Master of Science in Marine Science and Oceanography

Students may graduate with a thesis or non-thesis Master’s degree; both require the successful completion of 37 credits as described below. For the thesis degree this includes research credits as well as the successful public defense of the thesis proposal and of the thesis by the Master’s degree candidate. Non-thesis candidates will complete an exit exam specific to their area(s) of study in the spring of their second year, administered by the student’s degree committee.


A student curriculum consists of a minimum of 37 credits.

Suggested course schedule

MSO courses available

Required Courses: Four courses (10 credits) are required of all M.S. MSO students.

Physical & Geological Oceanography OCE 6097 3 credits
Biological Oceanography OCB 6066 3 credits
Chemical Oceanography
Chemistry for Environmental Scientists
OCC 6050

CHS 6611
3 credits

3 credits
Marine Science and Oceanography Colloquium OCE 6922 1 credit

Thesis Track:

Electives: 15-21 credits from the approved course list (below). Up to 6 credits designated as “Special Topics” courses may be taken with the approval of the Thesis Advisor.

No more than 6 credits of electives taken outside of the approved course list will be counted toward the degree. No courses under the 5000 level may be taken. No more than 3 credits of Directed Independent Research (OCE 6908) may be counted toward this degree.

Thesis Proposal: 1 credit (OCE 6970)
Thesis Research: 6 to 12 credits (OCE 6972)
Thesis Defense: 1 credit (OCE 6975)

Non-Thesis Track:

Electives: A minimum of 24 credits from the areas approved course list (below). Up to 6 credits designated as “Special Topics” courses may be taken with the approval of the student’s Advisor.

No more than 6 credits of electives taken outside the approved course list will be counted toward the degree. No courses under the 5000 level may be taken. No more than 3 credits of Directed Independent Research (OCE 6908) may be counted toward this degree.

Comprehensive Exams: 1 credit (OCE 6964)

Approved Courses

  • It is recommended that students compare the course catalog to available courses for every semester.
  • MSO Admin emails a current course list every semester before the upcoming semester.
  • The University reserves the right to amend, adopt or make effective any provision, offering, requirement or policy at any time without notice within the student’s period of study at FAU to carry out its purposes and objectives. When incorporating changes, the University will make every reasonable effort to honor the curriculum requirements appropriate to each student’s catalog year. However, some courses and programs may be discontinued and requirements may change as a result of curricular review or actions by accrediting associations or other agencies.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to stay informed of any changes.
Course Code Course Name
BOT 6606 Coastal Plant Ecology
BOT 6606L Coastal Plant Ecology Lab
BSC 6342 Advances in Finfish Aquaculture
BSC 6346 Introduction to Marine Biotechnology
BSC 6846 Scientific Communication
BSC 6936 Special Topics
CHS 6611 Chemistry for Environmental Scientists
EVR 6358 Restoration Implementation and Management
EVS 5385 Image & Video Processing & Vision in Marine Environment
GEO5305 Biogeography
GIS 5033C Digital Image Analysis
GIS 5038C Remote Sensing of the Environment
GIS 5051C Principles of Geographic Information Systems
GIS 5100C Applications in Geographic Information Systems
GIS 5103C Programming in Geographic Information Systems
GIS 6039 Advanced Remote Sensing
GIS 6120 Topics in Geoinformation Science
GIS 6127 Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
GLY 5243 Environmental Geochemistry
GLY 5575C Shore Erosion and Protection
GLY 5736C Marine Geology
GLY 6352 Comparative Carbonate Sedimentology
GLY 6708C Beach Morphodynamics
GLY 6737 Coastal Environments
GLY 6746 Global Environmental Change
GLY 6838 Methods in Hydrogeology
GLY 6888 Coastal Hazards
GLY 6934 Advanced Topics in Applied, Coastal, and Hydrogeology
OCB 6266 Coral Reef Ecosystems
OCB 6266L Coral Reef Ecosystems/Lab
OCB 6673 Data Processing for studies & Modeling of Marine Systems
OCB 6715C Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
OCB 6810 Natural History of the Indian River Lagoon
OCE 6019 Marine Global Change
OCE 6267 Underwater Optical Imaging for Marine Scientists
OCE 6269 Marine Optics
OCE 6350 Dynamics of Marine Biogeochemical Processes
OCE 6680 Ocean Monitoring Systems & Implementation Strategies
PCB 6045 Conservation Biology
PCB 6046 Advanced Ecology
PCB 6316 Marine & Estuarine Community Dynamics
PCB 6317 Marine Ecology
PCB 6317L Marine Ecology Lab and Field Studies
PCB 6406 Ecological Theory
PCB 6456 Experimental Design and Biometry
PCB 6457 Advanced Multivariate Biometry
PCB 6465 Marine Molecular Biology
PCB 6772 Aquatic Animal Health
PCB 6775 Physiology of Marine Animals
PCB 6871 Sensory Biology & Behavior of Fishes
ZOO 6256 Marine Invertebrate Zoology
ZOO 6256L Marine Invertebrate Zoology Lab
ZOO 6406 Biology of Sea Turtles
ZOO 6409 Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives
ZOO 6456 Natural History of Fishes
ZOO 6456L Natural History of Fishes Lab
ZOO 6459 Seminar in Ichthyology
ZOO 6757 Histology of Fishes & Aquatic Invertebrates
Additional Information
Florida Atlantic's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute engages with the community through the Ocean Discovery Visitors Center and the Ocean Science Lecture Series. Harbor Branch’s research and outreach programs translate marine science in order to provide solutions that improve economies and quality of life for coastal communities.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Florida Atlantic University
5600 US 1 North
Fort Pierce, FL 34946