Seminar in University Business Education BTE 7175 3
Advanced Microeconomics ECO 6115 3
Advanced Econometrics ECO 6426 3
Special Topics ECO 6930 3
Empirical Methods in Finance FIN 7817 3
Research Methods 1 QMB 7565 3
Finance Core Courses - 12 credits
Seminar in Capital Markets FIN 7247 3
Seminar in Corporate Financial Theory FIN 7449 3
Seminar in Investments FIN 7527 3
Seminar in International Finance FIN 7938 3
Elective Courses - 15 credits
Select a total of 15 credits from the following list
Advanced Accounting Theory ACG 6135 3
Seminar in Financial Accounting ACG 7145 3
Advanced Macroeconomics Fluctuations
(effective summer 2025)
ECO 6206 3
Advanced Mathematical Economics ECO 6403 3
Advanced Game Theory and Applications ECO 6409 3
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Advanced International Monetary Economics ECO 6716 3
Financial Markets FIN 6246 3
Financial Management: Investment Decisions and Policy
(no longer offered effective summer 2025)
FIN 6436 3
Quantitative Methods in Finance FIN 6456 3
Investment Management FIN 6515 3
Financial Risk Management and Derivatives FIN 6537 3
Multinational Finance FIN 6605 3
Theory of Financial Management FIN 6804 3
Advanced Financial Management FIN 6806 3
Directed Independent Study FIN 6906 1-3
Special Topics FIN 6936 1-3
Seminar in Financial Institutions FIN 7811 3
Seminar in Current Financial Research (may be taken multiple times if topics vary) FIN 7932 3
Advanced Research in Finance
(may be taken multiple times)
FIN 7978 1-9
Risk Management and Insurance RMI 6016 3
Corporate Risk Management RMI 6356 3
Applied Time Series Analysis STA 6857 3
Advanced Statistics STA 7114 3
Dissertation - 36 credits (minimum)
Advanced Research in Finance
(may be taken multiple times)
FIN 7978 18
Doctoral Dissertation - Finance/Real Estate
(may be taken multiple times)
FIN 7980 18-24


Information Technology and Operations Management Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration
Foundation and Statistics Courses - 18 credits
Seminar in University Business Education BTE 7175 3
Big Data Research Methods ISM 7888 3
Scientific Method in Business MAN 7640 3
Research Methods 1 QMB 7565 3
Select 3 credits from the following list
Research Methods 2 QMB 7566 3
Measurement Design and Evaluation QMB 7567 3
Select 3 credits from the following list
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Advanced Econometrics ECO 6426 3
Experimental Design 2 PSY 6207 3
Advanced Statistics STA 7114 3
ITOM Core Courses - 12 credits
Business Transformation in Information Systems and Operations Management ISM 7345 3
Seminar in Information Systems ISM 7935 3
Seminar in Operations and Supply Chain Management MAN 7768 3
Business Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies MAN 7926 3
Elective Courses - 15 credits
Select a total of 15 credits from the following list
Seminar in Accounting Information Systems ACG 7415 3
Advanced Microeconomics ECO 6115 3
Advanced Mathematical Economics ECO 6403 3
Special Topics (such as Panel Data)  ECO 6930 1-3
Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry EDA 6415 3
Seminar in Current Financial Research FIN 7932 3
Data Mining and Predictive Analysis  ISM 6136 3
Management of Information Assurance and Security ISM 6328 3
Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data ISM 6404 3
Advanced Business Analytics ISM 6405 3
Web-Based Business Development ISM 6508 3
Operations Management MAN 6501 3
Business Process Improvement Management MAN 6525 3
International Shipping Trade Port Management MAN 6565 3
Supply Chain Management MAN 6596 3
Organizational Theory MAN 7207 3
Organizational Behavior MAN 7275 3
Strategic Management Seminar MAN 7729 3
Supply Chain Analytics QMB 6616 3
Dissertation - 36 credits (minimum)
Advanced Research in Information Technology
(may be taken multiple times)
ISM 7978 18
Doctoral Dissertation Research
(may be taken multiple times)
ISM 7980 18-24


