Academic Forms
For any technical issues with the links on this page please contact the corresponding office associated with the link.
Arts and Letters
- Undergraduate Petition Form
- Used to waive situations such as: 9 credits in summer, reinstatement to FAU, course waiver, Arts and Letters requirement exceptions, concurrent enrollment, course equivalency/substitution for FAU courses (use Course Equivalent/Substitution Petition for courses taken at other institutions), waiver of last 30 hours in residence, change of sections during a semester and other Arts and Letters requests.
- Student Request for Late Withdrawal- Instructor's Memorandum
- Students who desire to petition for late or total withdrawal from a course(s) must have a request for late withdrawal – Instructor’s Memorandum submitted for each course in which late withdrawal is sought.
- Reinstatement Petition Form
- Used for students who have been academically dismissed previously from FAU and wish to come back to FAU under a major in the College of Arts and Letters.
- Business Petition
- Used to request exception to College of Business requirements or rules (not for course equivalencies for courses taken outside of Florida Atlantic University).Should be used for concurrent enrollment, course waivers, requirement exceptions, Summer Rule, and course equivalent/substitution taken at Florida Atlantic University.
- Reinstatement Petition
- Used to request to return to FAU, College of Business, after being academically dismissed from the University.
- Late Withdrawal Petition
- Used to request to drop a class after the deadline, in combination with Form 4-Instructor's Memorandum.
- Instructor's Memorandum
- Form to be completed by the instructor in order to assist the College of Business with decision regarding late withdraw petition by supplying the necessary information requested in this document.
- Third Attempt Petition
- Used to overally limit students to two lifetime attempts(including withdrawal) in any courses. This form can be used as consideration for a third attempt only under documented extreme extenuating circumstances.
- Graduation Audit Request
- Used to request a graduation audit, which is a thorough check of your records resulting in a document that lists exactly the courses/requirements remaining to complete your degree.
- Course Equivalent/Substitution Petition
- Used to request that a non-FAU course be considered as a substitute or equivalent to an FAU course. This form is not to be submitted prior to enrolling at FAU.
- Request to Withdraw from Graduation
- Use this form to withdraw a previous request to graduate from the University.
- Residency Petition
- Use this form to request a waiver of the requirement to take the last 30 credits of upper-division coursework in residence at FAU.
College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
- Undergraduate petition
- Used to waive situations such as: 9 credits in summer, reinstatement to FAU, course waiver, SWCJ requirement exceptions, concurrent enrollment, course equivalency/substitution for FAU courses (use Course Equivalent/Substitution Petition for courses taken at other institutions), waiver of last 30 hours in residence, change of sections during a semester and other SWCJ requests.
- Petition for a Late Withdraw
- Used to request to drop a class after the deadline, in combination with Instructor's Memorandum.
- Instructor's Memorandum
- Form to be completed by the instructor in order to assist the College of Social Work and Criminal Justice with decision regarding late withdraw petition by supplying the necessary information requested in this document.
- Petition for Reinstatement following Academic Dismissal
- Used to request to return to FAU, College of Social Work and Criminal Justice, after being academically dismissed from the University.
- Undergraduate Petition form
- Used to waive situations such as: 9 credits in summer, change of grade type, late add or withdrawal, reinstatement to FAU, course waiver, College of Education requirement exceptions, waiver of last 30 hours in residence , change of sections during a semester and other College of Education requests.
- General Petition Form
- Used for students interested in late withdrawal(s) or auditing of courses.
- Reinstatement Petition Form
- Used to request to return to FAU, College of Engineering and Computer Science, after being academically dismissed from the University.
Honors College
- For a listing of Honors College forms, click here
College of Nursing
- Formal Complaint Form
- Form used to issue a formal complaint as a written report from a student or other constituent that expresses a serious concern about the quality of any of our nursing programs or the conduct of a faculty member or student.
- Student Request for Letter of Recommendation Form
- To request a letter of recommendation from a professor.
Incomplete Grade Form
- Students have up to one year to complete a grade of incomplete. However, individual completion dates are determined by the faculty member
- College Petition Page
- General form used to petition for multiple areas such as; waiver of upper division coursework, waiver of upper division credit hour graduation requirement, approval of non-degree credit hours, late add to a class, change in sections, total withdrawal from a term, late withdrawal, concentration course substitution, core course substitution, reinstatement into FAU, other.
- Course permit / unlink request form
- Form for student to submit for Professor override course permits or to register for a lecture without the corresponding lab or vice versa.
- Late Withdrawal / Drop Request Form
- For Professor to submit, to be completed before meeting with College of Science Representative. Used to evaluate the merit of a student’s request to withdrawal from a class after the midterm withdrawal deadline.
- Petition for permission to do transient work
- Form used to waive requirement of no transient work.
College Petition Form
- To request waiver of 45 upper division credit hour graduation requirement; approval of non-degree credit hours; late add a class; total withdrawal for a specific term; change in sections; change of grade type; waive 9 hour summer rule; late withdrawal; reinstatement into FAU term.
Attempt Petition
- For students requesting a 3rd attempt at a required course in their major.
- BURP/MURP Application for Admission; 5-year Accelerated Program
- BURP/MURP Application for Admission, Deadline: July 1st
University Advising Services
Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Form
- Used to submit an application for an AA degree.
