Charles E. Schmidt
College of Medicine

Doctor of Medicine Program

Doctor of Philosophy Programs

Master's Program

Certificate Programs

Link to Course Descriptions for the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine

The Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine's mission as a community-based medical school is to advance the health and well-being of our community by training future generations of humanistic clinicians and scientists and translating discovery into patient-centered care. In addition to its M.D. program, the College of Medicine offers the Master of Science (M.S.) in Biomedical Science (with or without thesis), the Ph.D. in Integrative Biology and the Ph.D. in Neuroscience. A Biomedical Science certificate and a Genomics and Predictive Health certificate are also offered. These programs are detailed below.

Abruna Miranda, J. A.; Alter, S.; Averkiou, P.; Benjamin, L.; Berkowitz, L.; Bertollo, S.; Billington, M. E.; Blakely, R.; Bommareddy, A.; Brennan, L.; Brickman, L.; Bubna, N.; Buteau, S.; Caceres, J. W.; Caputi, M.; Casey, R.; Cippitelli, A.; Clayton, L.; Collins, B.; Cornelia, C.; Darling, A.; Di Corcia, M.; Drowos, J.; Edison, N.; Eisenberg, E.; Ferris, A.;  Foster, J.; Fraser-Damas, S.; Freeman-Costin, K.; Freire Machi, J.; Gleiber, M.; Gografe, S.; Goldman, S.; Grant, P. A.; Gundersen, E. C.; Guthrie, K. M.; Gutman, D.; Hahn, M.; Haire, H.; Hanafy, K.; Hennekens, C. H.; Her, T.; Holland, P.; Holley, A.; Huang, X.; Hughes, P.; Iragavarapu, V.; Isgor, C.; Isaacson, R.; Iwamoto, H.; Jacomino, M.; Kantorow, M.; Keba-Knecht, M.; Klein, M.; Labanowski, M.; Lewis, S.; Li, D.; Li, Z.; Lizotte-Waniewski, M.; Lottenberg, L.; Louda, D.; Lu, M.; Luck, G.; Martinez, L.; Menzie Suderam, J.; Nazarian Rostami, R.; Nouri-Shirazi, M.; Oleinikov, A.; Ouslander, J.; Ozawa, A.; Perumareddi, P.; Pestana, T.; Prentice, H.; Quan, N.;  Rackman, S.; Retrouvey, M.; Robishaw, J.; Rodrigues, C. D. O.; Rubin, S.; Sacca, L.; Schmidt-Kastner, R.; Schwartz, M.; Shen, W.; Shih, R.; Solano, J.; Sule, S.; Sutter, K.; Tao, R.; Telkes, I.; Toll, L.; Van der Put, E.; van Praag, H.; Wang, Y.; Wei, J.; Weiner, S.; Weiss, D.; Wiggill. S.; Wilson, J.; Wojcikiewicz, E.; Wood, S.; Wu, J. Y.; Wyatt, A.; Zahra, T.; Zhang, Q.

Doctoral Programs

Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.)

The College of Medicine developed an innovative curriculum for the Doctorate of Medicine that features early community-based clinical experiences, integrated basic science courses with an emphasis on small-group and self-directed learning, longitudinal integrated clerkships at seven affiliated hospitals in Palm Beach and Broward counties, continuity faculty advising and a small class size that fosters a collegial and supportive learning environment.  The College provides a student-centered and patient-focused approach that includes regular experiences in its Clinical Skills Simulation Center and interprofessional education with FAU’s Nursing and Social Work students. A key component is a curriculum in geriatric medicine that spans the four years of the curriculum. Find more information about the medical program.

The FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine and College of Science and the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) offer a dual Doctorate of Medicine/Doctorate of Philosophy (M.D./Ph.D.) degree program that provides talented students with cutting-edge training to become physician-scientists. The College of Medicine sponsors three Bachelor's/M.D. programs within the University that are completed in seven to eight years. The first program, MedDirect, is offered at the University's Boca Raton campus. The second program is offered through the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College on the Jupiter campus and is referred to as the Wilkes Medical Scholars program. Both of these Bachelor's/M.D. programs are for academically talented high school students who wish to study medicine based on their knowledge of the profession and first-hand medical experiences. For admission requirements and descriptions of these programs, visit the Bachelor's/M.D. site. The third program is the FAU High School M.D. Direct Program. This program is a highly selective, collaborative program with the FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine for students (only FAU High School students are eligible to apply) who are exceptional academically and have a strong desire to pursue a career in medicine. Admitted students earn a B.A. or B.S. degree from FAU, an approved two-year M.S. degree from FAU and the M.D. degree from the FAU College of Medicine in seven or eight years.  