Management Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration
Foundation and Statistics Courses - 15 credits
Seminar in University Business Education BTE 7175 3
Scientific Method in Business MAN 7640 3
Research Methods 1 QMB 7565 3
Measurement Design and Evaluation QMB 7567 3
Select 3 credits from the following list
Research Methods 2 QMB 7566 3
Advanced Statistics STA 7114 3
Management Core Courses - 12 credits
The Theory of Entrepreneurship Field ENT 7168 3
Organizational Theory MAN 7207 3
Organizational Behavior MAN 7275 3
Strategic Management Seminar MAN 7729 3
Elective Courses - 18 credits
Select a total of 18 credits from the following list
Advanced Econometrics ECO 6426 3
Special Topics ECO 6930 3
Introduction to Qualitative Theory EDA 6415 3
Advanced Qualitative Inquiry EDA 7416 3
Seminar in Current Financial Research (may be taken multiple times if topics vary) FIN 7932 3
International Business Operations MAN 6614 3
Managing Effectively in Emerging Market Economies MAN 6728 3
Directed Independent Study MAN 6905 1-4
Special Topics in Management (may be taken multiple times if topics vary) MAN 7931 3
Advanced Research in Management MAN 7978 1-9
Grant Writing and Project Management PAD 6233 3
Seminar in Organization Theory PAD 7107 3
Organizational Behavior and Development PAD 7155 3
Qualitative Methods in Public Affairs Research PAF 7820 3
Advanced Social Behavior SOP 6079 3
Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Techniques for Social Work SOW 6128 3
Seminar in Advanced Qualitative Methods SYA 6315 3
Dissertation - 36 credits (minimum)
Advanced Research in Management (may be taken multiple times) MAN 7978 18
Doctoral Dissertation - Management
(may be taken multiple times)
MAN 7980 18-24


Marketing Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration
Foundation and Statistics Courses - 15 credits
Seminar in University Business Education BTE 7175 3
Scientific Method in Business MAR 7785 3
Research Methods 1 QMB 7565 3
Measurement Design and Evaluation QMB 7567 3
Select 3 credits from the following list
Research Methods 2 QMB 7566 3
Advanced Statistics STA 7114 3
Marketing Core Courses - 12 credits
Interorganizational Relationships in Marketing MAR 7459 3
Seminar in Consumer Behavior MAN 7507 3
Seminar in Marketing 1 and 2 (students take the course once as seminar 1, and then as seminar 2, 3 credits each) MAR 7936 6
Elective Courses - 18 credits
Select a total of 18 credits from the following list
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Advanced Econometrics ECO 6426 3
Special Topics ECO 6930 3
Introduction to Qualitative Theory EDA 6415 3
Seminar in Human Perception EXP 6208 3
Seminar in Cognition EXP 6609 3
Special Topics in Cognition EXP 6930 3
Organizational Theory MAN 7207 3
Organizational Behavior MAN 7275 3
Strategic Management Seminar MAN 7729 3
Special Topics in Marketing (may be taken multiple times, if topics vary) MAR 7931 3
Special Topics in Personality and Social Psychology PPE 6930 3
Dissertation - 36 credits (minimum)
Advanced Research in Marketing (may be taken multiple times) MAR 7978 18
Doctoral Dissertation in Marketing (may be taken multiple times) MAR 7980 18-24

Executive Concentration in the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration
Foundation and Statistics Courses - 12 credits
Topics in Econometrics ECO 6424 3
Scientific Methods in Business MAN 7640 3
Research Methods 1 QMB 7565 3
Research Methods 2 QMB 7566 3
Executive Core Courses - 36 credits
Survey of Accounting Behavioral Research ACG 7837 3 or
Seminar in Current Accounting Research Issues ACG 7918 3
Survey of Archival Accounting Research ACG 7886 3
Microeconomic Foundations of Strategic Decision Making ECO 7178 3
Contemporary Issues in Global Macroeconomics ECO 7296 3
Theory of Corporate Finance: Readings and Empirics FIN 7808 3
State-of-the-Art Managerial Finance FIN 7895 3
Business Transformation in Information Systems and Operations Management ISM 7345 3
Seminar in Information Systems ISM 7935 3
Strategic Management Seminar MAN 7729 3
Advanced Management Theory MAN 7779 3
Seminar in Marketing 1 and 2
(Students take course twice, once as
seminar 1 and then as seminar 2, 3 credits each.)
MAR 7936 6
Dissertation - 32 credits (minimum)
Choose 6 credits in area of interest  (may be taken multiple times)
Advanced Research in Accounting ACG 7978 1-6
Advanced Research in Economics ECO 7978 1-6
Advanced Research in Finance FIN 7978 1-6
Advanced Research in Information Technology ISM 7978 1-6
Advanced Research in Management MAN 7978 1-6
Advanced Research in Marketing MAR 7978 1-6
Choose courses in area of interest - 26 credits
(may be taken multiple times)
Doctoral Dissertation in Accounting ACG 7980 1-15
Doctoral Dissertation in Economics ECO 7980 1-15
Doctoral Dissertation - Finance/Real Estate FIN 7980 1-15
Doctoral Dissertation Research ISM 7980 1-15
Doctoral Dissertation - Management MAN 7980 1-15
Doctoral Dissertation in Marketing MAR 7980 1-15



Yuan, H., Chair; Acello, E.; Bilgihan, A.; Bohan, G.; Gallan, A.; Jarvis, C. B.; Javadina, A.; Korgaonkar, P.; Koku, P. S., Emeritus; Lorenz, M.; Mangleburg, T.; Mcclure, T.; Nardini, G.; Ostinelli, M.; Park, S.; Quintero, S.; Rhorer, M.; Ricci, P.; Root, A.; Sashi, C. M.; Shaw, E. H., Emeritus; Ward, J. B.; Zhang, Y.

The Department of Marketing offers programs of study that prepare students for responsible positions and professional careers in the growing fields of marketing and hospitality and tourism management.

Programs in Marketing provide students with an enduring base of knowledge and the ability to adapt new marketing practices as they continually evolve. The department offers a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Marketing, an online B.B.A. in Marketing, a B.B.A. or B.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management, an online B.B.A. in Hospitality and Tourism Management, minors in Marketing, Digital Marketing and Hospitality and Tourism Management, and certificates in Casino and Gaming Industry Management, Club Management, Digital Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Professional Hospitality and Tourism Management and Events Management. A variety of courses, offered day and evening, weekdays and weekends across multiple campuses, allow traditional and non-traditional students to tailor programs of study to meet their individual needs. A concentration in Advertising is available for students interested in this discipline. For graduate students, the department offers a certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

The Department of Marketing offers an array of professional development opportunities and support in producing scholarly research to faculty by providing an environment conducive to the growth and enrichment of a community of scholars. Marketing also provides consulting as well as a diversity of other professional services to the business and academic communities—locally, nationally and internationally.

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Advertising Concentration

Link to minors and certificate

Along with the University and College of Business degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, Marketing students must complete the requirements below.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program) and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Pre-Business Foundation Coursework
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading Pre-Business Foundation Coursework in this section.

Business Core Requirements
These are previously listed under the heading Degree Requirements (B.B.A. and B.S.) and subheading College of Business Core in this section. Principles of Marketing (MAR 3023) is a Business Core requirement and a prerequisite for all 4000-level marketing courses.

Marketing Department Major Programs (Changes below effective spring 2025.)
The Marketing program, including the Advertising concentration, consists of 18 credits of Marketing coursework (excluding MAR 3023), in addition to the college pre-business and core coursework. The General Marketing major requires three specific courses (Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research and Information Systems and Marketing Strategy) plus three (9 credits) of upper-division marketing electives. Students in the Advertising concentration are required to take Principles of Advertising (MAR 3326), Marketing Strategy (MAR 4803), any three of the four courses listed below for the Advertising concentration, and a Marketing elective to meet the minimum of 18 credits of Marketing coursework. A grade of "C" or better is required in all major courses.

General Marketing Major
Required Courses - 9 credits
Consumer Behavior MAR 4503 3
RI: Marketing Research and Consumer Analytics Information Systems (effective spring 2025) MAR 4613 3
Marketing Strategy MAR 4803 3
Plus three, 3-credit Marketing electives MAR 4xxx 9
Electives - 9 credits
Choose three upper-division Marketing courses
Advertising Concentration
Required Courses - 6 credits
Principles of Advertising MAR 3326 3
Marketing Strategy MAR 4803 3
Plus three of the following - 9 credits
Advertising Internship MAR 4940 3
Promotional Management MAR 4323 3
Creative Advertising Strategy: Concepts and Design MAR 4334 3
Digital Marketing MAR 4721 3
Plus one upper-division Marketing elective - 3 credits    
One of the following Hospitality courses may be substituted for 3 MAR credits
Events Management HFT 3741 3
Excellence in Guest Experience Service Management
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4240 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3

One of the following Hospitality courses may be substituted for 3 elective credits:
HFT 3741 Events Management 
HFT 4240 Excellence in Guest Service Management
HFT 4503 Hospitality Marketing and Revenue Management Practices


Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

The Marketing minor is designed for non-Marketing Business majors requiring the Business Core courses. Because part of the requirements include successful completion of the Business Core classes, the minor is usually not practical for majors in General Economics or Health Administration.

The Marketing minor requires MAR 4503 and MAR 4613 MAR 4803 and one two additional upper-division marketing course or advertising courses (3000 level or above) with a grade of "C" or better. In cases where MAR 4803 is required for a major, an additional upper-division marketing course is required for the minor. (Changes effective spring 2025.)

A maximum of 3 credits used for the Marketing minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor. A minimum of 6 credits must be taken in residence at FAU. The acknowledgment of the minor is official upon successful completion of a College of Business degree program.

Digital Marketing
Undergraduate Minor

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Digital Marketing minor is jointly offered by the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management and the Department of Marketing. Students acquire knowledge and skills in online and digital business and digital product delivery as well as in developing, analyzing and enhancing a company’s presence on the web and in social networking. Professions and majors that benefit from the minor include marketing, business development, business strategy, information technology, management information systems and others. For complete details on this program, please click here.

Digital Marketing
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The certificate in Digital Marketing is a 12-credit program offered jointly by the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management and the Department of Marketing. This certificate, available to FAU degree-seeking students, non-degree students and working professionals, enhances the qualifications of students pursuing careers in fields related to business, marketing and information technologies. For complete details on this program, please click here.

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Hospitality and Tourism Management program prepares students for management positions in multiple segments of the world's largest industry. Graduates assume managerial roles in varied hospitality disciplines including: resorts, hotels, restaurants, private clubs, meeting and event planning corporations, destination marketing organizations, convention centers, cruise lines, casinos, theme parks, car rental agencies, sports facilities, spas, entertainment venues and vacation ownership or fractional ownership operations. An online B.B.A. in Hospitality and Tourism Management, minors in Hospitality and Tourism Management and certificates in Casino and Gaming Industry Management, Club Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management and Events Management are also available. In addition, the program offers graduate certificates in Hospitality and Tourism Management and Professional Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Potential careers within the hospitality industry include positions in a wide assortment of disciplines, including but not limited to: sales and marketing, revenue management, human resource management, business operations, planning and development, real estate and food and beverage management.

