Update on Spring Commencement
Tuesday, Mar 02, 2021
As I have stated many times, and particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, I consider commencement to be a fundamental component of the educational experience here at FAU. It saddens me that our in-person commencement ceremonies for the entire 2020 calendar year were canceled. However, the decisions to move those events to virtual ceremonies were unquestionably the right ones.
As the public health situation related to the coronavirus eases locally, and following guidance from the State University System of Florida Board of Governors, we are planning to host in-person commencement ceremonies for our Spring 2021 graduates.
Please note: Due to social distancing and other COVID-19-related public health protocols, only students who are scheduled to graduate this spring will be invited to attend these ceremonies. Every effort will be made to ensure all students who were scheduled to graduate in 2020 have the opportunity to participate in a future commencement ceremony. I hope to provide an update on participation in future ceremonies during the Fall 2021 semester.
For our Spring 2021 graduates, FAU will host two outdoor ceremonies on Thursday, April 29. The first ceremony will start at 9 a.m. and the second ceremony will start at 5 p.m. Both ceremonies will be held in FAU Stadium and will be webcast on FAU.edu. In the event of inclement weather, Friday, April 30, will be used as a back-up day. Face coverings will be required for all attendees.
Additional information on which colleges will be assigned to which ceremonies, and information about ticketing for graduates and their guests, will be forthcoming. While it is still very difficult to accommodate all eventualities, my goal is to provide the best recognition possible to mark our graduates’ wonderful achievements during their time here at FAU.
If in-person events cannot be held on either day, we will host virtual ceremonies. All graduates will be contacted with details should the need arise.
I look forward to congratulating our Spring 2021 graduates in person on April 29.
Go Owls!