Fall 2020 Return-to-Campus #4 - Face Coverings


Monday, Aug 10, 2020
FAU’s safety triad of face coverings, physical distancing, and hand and surface sanitization will help prevent the further spread of COVID-19 on campuses and within the local communities. It’s everyone’s individual responsibility to "Protect Your Owl Family" and quickly adjust to this new way of living. Details are available in the university’s  Health and Safety  plan.

Face coverings are now required at all times when on FAU campuses, both inside and outside buildings.  The only exceptions are when you are alone inside personal vehicles and private office space/dorm rooms behind closed doors. Handmade face coverings, such as those fashioned from a scarf, bandana or handkerchief, should fit tightly over the nose and mouth, and should be kept with you at all times.

The  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   does not  recommend using face coverings/masks if they have an exhalation valve or vent. Masks with one-way valves or vents allow exhaled air to be expelled out through holes in the material. This can allow exhaled respiratory droplets to reach others and potentially spread COVID-19.

Face coverings are not a replacement for physical distancing. Always maintain at least six feet between people, with gatherings limited to no more than 10 individuals. Events where physical distancing is not possible are not permitted. Do not overcrowd spaces.

Wipe down/sanitize work, learning, and eating surfaces prior to use and wash/sanitize your hands at every opportunity. It is imperative that all members of the FAU community view this guidance as a shared responsibility, both on and off campuses, and adopt these new behaviors.

If you are feeling unwell, stay home.  Students, faculty and staff experiencing symptoms or a possible exposure to COVID-19 must  contact Student Health Services (561-297-3512)  or otherwise seek medical attention immediately.

Those in violation of the FAU’s health and safety policies are subject to disciplinary action.

Students who need special accommodations regarding face covering should contact  Student Accessibility Services . Employees should contact the  Office of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance

The dedicated  COVID-19 website  remains the best source of FAU-specific information and our  Health and Safety  and  Cleaning and Disinfecting  plans are available for review. The  Campus Safety  page of the site has detailed information about current policies and protocols, health and prevention practices, self-quarantine procedures, university travel, and more. The  Guidance and Services  page features an “A-Z” listing of items from around the university. New information is added to the pages as we confirm changes in our operations.