Students will gain a solid education in the various core disciplines of business administration combined with foundational knowledge specific to hospitality and tourism management.

Degree Requirements
In addition to the University and College of Business  degree requirements listed in the Degree Requirements section of this catalog, Hospitality and Tourism Management students must complete the following requirements for the major.

Prerequisite Coursework for Transfer Students
Students transferring to Florida Atlantic University must complete both lower-division requirements (including the requirements of the General Education Program and requirements for the college and major. Lower-division requirements may be completed through the A.A. degree from any Florida public college, university or community college or through equivalent coursework at another regionally accredited institution. Before transferring and to ensure timely progress toward the baccalaureate degree, students must also complete the prerequisite courses for their major as outlined in the Transition Guides.

All courses not approved by the Florida Statewide Course Numbering System that will be used to satisfy requirements will be evaluated individually on the basis of content and will require a catalog course description and a copy of the syllabus for assessment.

Introduction to Hospitality Management HFT 3003 3
Principles of Food and Beverage Management HFT 3263 3
Principles of Hospitality Law HFT 3603 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3
Excellence in Guest Experience Service Management
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4240 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4253 3
Internship in Hospitality and Tourism Management HFT 4941 0
Select one of the following*
Events Management  HFT 3741 3
Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Human Resources Management
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3221 3
Club Management HFT 4277 3
Financial Analytics for Hospitality Managers HFT 4453 3
International Hospitality Field Experience in Hospitality Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4955 3
Casino Management and the Gaming Industry
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3785 3
Revenue Management and Predictive Analytics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Hospitality Revenue Analytics
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4481 3

* Special Topics, HFT 4930, also may be selected for this area.

Hospitality and Tourism Management majors must take ECS 3013, ECO 4713 or ECO 4704 as part of their Business Core to satisfy both the Economics and International Perspective requirements of the College.

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Undergraduate Minor for Business Majors

(Minimum of 9 credits required)

Students seeking a major in the College of Business other than Hospitality and Tourism Management (specifically majors that require the Business Core) may concurrently earn a minor in Hospitality and Tourism Management. To earn the minor, students must complete 9 credits with a grade of "C" or better from the following courses and must receive an "S" (satisfactory) in HFT 4941. A maximum of 3 credits used for the minor may count toward other Business major requirements. A minimum of two courses (6 credits) must be exclusive to the minor.

Introduction to Hospitality Management HFT 3003 3
Internship in Hospitality and Tourism
HFT 4941 0
Select two of the following*
Excellence in Guest Experience Service Management
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4240 3
Principles of Hospitality Law HFT 3603 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4253 3
Events Management  HFT 3741 3
Principles of Food and Beverage Management HFT 3263 3
Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Human Resources Management 
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3221 3
Club Management HFT 4277 3
International Hospitality Field Experience in Hospitality Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4955 3
Casino Management and the Gaming Industry
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3785 3
Revenue Management and Predictive Analytics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Hospitality Revenue Analytics
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4481 3

* Special Topics, HFT 4930, also may be selected for this area.

Of the 9 credits, at least 6 must be earned from FAU. Successful completion of the minor also requires the successful completion of all coursework in the student's chosen major degree program.

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Undergraduate Minor for Non-Business Majors

(Minimum of 15 credits required)

Students seeking a major outside the College of Business (or a major in the College of Business that does not require the Business Core) may concurrently earn a minor in Hospitality and Tourism Management. To earn the minor, students must complete 15 credits with a grade of "C" or better from the following courses and must receive an "S" (satisfactory) in HFT 4941.

Introduction to Hospitality Management HFT 3003 3
Internship in Hospitality and Tourism Management HFT 4941 0
Select four of the following*
Excellence in Guest Experience Service Management
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4240 3
Principles of Hospitality Law HFT 3603 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4253 3
Events Management  HFT 3741 3
Principles of Food and Beverage Management HFT 3263 3
Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Human Resources Management 
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3221 3
Club Management HFT 4277 3
International Hospitality Field Experience in Hospitality Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4955 3
Casino Management and the Gaming Industry
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3785 3
Revenue Management and Predictive Analytics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Hospitality Revenue Analytics
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4481 3

* Special Topics, HFT 4930, also may be selected for this area.

