Happy Sea Turtle Week!

Saturday, Jul 11, 2020

This week and next, organizations worldwide are celebrating the second annual Sea Turtle Week, a nine-day global effort to raise awareness of sea turtles and the oceans they inhabit. Sea Turtle Week kicked off on June 8 with World Oceans Day and culminates with World Sea Turtle Day on June 16.

Ocean science is one of FAU’s research priorities and I’m especially proud of the sea turtle research and conservation efforts taking place at FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and our Boca Raton campus. Many of our faculty and students’ studies have received national media attention, including Dr. Annie Page-Karjian’s work on the survival rates of green sea turtles with fibropapillomatosis, a virus that causes tumors; and Dr. Jeanette Wyneken’s research on sex ratios in loggerhead sea turtle nests. FAU will highlight their stories — and more — on social media through June 16.

To learn more about the university’s sea turtle research and conservation efforts, both during Sea Turtle Week and in the future, follow FAU Harbor Branch on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter , as well as FAU on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .