Healthier Jupiter Grant

by Lynda F. Rysavy | Monday, Oct 14, 2019

Healthier Jupiter, a community initiative founded to address health and quality of life issues, awarded Florida Atlantic University Brain Institute's Ascend Program $2,500. The grant will be used to fund "Brain Blitz Jupiter - Exercise Your Mind," an educational program for children and adults. 

Over 300 community members came together at a Healthy Community Grants BBQ on October 12, at which 12 Grant semi-finalists presented their project overview to the public, who then chose the top eight.

The goal of the mini-grants is to fund innovative projects that have measurable impact and can create meaningful, transformative change in the health, wellness, and success of the greater Jupiter community.

 Healthier Jupiter is funded through a generous grant from Palm Health Foundation in partnership with Jupiter Medical Center, as part of the countywide Healthier Together Initiative.