Of the 15 required credits, 12 must be earned from FAU. Successful completion of the minor also requires the successful completion of all coursework in the student's chosen major degree program

Casino and Gaming Industry Management
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 15 credits required)

This undergraduate certificate provides a focused curriculum including key subject areas deemed relevant and vital to success in the casino and gaming industry. These competencies span food and beverage, marketing, casino operations and hotel/resort management. The casino and gaming industry employs hundreds of thousands in the United States including over 10,000 in south Florida.

Students must complete 15 credits from the courses below. The certificate in the Casino and Gaming Industry is open to both degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students and is available in person or fully online. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C.” Courses may have prerequisites, corequisites or other requirements. Non-degree-seeking students need program director approval prior to enrollment in all courses.

The certificate is particularly valuable for FAU degree-seeking students outside the College of Business and to community members, hospitality industry professionals and seasonal residents. For further information, please reach out to the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program Director, Dr. Peter Ricci at or 561-297-3666.

After completion of all courses with a grade of "C" or higher, students may then request their certificate from the Student Academic Services Office (academic advising) located in the FAU College of Business, Boca Raton campus, Fleming West Building, Room 102, 561-297-3688. 

Required Courses (15 credits)
Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Human Resources Management 
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3221 3
Principles of Food and Beverage Management HFT 3263 3
Casino Management and the Gaming Industry
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3785 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4253 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3


Club Management
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 15 credits required)

The undergraduate certificate in Club Management provides a focused curriculum on those managerial competencies deemed important to private club managers of the 21st Century. These managerial competencies include: golf, spa, tennis, aquatics, food and beverage, marketing, human resources and leadership. The private country club industry is one of the highest-paying hospitality niche professions in Florida offering great employment opportunities. The sheer number of private clubs (over 125 clubs in Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade) make the region very strong in club management.

Students must complete 15 credits from the courses below. The certificate in Club Management is open to both degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students and is available in person or fully online. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “C.” Courses may have prerequisites, corequisites or other requirements. Non-degree-seeking students need program director approval prior to enrollment in all courses.

The certificate is particularly valuable for FAU degree-seeking students outside the College of Business and to community members, hospitality industry professionals and seasonal residents. For further information, please reach out to the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program Director, Dr. Peter Ricci at or 561-297-3666.

After completion of all courses with a grade of "C" or higher, students may then request their certificate from the Student Academic Services Office (academic advising) located in the FAU College of Business, Boca Raton campus, Fleming West Building, Room 102, 561-297-3688.

Required Courses (15 credits)
Introduction to Hospitality Management HFT 3003 3
Club Management HFT 4277 3
Principles of Food and Beverage Management HFT 3263 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3
Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Human Resources Management 
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3221 3

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 15 credits required)

The undergraduate certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Management provides an industry-focused curriculum to those who desire employment with the hospitality and tourism industry—Florida's number 1 private employer. Students must complete 15 credits from the courses below. The certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Management is open to both degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students and is available in person or fully online. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "C." Courses may have prerequisites, corequisites or other requirements. Non-degree-seeking students need program director approval prior to enrollment in all courses.

The certificate is particularly valuable for FAU degree-seeking students outside of the College of Business and to community members, hospitality industry professionals and seasonal residents. For further information, please reach out to Hospitality and Tourism Management Program Director, Dr. Peter Ricci, at or 561-297-3666.

After completion of all courses with a grade of "C" or higher, students may then request their certificate from the Student Academic Services Office (academic advising) located in the FAU College of Business, Boca Raton campus, Fleming West Building, Room 102, 561-297-3688.

