Special Categories
I am married to a person who has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. I have established legal residence and Florida is my permanent home.
* Required: Residency classification form completed and signed by student's spouse, a copy of your marriage certificate and proof of spouse's Florida residency.
I am a member of the armed services of the United States and I am stationed in Florida on active military duty pursuant to military orders, or whose home of record is Florida, or I am a member's spouse or dependent child.
*Required: A copy of the student's military orders or DD-2058 showing the home of record and, for a spouse, a copy of your marriage certificate/license. For a dependent child, a copy of the claimant's most recent federal income tax return indicates that the student was claimed as a dependent.
I am a full-time instructional or administrative employee of a Florida public school, community college, or institution of higher education, or I am the employee's spouse or dependent child.
* Required: A copy of your employment contract or a letter from your employer verifying employment as a full-time instructional or administrative employee. For a spouse, a copy of your marriage license/certificate. For a dependent child, a copy of the claimant's most recent federal income tax return indicates the student was claimed as a dependent.
I am part of the Latin American / Caribbean Scholarship program.
Note: You must also be a citizen of a Latin American or Caribbean nation receiving a scholarship award from a Florida state agency of at least $500 per academic year. Privately administered scholarships do not qualify. Reclassification as a temporary Florida resident for tuition purposes is valid only for the academic year(s) that the scholarship is awarded.
I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Pre-Paid Post-Secondary Expense Program.
* Required: A signed copy of the front and back of your Florida Pre-paid expense card.
I am a dependent person who has resided for five years with an adult relative other than my parent / legal guardian and my relative has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months.
* Required: Copies of your adult relative's federal income tax returns for the past five years indicating that the student was claimed as a dependent for the last five consecutive years along with documentation showing legal ties and physical presence in the state of Florida. See section II.
I was previously enrolled at a Florida state institution and classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes. I abandoned my Florida domicile less than 12 months ago and I am now re-establishing Florida legal residence.
* Required: Students must demonstrate that they have relinquished all legal ties to their previous state of residence and that they have re-established legal ties with the state of Florida.
I am living on the Isthmus of Panama and have completed 12 consecutive months of college at the FSU Panama Canal Branch or I am the student's spouse or dependent child.
* Required: A copy of your transcript or a letter of enrollment certification from FSU verifying enrollment at the Panama Canal Branch for the past three terms. For a spouse, a copy of your marriage license/certificate. For a dependent child, a copy of the claimant's most recent federal income tax return indicates the student was claimed as a dependent.
I am a Southern Regional Education Board's Academic Common Market graduate student.
* Required: A letter of certification from the state coordinator for the Southern Regional Education Board's Academic Common Market.
I am a full-time employee of a state agency or political subdivision of the state whose student fees are paid by the state agency or political subdivision for the purpose of job-related law enforcement or correction training.
* Required: A letter of verification from your employer indicating you are a full-time employee of a state agency or political subdivision and you are enrolling in courses for the purpose of job-related law enforcement or corrections training.
I am a McKnight Fellowship recipient.
* Required: A letter of verification from the Graduate School certifying that you are a McKnight Fellowship recipient.
I am an active member of Florida National Guard who qualifies under Florida Statutes s.250.10(7) and (8) for tuition assistance.
*Required: Your interstate Transfer Contract, NGB form 22-5-R-E, if you are an active National Guardsman who has been transferred to Florida from another state OR Your U.S. Armed Forces enlist/re-enlist document, DD 4/1 and 4/2 if you have left the active armed services and have entered the National Guard.