Ocean Modeling & Bio-physical Processes

Laurent Chérubin, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor
Dr. Chérubin is a physical oceanographer specialized in the understanding of ocean dynamics, which is the study of why the water moves the way it moves. It establishes the connection between forces that act on the ocean, such as gravity, the earth’s rotation, the wind, the moon and the heat from the sun, and the water motions. His research has focused on dynamics of motions associated with instabilities in coastal currents and eddies, using both analytical and numerical models in the quasi-geostrophic, shallow-water formalisms, and in realistic models. This research provides a deep understanding of the environmental forces that affect ocean ecosystems at multiples levels of the trophic chain. Both observational analysis and numerical modeling involving hydrodynamic (the Regional Oceanic Modeling System - ROMS) and biophysical models (Connectivity Modeling System - CMS and Ichthyop) are used to study how environmental drivers shape the oceanic ecosystems.
Baums, I., C.B. Paris, L.M. Chérubin, 2006. A bio-oceanographic filter to larval dispersal in a reef building coral. Limnol & Oceanogr., 51 (5), 1960-1989
Chérubin, L.M., R.S. Nemeth, N. Idrisi, 2010. Flow and transport characteristics from a spawning aggregation site in St. Thomas (US Virgin Islands). Submitted to Ecological Modelling
Chérubin, L.M., C. Kuchinke, and C.B. Paris, 2008. Ocean circulation and terrestrial runoff dynamics in the Mesoamerican region from spectral optimization of SeaWiFS data and a high resolution simulation. Coral Reefs, 27, 503-519. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-007-0348-1
Chérubin L.M., D.G. Dritschel and X. Carton, 2007. Baroclinic instability of boundary currents over a bottom slope in a quasigeostrophic model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., (6)37, 1661-1677
Chérubin L.M. and P. Richardson, 2007. Caribbean current variability and the influence of the Amazon and Orinoco fresh water plumes. Deep-Sea Res. I, 54, 1451-1473
Chérubin, L. M., Y. Morel, and E. P. Chassignet, 2006. Loop Current Ring shedding: formation of cyclones and interaction with topography. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 36, 569-591
Chérubin, L.M., and C.B. Paris, in prep. Consistent recruitment patterns driven by island-mass effect. To be submitted to Ecological Modelling
Criales, M. L.M. Cherubin and J. A. Browder. Tidal stream transport of Pink shrimp larvae in Florida Bay. To be submitted to PNAS
Paris, CB, and Chérubin LM, 2008. River-reef connectivity in the Meso-American region. Coral Reefs, 27, 773-781
Paris, C.B., L.M. Chérubin, and R.K. Cowen, 2007. Surfing, spinning, or diving from reef to reef: how does it change population connectivity? Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 347, 285-300