Frequently Asked Questions
You can save yourself time by reading through questions students often ask us. Select the appropriate category and question to find the answer.
- Before Registration
- At Registration
- After Registration
- Graduation Requirements
- After Graduation
- For Non-Degree Registration
- For FAU Employees
- Graduation Rates
- Campus Crime Statistics
- Grading System
- Building Codes
- Employee Scholarships
Before Registration
If you are seeking a degree: First, you must be admitted to the University as an FAU degree-seeking student. If you need to apply to the University, contact the Admissions Office. Second, consider your financial need and look into applying for Financial Aid. Third, if you are a first-year or transfer student, you must attend New Student Orientation. Once these steps are complete, you will be able to register online using FAU Self-Service through your MyFAU account.
If you are not seeking a degree: You must first submit the Non-Degree Online Application . For more information on this process, please review the Non-Degree Registration questions below.
Through an articulation agreement with the county school systems, students attending a public high school in FAU's service area may enroll in college courses that do not duplicate existing high school academic work. Registration for these courses is on a space-available basis. Tuition for students participating in this program is waived, however, it is the student's responsibility to comply with the following policies and procedures: They are accountable for fees associated with securing a parking decal and a photo ID. Failure to pay these fees within two weeks of the start of the semester may result in the student's cancellation from class(es). Should this occur the student will be assessed a $100.00 reinstatement fee for which he or she is personally liable. Fees should be paid directly to the Cashier's Office via MyFAU , Controller's Office , or US Postal Service.
For additional information, please visit the High School Dual Enrollment website
All applicants must complete the Residency Reclassification Form for tuition purposes and submit the required documentation, regardless of the duration of their presence in Florida. Incomplete, unsigned, or undocumented forms will result in the temporary classification of "non-resident" status until the documentation has been provided, reviewed, and approved by the Office of Admissions.
Enrolled students who are classified as non-Florida residents for tuition purposes and who, after reading the Florida student definition and the determination of resident status for tuition purposes, respectively, in Florida Statute 1009.21 and Florida Board of Governors Resolution dated April 21, 2005 (adopting Florida Dept. of Education Rule 6A-10.044), believe that they may qualify for in-state tuition, may submit a Request for Residency Reclassification. Forms are available from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted to that office by the deadline indicated under the "Reclassifying your Florida Residency Status" section of the Florida Residency Guidelines information page. Supporting documentation is required to substantiate residency for tuition purposes. Merely submitting documentation for Florida residency classification does not guarantee Florida residency status.
To appeal a residency determination , a student must submit a Residency Classification Appeal form to the Residency Appeals Committee through the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of registration for the term for which the reclassification is requested. The Residency Appeals Committee decision constitutes a "final agency determination". Further appeals are available only through judicial review as defined in section 120.68 of the Florida statutes.
At the Time of Registration
Continuing Student Registration
- Review your individual degree audit (
(This will provide you with details on your progress toward your degree and list coursework still needed.) - Review the Schedule of Classes for course selection
- Check Self-Service in MyFAU to see if you have any holds to prevent registration
- Check the Registration Schedule to see when you are eligible to register
- Register online using Self-Service
*Please note: it is important to keep only one browser window open when using plan ahead or registering for classes.*
New Student Registration
- Register for Orientation online
- Compete for your academic advising (EZ Advising) through the OWLDONE admissions portal.
- Register online using Self-Service
*Please note: it is important to keep only one browser window open when using plan ahead or registering for classes.*
Non-Degree Student Registration ( including Transient Students )
- Review the Schedule of Classes for course selection
- Check to see if you need authorization for your course selection (This might require proof that you have met the prerequisite by showing an official transcript.)
- Check the Registration Schedule to see when you are eligible to register
- Register online using Self-Service
*Please note: it is important to keep only one browser window open when using plan ahead or registering for classes.*
*Please note: continuing students, new students, and non-degree students can watch videos regarding searching for classes, using the plan ahead feature, and registering for classes in their
MyFAU Account
After you have registered for your classes, you can follow the steps below to change the number of credits in variable credit courses.
