Yash Bhagwanji, Ph.D., selected as a finalist for Palm Beach Illustrated’s 2019 Educator of the Year Award! YOU CAN VOTE FOR THE WINNER. https://www.palmbeachillustrated.com/education-awards-voting/.
FAU Pine Jog Environmental Education Center receives 2019 ULIEA grand prize award that includes $100,000 cash.
Patients who suffer from tinnitus and hyperacusis could be at heightened risk for thoughts of suicide and self-harm because of their childhood history of parental mental illness.
FAU High School (FAUHS) students traveled to the Galápagos Islands for a summer course to conduct field research.
About 1 in 10 babies in the US is born premature and are at risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
FAU Pine Jog Environmental Education Center recently celebrated the Green Schools Class of 2019 at the 11th annual Green Schools Awards at FAU’s Boca Raton campus.
Air traffic controllers, teachers and university professors have a high prevalence of voice disorders referred to as “dysphonia.”