Ebola Tracking
May 12, 2015
FAU Receives National Science Foundation Rapid Response Grant to Develop Innovative Computer Model for Ebola Spread
Biosensing Research
April 02, 2015
In much the same way that glucometers and pregnancy tests have revolutionized in-home diagnostic testing, researchers from Florida Atlantic University and collaborators have identified a new biosensing platform that could...
March 23, 2015
Two undergraduate students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic University will take their place among distinguished innovators who will be presenting their unique concepts at the upcoming...
Jason Hallstrom Joins FAU to Transform the Nation's Real-time Monitoring Infrastructure
February 18, 2015
Small wireless computing devices, ranging from the size of a matchbox to the size of a dime are going to change the way Florida monitors its water quality, sea level rise, hurricanes, agriculture, aquaculture, and even its...
FAU Professor Awarded Best Paper at IEEE Conference
January 14, 2015
Professor Mihaela Cardei, Ph.D. and computer engineering doctorate student Yueshi Wu, in the Florida Atlantic University department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science were awarded the “Best Paper” at the 10th...
FAU Faculty Awarded Patent for Invention
November 24, 2014
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued patent number 8,799,017 to FAU faculty for their invention titled “Apparatus and Method for Managing Interaction-Based Services.”
FAU Undergraduate Student Awarded the IEEE PES Scholarship
November 20, 2014
FAU, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science undergraduate student Océane Boulais was awarded the 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Power and Energy Society (PES) scholarship.
FAU Engineering and Computer Science Outstanding Leaders Honored at 2014 Talon Awards Ceremony
November 19, 2014
FAU hosted its annual Talon Awards ceremony as part of Homecoming 2014, to recognize outstanding leaders from the community, alumni, faculty and student body constituencies. Co-sponsored by the FAU Alumni Association (FAUAA)...
FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science Student Wins the Extreme Engineer Award at SHPE Conference 2014
November 18, 2014
FAU, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science undergraduate student Océane Boulais won the Extreme Engineer award, $2,000 in prize money and a paid trip to the 2015 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) conference...
FAU Receives Grant to Build Big Data Training and Research Lab
September 19, 2014
Florida Atlantic University’s Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science professor Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Ph.D. has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant of $600,000 with a matching grant of $257,000...