1. Select
Register for Classes
2. Select
Schedule and Options
at the top
The number of credits will be underlined
3. Where it says
Hours, click on the number that is there and then type in the number of credits that you are registering for
Make sure that the number is within the range listed and then press
4. The change will be visible on your schedule
Drop/add is the period of time in which students may add or drop courses without incurring a fee and without receiving a 'W' on their transcript for dropped courses. Typically, the Friday of the first week of the full semester is the last day for schedule adjustments but refer to the Academic Calendar , as the last day for the drop/add period varies depending on the part of the term in which the course is being offered (Intersession, First 5-Weeks, First Half, etc.). Drop/add dates for each part of the term are listed on the Academic Calendar .
If you are adding or dropping courses after the drop/add has ended, please refer to the " How do I make schedule adjustments after drop/add ends? " subsection of this page.
To access the class search and registration screen:
- Log in to your MyFAU account
- FAU Self Service
- Student Services
- Registration
- Registration (Add or Drop Classes)
Here, you can watch videos walking you through the registration process step-by-step. Once you are ready to add or drop a course, select the "Click here for registration" button and "Register for Classes."
All undergraduate degree-seeking students admitted in Fall 2019 (this includes First-Time in College (FTIC) students who were admitted for Summer 2019) and after may not withdraw (with a grade of “W” or “ZR”) from more than two courses at the lower-division level (1000- and 2000-level courses).
What Courses are Included and Excluded from the Count of Course Withdrawals?
- Zero- and one-credit courses are excluded from the count of withdrawals.
- Transfer courses with a "W" grade are not counted (this includes transient courses).
- Courses withdrawn due to Exceptional Circumstance Withdrawal are excluded.
- The withdrawal count starts with the entry term as a degree-seeking student.
- Courses taken as non-degree student are not counted.
- The withdrawal counts will restart for second baccalaureate students.
- Courses taken as Audit are excluded.
How do I know how many withdrawals I have used towards the course-level limits?
Students who are subject to the limited withdrawal policy will have a Current Undergraduate Program Withdrawal Counts section displayed on their unofficial academic transcript which is available through MYFAU. This will appear towards the bottom of the transcript (just above the Excess Hours Calculation section).
If I didn’t use all of my lower-division withdrawals, can I use them towards upper-division course withdrawals – or vice-versa?
If I return for a second baccalaureate, will I be subject to the withdrawal counts from my initial baccalaureate degree?
Adding a Course:
You may request to add a course to your schedule after the drop/add ends by completing the Late Add Form. This form requires approval from the instructor and college. After filling out the form, you will need to email it to the instructor of the course for approval. If the instructor approves, they will forward the request for further review. After all necessary approvals are obtained, you will be added to the course. Students should understand that adding late into a course might put them at a disadvantage because of the number of classes missed since the start of the semester. Further, not all instructors allow students to enter their classes if they have missed the first class. Students must get permission from instructors to enter a course late. After a certain date in the semester, you will also need to file a petition with your college in order to late add a course.
Dropping/Withdrawing from a Course:
If you drop a course after drop/add has ended, it is considered a withdrawal and will result in a "W" on your transcript. The grade notation depends on when the course was dropped in relation to the dates listed on the Academic Calendar. These credits will still count toward attempted hours, and you are fee liable for any courses on your schedule after drop/add ends. Always verify the dates and deadlines as listed on the Academic Calendar for the part of the term in which the course is offered before making schedule adjustments. You can withdraw from a course through the registration page on your MyFAU account. If you are a degree-seeking undergraduate student withdrawing from a course after the drop/add period, you will need to be aware of the Limited Course Withdrawal Policy, also discussed above, which limits the number of withdrawals allowed. Information on this policy can be found in the Academic Policies section of the University Catalog.
