Dimitris Pados, Ph.D., principal investigator, Schmidt Eminent Scholar Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a fellow of FAU I-SENSE and director of the Center for Connected Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence. (Photo by Alex Dolce)
November 08, 2021
A new generation of networked, cooperating robots being developed by researchers in the Center for Connected Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence ( at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering and...
Left to right: Mike McCallister, research coordinator; Clark Morgan, a Ph.D. student; Matt Ajemian, Ph.D., and Lauran Brewster, Ph.D.
November 04, 2021
Researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and College of Engineering and Computer Science are the first to reveal detailed behavior of the grouper species, which can reach lengths...
Engineering East
October 11, 2021
Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science (COECS) is rapidly rising in U.S. News & World Report rankings, and is now one of the top three fastest progressing engineering colleges in the nation...
October 01, 2021
Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science’s Matthew Maggio is one of five undergraduate national finalists of the “2021 Collegiate Inventors Competition®,” a program of the National...
October 01, 2021
Long after Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection, trait evolution and the Earth’s astonishing biodiversity continue to perplex biologists. The ability to understand what shapes trait evolution across...
Red blood cells
October 01, 2021
Red blood cells are the most abundant cell type in blood, carrying oxygen throughout the human body. In blood circulation, they repetitively encounter various levels of oxygen tension. Hypoxia, a low oxygen tension condition,...
The endangered North Atlantic Right Whale communicate with each other using an “up-call,” which is a short chirp or “whoop” that lasts about two seconds.
October 01, 2021
The North Atlantic Right Whale (Right whale) is one of the most endangered whale species in the world with only about 368 remaining off the east coast of North America. A decreasing trend and low reproduction rates, combined...
Recent studies have shown that people have negative attitudes about using autonomous systems because they don’t trust them.
August 25, 2021
Recent studies have shown that people have negative attitudes about using autonomous systems because they don’t trust them.
FAU Researcher Receives $1.8 Million NIH Award
August 19, 2021
Florida Atlantic University’s Raquel Assis, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science within the College of Engineering and Computer Science, and a fellow of FAU’s Institute...
FAU Experts for the 2021 Hurricane Season
August 12, 2021
With hurricane season in full force, several Florida Atlantic University faculty experts are available to discuss various issues surrounding hurricane preparedness, evacuation and aftermath: