FAU Jupiter News

FAU Pine Jog Recognizes Green Schools

By | June 13, 2017

Florida Atlantic University Pine Jog Environmental Education Center celebrated the Green Schools Class of 2017 at the ninth annual Green Schools Awards Luncheon.

The latest BH&J scores show 11 of 23 cities in the index remain in buy territory.  Another nine cities hover around a BH&J score of zero, suggesting a tossup between buying and renting in terms of wealth accumulation. The remaining three metro areas (Dallas, Denver and Houston) are in heretofore unseen territory in terms of both pricing and BH&J scores.

Rising House Prices Move Markets in the Direction of Renting

By | June 7, 2017

Slowing rents coupled with rising home prices and mortgage rates are pushing U.S. housing markets into rent territory, according to the latest national index from FAU and FIU.

Essential Oil Copaiba

Copaiba: Silver Bullet or Snake Oil?

By | June 6, 2017

Researchers caution that randomized trials are needed to discern whether treatment with the essential oil copaiba is effective or that it turns out to be "yet another beautiful hypothesis slain by ugly facts."

CSR is defined as strategies that appear to foster some social good, including programs that benefit community engagement, diversity, the environment, human rights and employee relations.

Corporate Social Responsibility Not a Profitable Investment

By | June 1, 2017

Companies that try to "do good" are likely to find that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is bad for their bottom lines, according to a new study from Florida Atlantic University's College of Business.

Bottlenose dolphins in the wild

Method Tested at FAU First to Examine Dolphin Immune System

By | May 25, 2017

With the drastic increase in unusual dolphin strandings and deaths along the southeastern coast of the U.S. and elsewhere, finding specific antibodies to test and monitor their immune health is critical.

FAU Archaeologist Involved in Ancient Peru Discovery

By | May 24, 2017

An archaeologist from FAU's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute is among a team of scientists who made a groundbreaking discovery in coastal Peru - home to one of the earliest pyramids in South America.

FAU Tech Runway Announces Fifth and Largest Class

By | May 23, 2017

Florida Atlantic University's Tech Runway® has selected its fifth and largest Venture class of startup and early-stage companies to participate in its business accelerator program.

The first-of-its-kind pipeline program to be launched in the United States, M.D. Direct places high school students from FAU High School directly in-line for medical school at FAU, jumpstarting their careers as young, aspiring physicians-to-be.

FAU Launches Nation's First M.D. Pipeline Program

By | May 19, 2017

"Signing Day" brought new meaning for four of the nation's brightest teens as they were officially accepted into an innovative medical school pipeline program through the "FAU High School M.D. Direct" program.

College professor

Female Faculty Face Strong Glass Ceiling in Academia

By | May 18, 2017

Female faculty members hoping to advance to the highest ranks of academia face significant barriers due to male-dominated environments at colleges and universities, according to a new study.

university advising wins FLACADA award

FAU Recognized for Innovative Advising Program

By | May 17, 2017

Florida Atlantic University recently was recognized for its efforts to provide academic advising to students in on-campus parking garages.