Admission Requirements
Applicants for the Doctorate of Medicine degree must begin the process by completing an American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) application online. All applicants must be U.S. citizens or unconditional permanent residents of the United States with an alien registration receipt card in their possession at the time they complete the AMCAS application. Applicants must take the MCAT exam (and release their scores) no later than the fall preceding the year in which they hope to enroll. Applicants who have their verified AMCAS application forwarded to the College of Medicine will be offered an opportunity to complete a secondary application. Completed applications (AMCAS application, letters of recommendation, MCAT score and secondary application) are reviewed by an appraisal committee, which selects those applicants who will be invited for an on-campus interview. Only applicants who complete the on-campus interview with a member of the interview committee will be considered by the admissions committee for admission to the College of Medicine.

Residents of any state may apply to the Schmidt College of Medicine. To receive consideration as a Florida resident, applicants must list Florida as their state of legal residence on their AMCAS application. The College of Medicine’s goal is to create an enriched learning environment for medical students by admitting applicants from a wide variety of backgrounds and with a broad spectrum of life experiences.

Courses required for admission are:

  1. English (2 semesters or 3 quarters);
  2. Inorganic Chemistry with labs (2 semesters or 3 quarters);
  3. Organic Chemistry with labs (2 semesters or 3 quarters);
  4. Physics with labs (2 semesters or 3 quarters);
  5. Biology/Zoology with labs (2 semesters or 3 quarters);
  6. Mathematics (2 semesters or 3 quarters);
  7. Additional science (2 semesters or 3 quarters)

Courses in the sciences and mathematics that are recommended but not required include biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, genetics and statistics. The College of Medicine strongly encourages all applicants to broaden their education and supplement required coursework in math and science by pursuing their own individual academic interests. Applicants who major in the sciences do not have an advantage over those majoring in the social sciences or humanities.

The deadline for completing all prerequisite coursework is the end of the spring semester or quarter prior to matriculation. Since some required courses may be taken or completed after the submission of the AMCAS application, all accepted students will be required to submit final official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended in the United States and Canada to the Office of Admissions before matriculation. These transcripts will be used to confirm that the accepted applicant has satisfactorily completed all required courses and received a bachelor’s degree or qualified for the granting of the degree. Any deficiencies may be cause for revocation of the acceptance or for deferment to the next entering class.

The admissions committee utilizes a holistic review process that allows for balanced consideration of the multiple ways in which an applicant may demonstrate his or her capacity as a future medical student and physician and ability to contribute to the diversity of the College of Medicine. Among the factors considered in all admissions decisions are:

  1. GPAs and MCAT scores;
  2. Rigor of the educational program(s) undertaken;
  3. Breadth of life experiences;
  4. Ability to contribute to an enriched learning environment for all students;
  5. Meaningfulness of direct patient contact experiences;
  6. Research experiences;
  7. Quality of letters of recommendation;
  8. Interpersonal skills;
  9. Personal qualities and background;
  10. Source and degree of motivation to study and practice medicine.

Degree Requirements
Prior to graduation and receipt of the Doctorate of Medicine degree from the Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, students must demonstrate proficiency and compliance in, and satisfy the requirements of, each of the following six areas:

  1. Courses and Clerkships: Students must complete the required core courses and clerkships and the designated minimum number of elective and selective courses with Satisfactory (passing level) performance.
  2. Licensing Exams:
    1.  Students must pass the USMLE Step I examination before beginning the third academic year.
    2.  Students must pass the USMLE Step II Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills examinations by the   deadlines listed in the USMLE policy in the College of Medicine Handbook..
  3. Competency Assessments:
    1.  Students must pass all FAU College of Medicine Institutional Competency Assessments.
    2.  Students must earn certification for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Support   (BLS).
  4. Professional Performance: Students must demonstrate consistent evidence of professionalism as assessed by the Medical Students Promotions and Professional Standards Committee (MSPPSC) per the competency-based grading system and the Physicianship and Professionalism Advocacy Program (PPAP).
  5. Review and Approval of Academic and Professional Record: Students must receive the MSPPSC's recommendation for graduation and receipt of the Doctorate of Medicine degree. The MSPPSC's recommendation for graduation and receipt of the M.D. degree must be approved by the Dean of the FAU College of Medicine.

Required Courses
The following table lists required courses for the medical program.