Core Courses (9 credits)
Introduction to Hospitality Management HFT 3003 3
Excellence in Guest Experience Service Management
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4240 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4253 3
Electives (6 credits)
Select any two courses from the group below
Principles of Food and Beverage Management HFT 3263 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3
Club Management HFT 4277 3
Events Management  HFT 3741 3
Principles of Hospitality Law HFT 3603 3
Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Human Resources Management 
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 3221 3
International Hospitality Field Experience in Hospitality Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4955 3
Special Topics in Hospitality Management HFT 4930 3

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The graduate certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Management permits students to combine interests in the hospitality and tourism industry in a complementary manner to their overall graduate studies or as a non-degree-seeking student. Students gain an understanding of the core areas within hospitality and tourism management, including, but not limited to, guest service, operations, finance and marketing/revenue management.

Students electing the Hospitality and Tourism Management certificate will take the required courses for their master's or doctoral degree in addition to the Hospitality and Tourism Management certificate courses, unless they are non-degree seeking. In the event they are non-degree seeking, they will only take the hospitality-specific courses. All students pursuing the certificate will choose four courses (12 credits) from the list below. Students interested in Directed Independent Study (DIS) must receive permission from both the chair/director and the instructor of record prior to using the DIS course toward the 12-credit certificate*.

Students must be in good standing at FAU, must meet all requirements of their respective graduate program (if enrolled in one) and may use hospitality and tourism management courses as electives if permitted by their particular graduate program. Or, as stated above, students may be non-degree seeking. Further, students must have an overall average grade of "B" (3.0 GPA) upon completion of all required courses in order to receive the Hospitality and Tourism Management certificate.

Select four of the following courses (12 credits)
Hospitality Operations: A Case Approach HMG 6299 3
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Marketing HMG 6506 3
Strategies for Excellence in Guest Service Management HMG 6546 3
Events Management HMG 6756 3
Directed Independent Study in Hospitality Management* HMG 6901 3
Any 6000-level marketing course beyond the core MAR 6*** 3

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Graduate Certificate
Professional Program

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

The Professional Hospitality and Tourism Management certificate is designed for working professionals currently enrolled in self-supporting programs in the College of Business. This is a stand-alone certificate tailored for working professionals and alumni with graduate degrees who are looking for specialized knowledge in Hospitality and Tourism Management. The certificate consists of 12 credits chosen from the table above.

Events Management
Undergraduate Certificate

(Minimum of 15 credits required)

The undergraduate certificate in Events Management provides an operations-focused curriculum to those who desire employment within the meetings, events, exhibitions or conventions industries. Students must complete 15 credits from the courses below. The certificate in Events Management is open to both degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students and is available in person or fully online. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "C"or higher. Courses may have prerequisites, corequisites or other requirements. Non-degree-seeking students need program director approval prior to enrollment in all courses.

The certificate is particularly valuable for FAU degree-seeking students outside of the College of Business and  to community members, hospitality and tourism industry professionals and seasonal residents. For further information, please reach out to Hospitality and Tourism Management Program Director, Dr. Peter Ricci, at or 561-297-3666.

After completion of all courses with a grade of "C" or higher, students may then request their certificate from the Student Academic Services Office (academic advising) located in the FAU College of Business, Boca Raton campus, Fleming West Building, Room 102, 561-297-3688.

Core Courses (12 credits)
Introduction to Hospitality Management HFT 3003 3
Events Management HFT 3741 3
Hotel and Resort Management (effective spring 2025) HFT 4253 3
Excellence in Guest Experience Service Management
(effective spring 2025)
HFT 4240 3
Electives (3 credits)
Select any one course from the group below
Principles of Food and Beverage Management HFT 3263 3
Hospitality/Tourism Marketing and Revenue Management Practices (effective spring 2025) HFT 4503 3
Special Topics (such as Special Venue Marketing) MAR 4933 3
Promotional Management MAR 4323 3


Link to Course Descriptions for the College of Business