To withdraw from a course:
- Log in to your MyFAU account
- FAU Self Service
- Student Services
- Registration
- Registration (Add or Drop Classes)
- "Click Here for Registration"
- Register for Classes
- Input Term
- In the Action box, select "Drop via Web with W Grade"
- Submit
Dropping/Withdrawing from All Courses:
If you drop a course after drop/add has ended, it is considered a withdrawal and will result in a "W" on your transcript. The grade notation depends on when the course was dropped in relation to the dates listed on the Academic Calendar. These credits will still count toward attempted hours, and you are fee liable for any courses on your schedule after drop/add ends. Always verify the dates and deadlines as listed on the Academic Calendar for the part of the term in which the course is offered before making schedule adjustments. You can withdraw from a course through the registration page on your MyFAU account.
Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Students
If you are withdrawing from ALL of your courses OR your last class after the last day of drop/add, this will be considered a complete course withdrawal and you will need to submit the FAU Enrollment Cancellation and University Exit Form. This form will pop up on your registration screen in MyFAU after you submit the request to drop your course(s).
If you are a degree-seeking undergraduate student withdrawing from a course after the drop/add period, you will need to be aware of the Limited Course Withdrawal Policy, also discussed above, which limits the number of withdrawals allowed. Information on this policy can be found in the Academic Policies section of the University Catalog.
To withdraw from all of your classes, please complete the following:
- Withdraw from the classes through yourMyFAU by the established deadlines
- FAU Self Service
- Student Services
- Registration
- Registration (Add or Drop Classes)
- "Click Here for Registration"
- Register for Classes
- Input Term
- In the Action box, select "Drop via Web with W Grade"
- Submit will display an error with a link to the FAU Enrollment Cancellation and University Exit Form
- Complete the online FAU Enrollment Cancellation and University Exit Form
- Once received, Student Affairs will review the form and contract, if appropriate, to discuss possible strategies or interventions to ensure a timely graduation
- The Office of the Registrar will process the request and withdraw you from all courses within 3 business days, using the effective date of the day the request was submitted
Graduate and Non-Degree Seeking Students
Withdrawing from All of your courses OR your last class after the last day of drop/add is considered a complete course withdrawal. To withdraw from all of your classes, please complete the following:
- Log in to your MyFAU account
- FAU Self Service
- Student Services
- Registration
- Registration (Add or Drop Classes)
- "Click Here for Registration"
- Register for Classes
- Input Term
- In the Action box, select "Drop via Web with W Grade"
- Submit
Additional Drop/Withdrawal Policies:
Dropped courses will count as attempted hours on the student's record. Refer to the Attempted Hours section in the University Catalog for information regarding this calculation and its consequences.
Dropping or withdrawing from courses in which the student is involved in academic irregularities is not permitted.
The subsections Refund of Registration Fees and Repeat Course Surcharge Fee in the Tuition, Fees, and Refunds section in the University Catalog may be of interest.
FAU's Exceptional Circumstance Withdrawal, Limitations on Number of Withdrawals, and other relevant policy details are located in the Academic Policies section of the University Catalog.
Registration holds are placed on students' records by different offices to prevent the student from registering until the matter regarding the hold has been resolved. All holds must be cleared by the issuing office BEFORE a student can register.
You may find out what holds you have on your student record prior to registration by using FAU Self-Service in MyFAU. For information about registration holds.
You may complete a Student Transient Form.
1. Submit a Transient Student application through FloridaShines using the "Apply or Check Application Status Now" button.
2. You will see a drop-down box headed Select Your College or University. Select Florida Atlantic University.
3. Click Sign In and you will be prompted to input your FAU credentials.
4. Review the information listed and select Next.
5. In the drop-down box headed Select a Program, choose University Advising Services. After you have selected this program, click on Next.
6. On the form itself, you will need to type in information such as name and address, and select options from drop-down boxes. Fill the form out completely. It is especially important that you provide a complete, valid e-mail address. When you come to the section headed Course(s) to be taken at Host Institution, you will need to provide the correct prefix, course number, and credit hours for each class you will take at the Host (or transient) school. For the sub-section headed Use of the Course, choose the category of Major Requirements.