Year 1 Courses
Foundations of Medicine 1 BMS 6015 10
Foundations of Medicine 2 BMS 6016 13
Neuroscience and Behavior BMS 6020 9
Fundamentals of Biomedical Science
BMS 6031 21
Pathophysiology and Therapeutics 1 BMS 6541 8
Year 2 Courses
Foundations of Medicine 3 BMS 6017 13
Foundations of Medicine 4 BMS 6022 4
Pathophysiology and Therapeutics 2 BMS 6542 11
Pathophysiology and Therapeutics 3 BMS 6543 9
USMLE Step 1 Review BMS 6960 6
Pathophysiology and Therapeutics 4 BMS 6544 6
Year 3 Courses
Synthesis and Transition BMS 6405 4
Medical and Surgical Sciences LIC MDC 7012 10
Family and Community Health Sciences LIC MDC 7011 10
Internal Medicine Clerkship MDC 7200 25
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship MDC 7180 20
Pediatrics Clerkship MDC 7400 20
Psychiatry Clerkship MDC 7830 20
Surgery Clerkship MDC 7600 25
Community and Preventative Medicine
MDC 7120 14
Elective Rotation MDE 8011 6-12
Year 4 Courses
Elective Rotation (if not taken in Year 3) MDE 8011 6-12
Transition to Residency (credit change effective fall 2024) MDE 8067 18 6
Acting Internship Rotation MDI 8010 12
Selective Rotation MDS 8011 12


Integrative Biology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Biomedical Science Concentration
Environmental Science Concentration
Marine Science and Oceanography Concentration
Neuroscience Concentration

(Minimum of 80 credits required)

The Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine offers a doctoral program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Integrative Biology. This is a joint program with the Department of Biological Sciences of the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science in which students can pursue interests across a number of fields, including marine science, biomedical science, biotechnology and biology. For complete program details, click here.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

(Minimum of 72 credits required)

This doctoral program in Neuroscience is a multi-college, multi-institute interdisciplinary degree program organized in partnership with the FAU Brain Institute. Graduate-level instruction is provided by faculty in multiple departments located in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, the Charles Schmidt College of Medicine, the College of Engineering and Computer Science, the College of Education and the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College. Affiliated faculty from the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience and Scripps Research Florida also participate in the program. The program aims to equip students with the advanced conceptual and technical skills needed to forge productive, neuroscience-oriented careers in industry, academia and government. Specific details for this doctoral program appear in the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.

Master's Program

Biomedical Science
Master of Science (M.S.)

(Minimum of 30 credits required)

Students interested in pursuing advanced studies in biomedical science may obtain a degree of
Master of Science (M.S.) with Major in Biomedical Science, taking either the thesis or non-thesis option. The thesis option is oriented toward those students interested in pursuing biomedical research or careers in academia. The non-thesis program is an option for students seeking to solidify their knowledge base in order to apply to appropriate professional schools or pursue careers in the biomedical sciences industry.

Admission Requirements
All program applicants must have an undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 in the last 60 credits and competitive Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores (scores are valid for five years). These are minimum requirements that are necessary for consideration for admission to the program. Higher scores will increase applicants' chances for admission. Prerequisites of the master's degree program include one year each of biology, chemistry and physics; one semester each of biochemistry and organic chemistry; and at least two upper-division biology classes. A personal statement explaining career goals is required as well as three letters of recommendation, at least two of which must be from former professors.

Recency of Credits
No credit that is more than seven years old at the time the M.S. in Biomedical Science degree is awarded may be counted toward the degree.

Degree Requirements
Non-Thesis Option

This option requires a minimum of 30 graduate-level credits. With their advisor's approval, students design a course of study courses offered in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine as well as courses in related departments and colleges chosen from the following list.

Thesis Option
This option requires a minimum of 30 credits consisting of coursework chosen from the list below, a minimum of 6 thesis credits, 3 thesis-related research credits. Students design a course of study and research with the guidance and approval of the advisors and thesis committees. Thesis students are required to make a formal research proposal to their committees within their first year prior to enrollment in thesis credits. In addition, upon completion of their research, they must make a formal thesis presentation and defense in the semester they plan to graduate. All thesis students must also receive certification of completion of the Responsible Conduct of Research program. The RCR program, which is offered jointly through the Graduate College and Division of Research, covers the nine instructional areas of RCR. All four components are mandatory in order to receive certification of completion.

Students wishing to change their admission from the thesis option to the non-thesis option must submit to the Graduate Program Committee a letter of request that states the justification for the change and a letter from the thesis advisor in support of the request. An interview with the Graduate Program Committee may be required. A maximum of 6 credits from the thesis career can be applied toward the non-thesis career upon approval by the Graduate Program Committee. PCB 6974 and PCB 6971 credits are non-transferable.

