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Student, Faculty and Staff Tickets

SPECIAL NOTE: Second-Chance Lottery Winners Notified —
Need to Pick Up Tickets by Friday

Some additional students, faulty and staff who entered the ticket lottery have been notified through email that they have received a ticket to the Dalai Lama's address. A number of ticket winners were not able to attend or did not pick up their tickets, so those tickets have been reallocated. The latest winners have until Friday, February 19,  to pick up tickets from the FAU Box Office (located on the first floor of the Student Union on the Boca Raton campus — hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Winners will be required to provide their Owl Card and will be asked to sign for the ticket. The ticket is not transferable and someone else cannot to pick up your ticket. Duplicate/replacement tickets will not be available.

A lottery was held to distribute tickets for FAU students, faculty and staff. Those receiving a ticket through the lottery were notified by e-mail on Jan. 22

Tickets, for those who received a notification e-mail, will be available for pick-up starting Feb. 8 from the Student Union Box Office, located on the first floor of the Student Union on the Boca Raton Campus. All students, faculty and staff  picking up tickets are required to provide their Owl Card and will be asked to sign for their ticket. Ticket pick-up will be conducted as follows:

Last Names Beginning with... Pick-up Date
A – F Monday, Feb. 8
G – L Tuesday, Feb. 9
M – R Wednesday, Feb. 10
S – Z Thursday, Feb. 11
All Friday, Feb. 12

All tickets must be picked up by the close of business (5 p.m.) on Friday, Feb. 12. Tickets not picked up will be made available to randomly selected individuals who entered the original lottery but did not get picked. These students, faculty and staff will be notified via e-mail. One ticket will be issued per individual.

General Public Tickets

Tickets for the general public went on sale at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19. The event is now SOLD OUT.

General public tickets will be mailed to ticket holders, with “Will Call” available day of the event. An event information sheet will be included with each ticket distributed and mailed that details:

  • Suggested time of arrival
  • Permitted items and prohibited items, such as cameras, umbrellas, etc.
  • Parking information
  • Other pertinent information for the event

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