Late Withdrawals - Undecided College/Major & Non-Degree Seeking Students Only
- Undecided College/Undecided Major & Non-Degree Only
- This form is to request a late withdrawal from one or more courses after the last day to withdraw from coursework
Late Withdrawal Instructor Documentation Form
- This link must be sent via email to each instructor of the course(s) you’re requesting a late withdrawal from along with a description of your request, name, Z#, course (i.e. - ENC 1101), and semester
Petition for Reinstatement Form - Undecided College/Major & Non-Degree Seeking Students Only
- This form is to request reinstatement to FAU after having been previously academically dismissed for 3 semesters
Part-time Requests
Request to attend as a part-time student (must use FAU email to access)
- Request to attend as a part-time student for students with up to 45 earned credits (above 45 credits please contact your College advising office)
General Education/DARS Request
General Education/DARS Petition Form (must use FAU email to access)
- Used by Academic Advisor to submit a request to audit General Education (GenEd) courses.
General Education Degree Audit Request
General Education Audit Request (must use FAU email to access)
- The purpose of the Student General Education Audit is to assess how and if a students’ credits can be used to fulfill General Education (GenEd) degree requirements
3rd Attempt Request
Third Attempt Form (must use FAU email to access)
- First and Second Year Students ONLY (45 or fewer completed credits and Undeclared Majors with any number of completed credits)
Application For Degree / Diploma
- Used to apply for Associate of Arts, Bachelors, Masters or PhD Degree.
Change FAU ID (or Social Security Number)
- Used to request a change of FAU ID or Social Security Number (if a change of Social Security Number is involved, a copy of your Social Security Card is required).
Change of Name
- Used to request a change of name with the appropriate documentation.
College Level Communication and Computation Skills Evaluation (formerly Gordon Rule)
- Use this form to have courses from outside the Florida State University System evaluated for college level communication and computation skills.
Degree Seeking Status
- Used to request change from Degree seeking status to Non-Degree seeking status.
Do Not Release of Personal Information
- Used to request a non-release of directory information, and code student account as confidential.
Duplicate or Replacement of Diploma
- Used to request a duplicate or replacement Diploma.
Excess Hours Appeal
- Used to request consideration for an appeal if you think that you have courses that should be removed from your base hour’s calculation.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Form
- If completed, the law requires Florida Atlantic University to provide a parent access to their dependent child's educational records.
FAU Immunization Form
- Pursuant to Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.001(9), prior to registration, each student accepted for admission at Florida Atlantic University must submit a signed FAU Immunization Form. Florida Atlantic University requires documented proof of immunizations to Measles and Rubella.
Fiscal Reinstatement Appeal
- Used to request reinstatement after non-payment of tuition (if approved, payment is due immediately and you will be charged a late payment fee and a reinstatement fee in addition to your tuition).
Forgiveness Policy Request
- Used to permit an undergraduate student to repeat an FAU course and allows only the last grade to count in the grade point average. The policy does not remove the previous grade but eliminates the effect of that grade on the FAU cumulative GPA by removing it from the computation. The Forgiveness Policy does not apply to non-degree or transient students, nor does it apply to S/U courses.
- Used to permit an undergraduate student to repeat an FAU course and allows only the last grade to count in the grade point average. The policy does not remove the previous grade but eliminates the effect of that grade on the FAU cumulative GPA by removing it from the computation. The Forgiveness Policy does not apply to non-degree or transient students, nor does it apply to S/U courses.
General Education Compliance Form
- Used for a student’s previous institution to verify that the student has completed their general education requirements. For undergraduate degree-seeking students with an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree from a Florida public institution, it is not necessary to submit this form.
Major or Minor Change
- Used for undergraduate students to change/declare their major. Students under 45 earned credit hours may instead submit to the University Advising Services Office to declare unrestricted and pre-majors. All restricted majors must go through their respective colleges.
Non-Degree Enrollment Application
- Application for incoming Non-Degree Seeking Students to Florida Atlantic University.
Non-Degree Enrollment Instructions and Application
- Instructions for the application process and supporting documentation needed for incoming Non-Degree Seeking Students to Florida Atlantic University.
Non-Degree Residency Classification
- Used to establish residency status for tuition purposes for non-degree seeking students at Florida Atlantic University.
Repeat Surcharge Appeal
- Form to request repeat-course surcharge waiver.
Request for Enrollment Verification
- Form to request enrollment verification.
Request for Residence Reclassification for Degree-Seeking Students
- Form is used to establish residency status for tuition purposes for degree seeking students who have previously attended FAU as non-residents and wish to be considered for in-state tuition rates.
Request to Review Records
- Records review through Registrar’s office.
Reset Your FLVC.ORG PIN Code
- Form to reset pin code
Residency Classification Appeal
- Form to appeal claim of Florida Residency for tuition purposes.
Residency Forms and Applications
- Guidelines and requirements listed to declare Florida Residency.
Residency Reclassification Information
- Information for students who were initially classified as non-Florida residents who wish to qualify as a Florida residents for the purpose of tuition.
Student Transient
- A link which leads to the website where FAU students can apply for approval to take classes at other Public Florida Institutions.
- Transcripts (Official / Unofficial)
- Official and Unofficial transcript request forms. Unofficial transcript requests must be made through a student’s MY FAU.
Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
- Exceptional Withdrawal form
- Requirements and directions for students attempting to withdrawal for one of the following reasons; physical/mental Illness or injury, illness of a student of such severity or duration, to preclude completion of all courses, death in the immediate family members ONLY – Parents, Spouse, Sibling, Grandparent, Child, or Legal Guardian (papers required),involuntary call to Active Military Duty ONLY, primary care-giver to ill immediate family member–(refer to Item B above for immediate family list), victim of crime, other.