Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae
Promotion and Tenure Portfolios
Together with your department/college, you are responsible for the accuracy and clarity of your CV. It should observe the guidelines below for content and formatting. Please ensure that a representative of your department/college reviews your CV before it is circulated.
Institutional Affiliation
Contact Information
Education/Employment History
Provide a brief chronological account (most recent to least recent) of your higher education history and all post baccalaureate employment relevant to your academic discipline.
Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity
For all refereed and non-refereed publications in print, or under review, please provide full citations (do not abbreviate journal titles), including beginning and ending page numbers. In case of works in press or under review, include number of manuscript pages.
Publications in Print
- Publications should be listed in separate categories by date of publication (most recent to least recent) within the following categories:
- Refereed Journal Articles
- Books
- Book chapters
- Other (book reviews, encyclopedia articles)
For all publications in print please provide full citations (do not abbreviate journal titles), including beginning and ending page numbers
For all co-authored works:
provide full names of all authors, in the exact order as they appear in the printed copy. Indicate any undergraduate students who are listed as primary or co-authors in your publications. Also, the extent of the candidate’s contribution to the work must be clearly explained in the scholarship section of the candidate’s portfolio; supporting documentation from co-authors may be supplied as needed.
Works in Press
(“in press” means written, reviewed, accepted, and waiting for publication. Please include full citations, anticipated date of publication, and number of manuscript pages.)
Works currently under review
(i.e., not yet accepted for publication) should be included if the work is complete and has been submitted for review; please include number of manuscript pages and the Journal to which it has been submitted.
--Work currently under development but not yet submitted should
be included.
--If a work under review is accepted for publication before your portfolio has been forwarded by the department (or equivalent unit) to the next level for review, you should notify the department (or equivalent unit) committee chairperson. The department (or equivalent unit) may then consider the work “in press” and update the portfolio accordingly. The work should be placed in the portfolio by the department representative while the portfolio is under departmental review; by the department’s college representative to the college committee while the portfolio is under review by that committee; and by the college representative to the university committee once the portfolio has been forwarded to the Office of the Provost, but before the University Promotion and Tenure Committee has acted on it.
Where co-authoring is extensive and not typical in the field, a major collaborator (lead or corresponding author) from your research team should indicate in a letter the contributions made by the candidate to the work (one letter may address multiple publications by the team, if applicable). Where co-authoring is common in your field, it would be helpful to indicate that in your statement on scholarship. Be sure to indicate publications co-authored with graduate and undergraduate students. Edited volumes should be clearly identified.
Refereed Presentations and Proceedings
should be listed separately by date within the following categories:
Indicate whether a conference paper eventually resulted in publication. Indicate any undergraduate students who are listed as primary or co-presenter within each category (International, National, and Regional/Local).
Non-Refereed Publications, Presentations and Proceedings
Achievements should be listed by date within the following categories:
- Publications
Articles, books, book chapters, other
- Presentations
- Performances
- Exhibitions
- Projects
- Other
Include full citations/descriptions and clearly identify the status of works in progress. Indicate any undergraduate students who are listed as primary or co- authors, presenters, performers, exhibitors etc. within the categories.
Presentations and proceedings
should be listed separately by date within the following categories:
- International
- National
- Regional/local
--Indicate whether a conference paper eventually resulted in publication
--Internally published technical reports, workbooks, etc. should be separate from publications.
Creative Activities and Achievements
should be listed by date within the following categories:
If creative works do not fit in the above categories, please clearly group creative achievements under categories that best characterize your work and are broadly accepted in your discipline and academic community.
Include full citations/descriptions and clearly identify the status of works in progress.
Please list internal and external grants separately from most recent to least recent. It is recommended that you also list proposals that were not funded. If you list unsuccessful applications, those should be clearly differentiated from successful ones. Pending proposals should be listed with the amount requested and the notification date. For each successful grant, you should identify your status – PI, co-PI, other, as well as the roles of other participants on the grant. You also should indicate the percentage of your time that is supported by the grant. If a grant supports programmatic or group work, you should clarify your precise role in the work. You should indicate the amount received (total direct costs and annual budget) and the coverage period of successful grants, as well as the funding agency and the title of the proposal.
- Funded
- Pending
- Not-funded (recommended but optional)
- Funded
- Pending
- Not-funded (recommended but optional)
Courses Taught at FAU
--- List all courses taught. Identify any new courses you have developed.
--- Supervision of Graduate Students - Identify all masters and doctoral candidates supervised, completion dates, and thesis/dissertation titles.
--- Supervision of Undergraduate Students - Identify all undergraduate students supervised as part of their honors thesis and directed independent research. Include completion dates and thesis or research project titles, indicate any undergraduate students who are listed as primary or co-authors, presenters, performers, exhibitors etc. within the categories.
--- Advising Activities – Identify all undergraduate and graduate advising activities.
Service and Professional Development
List all significant service assignments and activities, as well as professional development activities, in separate categories by date.
Service to the Institution
- Department/School service
- College service
- University service
Service to the Discipline/Profession
Service to the Community/Public
Professional Development
Honors and Awards
Identify the honor or award, year awarded, and the supporting organization