Core (9 credits)  
Data Interpretation and Analysis in the Age of Precision Medicine GMS 6860 3
Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology PCB 5532 3
Human Genetics PCB 6665 3
Thesis Requirements (9 credits minimum)
Master's Thesis
(may be taken multiple times; 6 credits minimum; 12 credits maximum)
PCB 6971 1-12
Thesis-Related Research
(may be taken only twice; 3 credits minimum; 6 credits maximum)
PCB 6974 2-3
Integrated Morphology 1 BMS 6102C 4
Integrated Morphology 2 BMS 6104C 4
Clinical Microbiology BMS 6303 3
Autonomic Function and Diseases BMS 6523 3
Fundamentals of General Pathology BMS 6601 3
Brain Diseases: Mechanism and Therapy BMS 6736 3
Bioinformatics BSC 6458C 3
Biomedical Data and Informatics BSC 6459 3
Cognitive Neuroscience ISC 5465 3
Biomedical Science Core Technologies Laboratory GMS 6091C 3
Macromolecular Therapy for Human Diseases GMS 6301 3
Molecular Basis of Disease and Therapy GMS 6302 3
Pharmacology GMS 6513 3
Biomedical Concepts and Translational Applications GMS 6841 3
Host Defense and Inflammation MCB 6208 3
Advanced Molecular Genetics of Aging PCB 5245 3
Neurobiology of Addiction PCB 5844 3
Advanced Cell Physiology PCB 6207 3
Molecular Basis of Human Cancer PCB 6235 3
Advanced Immunology PCB 6236 3
Problem-Based Immunology PCB 6238 3
Tumor Immunology PCB 6239 3
Molecular Biology of the Cardiovascular
System and Cardiac Disease
PCB 6705 3
Adult Neurogenesis PCB 6848 3
Physiology of the Heart PCB 6885 3
Directed Independent Study
(maximum of 6 credits allowed)
PCB 6905 1-3
Special Topics (general) PCB 6933 1-8
Graduate Seminars PCB 6934 1
Biological Vision PSB 5117 3
Principles of Neuroscience PSB 6037 3
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience PSB 6345 3
Systems and Integrative Neuroscience PSB 6346 3
Developmental Neurobiology PSB 6515 3
Radiation Biology RAT 6204 3
Radiation Protection and Safety RAT 6310 3

Certificate Programs

Biomedical Science
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

Biomedical Science is a broad and interdisciplinary field focused on understanding and improving human health. It incorporates diverse areas of specialized investigation that share this common goal, including anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology and others. The Biomedical Science certificate is offered to provide master's and Ph.D. students an integrated background in the biomedical sciences. To achieve this, the 12-credit program is designed with flexibility. Although the program is centered on the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, faculty from other colleges and institutions contribute to the program's success, and students are welcomed from many departments, centers and colleges throughout the University.

Admission Requirements
Admission to and completion of this program is organized by the Graduate Program Office in the College of Medicine. For admission, the applicant must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Enrollment in an FAU master's or Ph.D. training program in any of the following: Biomedical Science, Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Integrative Biology and Psychology. Students must have approval of their graduate program to enroll and must remain in good standing with their graduate program to continue in this certificate.
  2. Demonstrate competency in life science, mathematics and other courses related to the certificate program, such as by achieving at least a "B" in these courses.
  3. Interview with the certificate director or graduate committee chair to discuss program goals and requirements and obtain permission to enroll.

Program Requirements
The certificate curriculum provides students opportunities to survey different areas of the biomedical sciences and to focus on areas of particular interest. Program requirements are designed to be tailored to the individual student with previous coursework and future goals in mind.

  1. Students must achieve a minimum grade of "B" in four of the courses below for a total of 12 credits:
    Choose four courses from the list below (12 credits)
    Integrated Morphology 1 BMS 6102C 4
    Integrated Morphology 2 BMS 6104C 4
    Clinical Microbiology BMS 6303 3
    Autonomic Function and Diseases BMS 6523 3
    Fundamentals of General Pathology BMS 6601 3
    Brain Diseases: Mechanism and Therapy BMS 6736 3
    Macromolecular Therapy for Human Diseases GMS 6301 3
    Molecular Basis of Disease and Therapy GMS 6302 3
    Data Interpretation and Analysis in the Age of Precision Medicine GMS 6860 3
    Host Defense and Inflammation MCB 6208 3
    Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology PCB 5532 3
    Neurobiology of Addiction PCB 5844 3
    Advanced Cell Physiology PCB 6207 3
    Molecular Basis of Human Cancer PCB 6235 3
    Problem-Based Immunology PCB 6238 3
    Tumor Immunology PCB 6239 3
    Human Genetics PCB 6665 3
    Molecular Biology of the Cardiovascular
    System and Cardiac Disease
    PCB 6705 3
    Adult Neurogenesis PCB 6848 3
    Physiology of the Heart PCB 6885 3
    Special Topics PCB 6933 3
    Developmental Neurobiology PSB 6515 3
  2. Students must participate in the College of Medicine Research Day each year showcasing graduate student research in the College.

