Sea Vegetables

Sea Vegetables: Sea Purslane, Sesuvium portulacastrum


Sea PurslaneThis halophyte plant, also known as Sea Purslane, is often found naturally growing in the salty dunes along ocean shorelines. The plant’s thick, succulent, fleshy narrow leaves are dark green with red branching stems that form dense low-growing mats. The plant can have light pink/purple flowers growing among the leaves. The green succulent leaves are edible and make for a great addition to salads and cooked dishes.



Sea Purslane IMTA tanks

Sea Purslane IMTA tanks

Harvested Sea Purslane for nutritional analysis

Harvested Sea Purslane for nutritional analysis

Removing Sea Purslane leaves for nutritional analysis

Removing Sea Purslane leaves for nutritional analysis

Sea Purslane leaves for shipment for analysis

Sea Purslane leaves for shipment for analysis

HBOI ocean fish