Florida atlantic PD Believes in Transparency

The Florida Atlantic Police Department is here to keep our community safe and strongly believes in the benefits of transparency in policing. We want everyone to understand who we are, what our policies entail and why they exist, as well as how Florida Atlantic PD officers train and prepare for emergency situations. Officers undergo annual training in defensive tactics, firearms, taser use, and de-escalation techniques. Additionally, officers participate in two active shooter drills—one within the department and a larger multi-agency scenario. Every month, officers complete training on policies, procedures, and state law.

Florida Atlantic Police Policies

The Florida Atlantic Police Department is an accredited agency with comprehensive policies that guide officers and staff in expected conduct as members of Florida Atlantic PD. These policies are detailed, clearly outlining expectations and the consequences of policy violations.

Response to Resistance

In specific situations, officers may be required to use force. Florida Atlantic PD’s policies on force are rigorous, and every use-of-force incident is reviewed by department leadership. These policies emphasize the preservation of human life, allowing force only until the situation is under control. Florida Atlantic PD officers do not use rubber bullets or tear gas, and the use of neck restraints is prohibited by department policy.

General Order 7.1 Use of Force 
Community Education


Florida Atlantic PD is committed to protecting individuals’ rights to peacefully assemble and protest, prioritizing community safety throughout.

Body Cameras

The department initiated its body-worn camera program in 2015 and has since upgraded to cameras that automatically activate when officers deploy their tasers, reducing the risk of human error in rapidly changing situations.

Bias-based Profiling

Racial and ethnic profiling is unacceptable, especially in law enforcement. Florida Atlantic PD is responsible for protecting the constitutional rights of everyone in our community, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion, age, cultural background, economic status, or beliefs.

Duty to Intervene

The Duty to Intervene policy ensures that all Florida Atlantic PD members understand they must prevent or stop any act that is unethical or violates laws or policies. Florida Atlantic PD is committed to integrity, and officers are expected to speak up if they witness inappropriate actions by a colleague.

Submit a Comment

The Florida Atlantic Police Department is dedicated to serving the university community with excellence. If you feel an officer has acted improperly, we have reporting options available. Specific complaint procedures are in place to ensure that fair action is taken when an employee is accused of misconduct, while also protecting staff from unfounded accusations. This process identifies and addresses any deficiencies in policies, procedures, supervision, or training. Submit a comment through the online form


Florida Atlantic PD is committed to the safety and well-being of the FAU communities and condemns police brutality. The eight policies proposed by Campaign Zero to reduce police violence and protect citizens are policies we have had in place for years. We are proud to be compliant with #8cantwait, and our officers receive ongoing training in the use-of-force continuum and de-escalation techniques.