7. Under Student Comments, indicate the reason for needing to take the listed courses.
8. Carefully read the section headed Student Acknowledgement, and then click on the red arrow button Click to Sign in order to indicate your agreement with its terms.
9. You're finished! You will receive an email that will let you know whether or not your transient student status has been approved.
A PIN is a 6-digit personal identification number assigned to each student. Your PIN is used for the FLVC system ( ).
Obtaining Your Login and PIN: To log in to FLVC you will need your student ID number (Your Z Number with a capital 'Z') and your PIN (MMDDYY). Upon admission (or upon registration for non-degree students), your PIN code is automatically generated.
Your PIN is set to your birthdate in mmddyy format. For example, if your birthday were 12/27/74, your PIN would be 122774, or if your birthday were 03/07/82 your code would be 030782.
Claim & Active Your Account
To claim your account visit MYFAU ( and log in with your initial default password.
As of September 13, 2012, the initial default password for all new users is the three fau in lowercase followed by your date of birth in MMDDYY format(fauMMDDYY). If you became a student, employee, or faculty member before this date but never logged into MYFAU, your password could be just your date of birth in MMDDYY format.
Example: If your birth date is September 3, 1997, your initial password would be fau090397. If your account was created prior to September 13, 2012, and you have never logged in, then your password could be just your date of birth 090397.
Resetting your PIN: If you forgot your PIN, you must complete the Reset PIN Code Form .
For additional assistance with your account and contact information for the FAU Help Desk, please click here: .
A Z number is a student ID used for identification purposes within the FAU system. Your Z number is unique to you and protects your privacy. Use a capital letter 'Z' when you are entering your Z number (for example: Z12345678). Please remember your Z number and keep it confidential. To look up your FAU Z-number, click here: ).
For additional assistance with your account and contact information for the FAU Help Desk, please click here: ).
1. Go to
2. Log in to MyFAU, click on FAU Self Service
3. Go to Student Services, Registration - Add/Drop Classes
4. Select Term and click on Submit
5. Select "Web Registered" in the Action box for this CRN
6. Click the "Submit Changes" button
1. Go to
2. Log in to MyFAU, click on FAU Self Service
3. Go to Student Services, Registration - Add/Drop Classes
4. Select Term and click on Submit
5. Select "Web Dropped" in the Action box for this CRN
6. Click the "Submit Changes" button
If no action is taken, after your time has expired you will be dropped and the seat will then be offered to the next student on the waitlist.
After Registration
Log in using MyFAU : Username consists of your FAU NetID (your FAU email address without the and your default password would be your assigned PIN. If you have been out of the university for over one year, you may need to follow the directions for obtaining your password and/or User ID.
Unofficial Transcript
See the MyFAU Student Services website for grades and to retrieve "unofficial transcripts". In order to view your unofficial transcripts, all financial obligations must be met. If you have a financial hold, you will be prevented from viewing your transcript.
Official Transcript
You may order your official FAU academic transcript online (through MyFAU Self-Service by credit card. Credit Cards Accepted (American Express, Discover, Master Card, Visa).
Your transcript(s) will be mailed on the workday following verification of your credit card payment. Second-Day and Overnight delivery are available only in the continental U.S. Overnight and Second-day delivery is provided by UPS (United Parcel Service). Please provide a physical address if you choose an either delivery option. UPS will not deliver to a PO Box.
You will be asked "I Agree" or "I Don't Agree" to use your PIN*/password as your electronic signature to obtain your official transcript. If you choose "I Don't Agree," see the statement below to request your official transcript in person or via mail.
Requesting Official Transcripts via Mail?
You may also request a copy of your FAU academic transcript by mail using the online Transcript Request. By Law, your request must include your signature and be dated, and you must have no financial obligations to the University. Transcripts are processed and available for pickup* at any FAU Registrar's Office within one (1) working day after your request is received. Same-day pickup is available at the Boca Raton campus ONLY.