Note: No credit that is more than seven years old at the time the graduate certificate in Biomedical Science is awarded may be counted toward the certificate.

Genomics and Predictive Health
Graduate Certificate

(Minimum of 12 credits required)

Genomics and Predictive Health certificate is offered to provide master's and Ph.D. students an integrated background in the field of genomics and predictive health. The certificate program covers advancements in the field of personalized medicine, DNA sequencing technologies and commercial applications of genetic research. A minimum of 12 graduate credits of coursework is required to provide core experiences in the various predictive health domains (disease discovery, customized therapies and prevention). Although the program is centered within the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, faculty from other FAU colleges and institutions contribute to the program's success, and students from many departments and colleges throughout the University are welcomed.

Genomics and predictive health is a broad, interdisciplinary field focused on understanding and improving human health. It incorporates diverse areas of specialized investigation that share this common goal including anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, clinical sciences, cognitive sciences, development, genetics, immunology, medical sciences, microbiology, molecular biology, pathology, pharmacology, psychology and others.

Admission Requirements
Admission to and completion of this program is overseen by the Graduate Program Office in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine. For admission, the applicant must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Must be enrolled in an FAU master's or Ph.D. program including, but not limited to, Biomedical Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Integrative Biology, Psychology and Bioengineering. Students must have approval of their graduate program to enroll and must remain in good standing with their graduate program to continue in the certificate program;
  2. Must meet with the Office of Graduate Programs' advisor to discuss program goals and requirements and obtain permission to enroll.

Program Requirements
The certificate program requires 12 credits that are designed to be tailored to the individual student with previous coursework and future goals in mind.

Required Courses (9 credits) (Changes effective spring 2025.)
Human Genetics
PCB 6665
Integrating Genomics into Predictive Health
PCB 6667
Special Topics (such as Multiomic Applications Toward Understanding Health and Disease)
PCB 6933
Graduate Seminars
(1 credit per semester on a continuous basis for total of 3 credits)
PCB 6934
Complete one of the following elective courses (3 credits)
Emerging Applications in Oncology and Pharmacogenomics
PCB 6230
Special Topics (Communicating in the Age of Predictive Health)
PCB 6933
Special Topics (Implementing Learning Health Systems)
PCB 6933
Integrated Morphology 1
BMS 6102C
Integrated Morphology 2
BMS 6104C
Clinical Microbiology
BMS 6303
Autonomic Function and Diseases
BMS 6523
Fundamentals of General Pathology
BMS 6601
Brain Diseases: Mechanism and Therapy
BMS 6736
BSC 6458C
Biomedical Data and Informatics
BSC 6459
Biomedical Science Core Technologies Laboratory
GMS 6091C
Macromolecular Theraphy for Human Diseases
GMS 6301
Molecular Basis of Disease and Therapy
GMS 6302
GMS 6513
Biomedical Concepts and Translational Applications
GMS 6841
Cognitive Neuroscience
ISC 5465
Host Defense and Inflammation
MCB 6208
Advanced Molecular Genetics of Aging
PCB 5245
Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology
PCB 5532
Neurobiology of Addiction
PCB 5844
Advanced Cell Physiology
PCB 6207
Molecular Basis of Human Cancer
PCB 6235
Advanced Immunology
PCB 6236
Problem-Based Immunology
PCB 6238
Tumor Immunology
PCB 6239
Molecular Biology of the Cardiovascular System and Heart Disease
PCB 6705
Adult Neurogenesis
PCB 6848
Physiology of the Heart
PCB 6885
Special Topics (general)
PCB 6933
Graduate Seminars
PCB 6934
Biological Vision
PSB 5117
Principles of Neuroscience
PSB 6037
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
PSB 6345
Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
PSB 6346
Developmental Neurobiology
PSB 6515
Radiation Biology
RAT 6204
Radiation Protection and Safety
RAT 6310


Link to Course Descriptions for the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine