by Meagan Schroeder | Thursday, Aug 05, 2021
FAU Harbor Branch 2021 summer interns (16) will be presenting the results of their 10 weeks of research on Thursday, August 5, in the Johnson Education Auditorium (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.). The Harbor Branch Summer Intern Program began in 1974 (the longest running program at Harbor Branch) and attracts top undergraduate and graduate students for a 10-week internship with Harbor Branch mentors. These presentations are the high point of the internship experience for the students.
Our 2021 sponsors include the Link Foundation, the Gertrude E. Skelly Foundation,
the Marilyn C. Link Memorial Internship supported by the
HBOI Foundation, and the Fort Pierce Yacht Club.
Intern projects are very much a reflection of the research being done at Harbor Branch, so if you want to learn more about our current research, with fresh perspectives provided by the interns, this is a good opportunity to do so!
This year we will also be live streaming the event. Below are the links and schedule:
Session 1
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Direct Link to Watch
Session 2
1:30 -3:00 p.m.
Direct Link to Watch
9:00 Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Dennis Hanisak (FAU Harbor Branch)
Session 1 – Engineering, Technology, and Aquaculture
Chair: Dr. Paul Wills (FAU Harbor Branch)
9:10 Monica Trask (Ohio State University)
Hydrokinetic Turbine Blade Force Analysis and Performance Characterization Mentor: Bill Baxley
Sponsor: Link Foundation
9:25 Alexis Base (Florida Atlantic University)
A Digital Holographic Imaging System for In Situ Measurements of Marine Particles, Plankton, and Fish Larvae
Mentor: Dr. Adi Nayak
Sponsor: Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Foundation (Marilyn C. Link Memorial Internship)
9:40 Carlos Garriga-Dominguez (Florida Atlantic University)
Refractive Indices of Marine Particles Using Digital Inline Holography
Mentor: Dr. Adi Nayak
Sponsor: Link Foundation
9:55 William Smith (Florida Atlantic University)
Investigative Design for a Helikite-Mountable Free-Range Camera Platform
Mentor: Dr. Mike Twardowski
Sponsor: Link Foundation
10:10 Robert Pugh (Florida Atlantic University)
Flowers Fish Farm Application
Mentors: Dr. Bing Ouyang and Dr. Paul Wills
Sponsor: Link Foundation
10:25 Amanda Reinhardt (Florida Atlantic University)
Correlations between Turbidity, Chlorophyll Concentration, and Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Outdoor Channel Catfish Aquaculture Ponds
Mentors: Dr. Paul Wills and Dr. Bing Ouyang
Sponsor: Link Foundation
10:40 – 11:00 Break
11:00 Sponsor Remarks
Dr. Andy Clark (Link Foundation)
Session 2 – Marine Ecosystem Health
Chair: Dr. Annie Page-Karjian (FAU Harbor Branch)
11:05 Jade Salis (Coastal Carolina University)
Can Juvenile Hard Clams, Mercenaria, be Successfully Produced in an IMTA System that Experiences Varying pH?
Mentor: Dr. Susan Laramore
Sponsor: Link Foundation
11:20 Kayla McCulloch (University of Miami)
Effectiveness of Hard Clam Field Culture Gear against Whitespotted Eagle Ray Aetobatus narinariPredation
Mentor: Dr. Matt Ajemian
Sponsor: Link Foundation
11:35 Loann Koch (University of South Carolina)
Seagrass Crisis in the IRL: Is Ruppia maritima the Plant of the Situation?
Mentor: Dr. M. Dennis Hanisak
Sponsor: Link Foundation
11:50 Cody Acker (Indian River State College)
Out Fishing, Not Catching
Mentors: Dr. Jon Shenker & Dr. M. Dennis Hanisak
Sponsor: Fort Pierce Yacht Club
12:05 Clara Hay (United States Coast Guard Academy)
Essential and Non-Essential Analyte Bioaccumulation, Distribution, and Elimination in Odontocetes
Mentors: Dr. Annie Page-Karjian & Steve Burton
Sponsor: Link Foundation
12:20 Lunch & Photographs (Interns, Mentors, Sponsors)
Session 3 – Marine Natural Products Drug Discovery, Sediment Chemistry, and Outreach
Chair: Dr. Amy Wright (FAU Harbor Branch)
1:30 Tahlia Cisneros (Keiser University)
Discovery of Antibiotic and Adjuvant Activity from the Haplosclerida Sponge
Mentors: Dr. Amy Wright & Dr. Peter McCarthy
Sponsor: The Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable Foundation
1:45 Olivia Hernandez (Eckerd College)
The Discovery of Secondary Metabolites from Jaspis sp. Effective against MRSA
Mentors: Dr. Priscilla Winder & Dr. Peter McCarthy
Sponsor: The Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable Foundation
2:00 Anika Heuberger (University of Florida)
Targeting Metabolic Pathways of Pancreatic Cancer Cells with Marine Natural Compounds
Mentor: Dr. Esther Guzmán
Sponsor: The Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable Foundation
2:15 Emily Frett (Luther College)
Sediment Fluxes of Color Dissolved Organic Matter in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Mentor: Dr. Jordon Beckler
Sponsor: Link Foundation
2:30 Katelyn DiGirolomo (Nova Southeastern University)
“Keep the Sea Free of Debris”: A New Junior Ambassador Program for Teens in Underserved Communities
Mentor: Dr. Gabby Barbarite
Sponsor: Link Foundation
2:45 Closing Remarks
Dr. Dennis Hanisak (FAU Harbor Branch)