Collaborative Research Grant Opportunities
FAU’s Jupiter Life Science Initiative and the Institute for Human Health and Disease Intervention (I-Health) announces the inaugural call for collaborative research grants. The funding is designed to support collaborations between Jupiter-based faculty and partners, Max Planck Florida Institute (MPFI) and The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology (UF-Scripps), which will result in original and innovative research in the field of life science.
Applications should fit the following categories:
- New research collaborations with MPFI and UF-Scripps
- Bridge funding to support collection of critical data needed to improve competitiveness of grant applications to federal agencies
- Novel research projects by junior faculty
Notes: Proposals must be submitted by an FAU principal investigator (PI) or faculty member. Postdoctoral fellows are ineligible for this funding opportunity.
The long-term goal of these pilot awards is to provide the initial funding needed to generate critical preliminary data required for larger federal grant submissions. Basic science and translational investigation proposals are both welcome. Funding for up to five proposals is anticipated, and budget requests should be limited to $30,000 over a one-year period. Only one application per applicant accepted.
Deadline: 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 27, 2023.
Awards announced by Nov. 17, 2023.
The application packet should be no more than six pages (11 point, arial font, single spacing, 0.5-inch margins) and must include the following sections:
The application packet must include the following sections:
- Project title
- Grant amount requested. Include a budget and budget justification. Funding may not be allocated for salary support. In addition, funds may not be used to support costs associated with travel. Note that pilot award funding carries no indirect costs.
- If the application is collaborative in nature, list all participating research team members with organization/department affiliations. Include an abbreviated CV for each PI (two pages maximum).
- Brief facilities document identifying where the work will be conducted and identifying all essential resources required to complete the project.
- Specific aims
- Background and significance
- Research approach and experimental design (references excluded from page count)
- Future directions
Proposals will be reviewed by research faculty at FAU, MPFI and UF-Scripps, all of whom have not submitted applications themselves. The applications will be reviewed with the following considerations:
- Feasibility
- Innovation
- Likelihood of facilitating future funding/future collaboration
- Scientific merit
Proposals that involve the use of vertebrate animals or human subjects will require evidence of an approved Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee or Institutional Review Board protocol, respectively, prior to transfer of funds. Brief progress reports will be requested at six months and 12 months post-funding.
For all questions and to ensure there are no unnecessary delays in the proposal review process, submit application packets to by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 27, 2023.
This opportunity is supported by FAU’s Jupiter Life Science Initiative and FAU I-Health.