The official FAU Transcript Request Form is available online at .
Your request for your FAU official academic transcript must include:
a. date of request and your current address
b. your student ID number and full name
c. the name and complete address of your intended recipient(s)
d. fees for the number of copies and any special instructions (see below)
e. your signature
Special Instructions:
Explain any special instructions such as "hold for your degree to be posted," "hold for your current term grades to be posted," or "hold for a grade change to be processed". Your degree statement(s) posts approximately one (1) week after the commencement ceremony. If you are currently enrolled, term grades are posted approximately one (1) week after all final exams end.
To order your official transcript by mail send $10.00 per copy payment by check or money order only payable to Florida Atlantic University and your FAU Official Transcript Request Form to:
Florida Atlantic University
Registrar's Office
Attn.: Official Transcript Department
777 Glades Road, PO Box 3091
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991
To order your transcript in person, complete the transcript request form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar on any campus. *Same-day pickups are available only at the Boca Raton Campus.
Your account will be charged $10 per transcript. You will need to make payment to the Controller's Office via MyFAU or US Postal Service. Failure to make payment will result in a registration hold and transcript hold.
Students are expected to be familiar with and to conform to the regulations of the University. An academic petition may be filed when a particular academic requirement or regulation causes undue hardship for the student.
Degree-seeking undergraduate students with declared majors may direct their petitions to their college or department; degree-seeking students with undeclared majors may direct their petitions to Freshman Academic Advising Services. Nondegree-seeking students may direct their petitions to the college, department or program to which their request applies.
Undergraduate students may appeal the decisions made on their petitions through their colleges and with individuals or groups not involved in the initial request.
Graduate students may direct their academic petitions to the Office of Graduate Studies.
Fee Petitions
Contact the Controller's Office if the petition relates to refunds, waivers, or withdrawal from courses in other than exceptional circumstances.
Other Petitions
Withdrawal for Exceptional Circumstances is a type of petition for which the Office of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management is responsible. This type of petition is discussed in detail in two sections of the University Catalog: Academic Policies and Regulations and Tuition, Fees, and Refunds.
You can change your address and contact information online using the following steps:
1. Log in to MyFAU
2. FAU Self-Service
3. Personal Information
4. View/Update Contact Information
The National Student Clearinghouse is now Florida Atlantic University's authorized agent for providing degree and enrollment verifications for students, employers or background screening firms.
Students may access this service through our secure website at MyFAU . Log-in and search under "Student Services".
Students may request enrollment verifications for the current term or for a total enrollment history. This service will provide verifications for agencies such as Health insurance, student loans, future employment, military IDs, and degree certification. This service is free of charge and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The University Forgiveness Policy permits an undergraduate student to repeat an FAU course and allows only the last grade to count in the grade point average. The policy does not remove the previous grade but eliminates the effect of that grade on the FAU cumulative GPA by removing it from the computation. The Forgiveness Policy does not apply to non-degree or transient students, nor does it apply to S/U courses.
Forgiveness Policy Request forms should be submitted after the course has been repeated. In the event that a student chooses to repeat a course that is no longer offered by the University, it is the prerogative of the academic unit that offered the original course to either deny the student’s request or to designate an appropriate, related substitute course. You may complete and print the Forgiveness Policy Form online.
For more information please refer to the University Catalog.
Graduation Requirements
FAU has formulated policies and developed curricula to comply with the Florida Administrative Code section known as the Gordon Rule, found at section 6A-10.030 of the Florida Administrative Code. This rule requires students entering college or university study for the first time after October 15, 1982, to complete successfully, with grades of "C" or higher, 12 credit hours of writing and 6 credit hours of mathematics as a requirement for admission to the upper-division. The 12 credit-hours of writing must be in courses designated as Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) or Gordon Rule.
Students transferring from out-of-state institutions, who think they may have completed Gordon Rule equivalent courses with grades of "C" or better, must obtain a letter from the previous institution stating that at least 6,000 words were written in the course. Such letters should be mailed directly to the Office of the Registrar at the Boca Raton Campus.
For more information regarding Gordon Rule requirements, please consult the University Catalog in the Academic Regulations section.
After Graduation
For Non-Degree Registration
Non-degree registration is for students not interested in pursuing an FAU degree at this time such as taking courses for enrichment, for certification, to transfer to another university, applied too late for the upcoming term, and for applicants with no admission decision. Coursework for credit will appear on an FAU transcript.
Credits earned by a Non-degree seeking student may subsequently be applied to a degree-seeking program.- Undergraduate degree program: up to one-half of degree requirements earned in non-degree status at FAU may be applied to an undergraduate degree program, but only upon degree-seeking admission to the University and approval by the college in which the student's program is housed.
- Graduate degree program: credits earned as a non-degree-seeking student will appear on an FAU transcript but are not intended for application to an FAU graduate program. Up to one-third of degree requirements earned in non-degree status may be applied to a degree program at FAU, but only upon degree-seeking admission to the University and approval by the college in which the student's program is housed. However, no college may count such credit in excess of one-third of the credits toward a graduate degree without an approved Form 10-Request to Waive a University Requirement.
** Graduate courses in the College of Business are not available for non-degree registrants. Non-degree students who wish to register for graduate courses in Psychology must obtain permission of the instructor plus a college stamp.
As a United States citizen and Florida resident 60 years of age or older, you may attend Florida Atlantic University's undergraduate courses tuition-free on an audit basis when space is available. A Florida resident for tuition purposes is defined as an individual who has resided in the state for 12 consecutive months while not enrolled in an institution of higher learning, prior to the beginning of classes, and who has established legal ties in Florida according to Florida Statute 1009.21.
All applicants must complete the Non-Degree Application and submit the required residency documentation, regardless of the duration of their presence in Florida. Registration occurs in person at the Office of the Registrar on specific dates within each semester, as indicated on the Academic Calendar . A schedule of courses will be available within the information packet located on the Registrar's website and will be handed out at the registration session. Please be aware that classroom space for 60+ Audit is based on availability, and the schedule is subject to change up until the time of registration.
Students who wish to audit a course may register during the first week of classes, see the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Students cannot change to audit status after the end of the drop/add period. An auditor is one who wishes to take a class without receiving credit or a grade for a course. Auditors must
- Complete the Request for Audit (Change of Grade Mode) Form
- Receive permission from the instructor. Instructor's signature is required.
- Take the form to the Office of the Registrar or scan and send it from your FAU email to for processing Controller's Office via MyFAU .
All auditors must be in compliance with the (State University System (SUS) Measles/Rubella immunization policy and residency requirements).
Official transcripts are not required for the non-degree admission process. However, they may be required for pre-requisite override requests. |
No, once you apply as a non-degree seeking student all non-degree seeking academic policies and regulation are to be adhered to. Degree-seeking students have priority during registration. |
Non-degree students who wish to become degree-seeking must submit an application with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or the Graduate College on or before the deadline posted on the Admissions site or Graduate Programs site. Credits that have been earned as a non-degree-seeking student may be applied to the student’s degree program; however, this is contingent upon acceptance to the University and approval by the college in which the student's program is housed. |
Please see our Common Registration Issues page. |
Contact us at or 561-297-2408 for assistance. |
For Employees
Eligible full-time employees at FAU may enroll for up to six (6) credits hours of graduate or undergraduate instruction* per term (Fall, Spring, and Summer) under the Employee Educational Scholarship Program. *Qualified employees who take courses (including internet courses) offered at the Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale (Tower), Davie, HBOI, SeaTech, or MacArthur campuses are eligible for the Employee Educational Scholarship Program.
For additional information about the EESP, please review the Employee Educational Scholarship Program HR page.