Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski

Pat Maslin-Ostrowski. A professor in the school leaders' graduate program of educational leadership, her research and practice center on the human dimensions of leadership and the quest for more effective policy and practice in support of leader learning and growth, and that lets leaders approach their work holistically. She is co-author of The Wounded Leader: How Real Leadership Emerges in Times of Crisis (Jossey-Bass) and studies how a leader's dilemma or crisis can become an opportunity for transformation and hope. Pat's current projects focus on the preparation and development of leaders, how principals manage their most pressing challenges, and better understanding their internal experiences or social-emotional dimensions of leading and advocating for change.

At FAU, Pat serves on the Institutional Review Board and was chair of the University Promotion & Tenure Committee. She has served as the coordinator for the Higher Education Leadership and School Leaders programs. Since its inception, she has served as co-chair of the COE Outstanding Dissertation Award Panel. Pat is a member of the Faculty Advisory Committee for the Undergraduate Leadership Studies Minor.

She is the lead professor for Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry and Advanced Qualitative Inquiry. In addition, she is lead professor for Leadership I for the school leader cohorts-Leading Adult Learners: Building School Capacity; Leadership III Administrative Processes; and Action Learning, a capstone course for doctoral students that bridges theory and practice. In 2018, she was the Distinguished Teacher of the Year for the College of Education.

Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski

Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski

Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Office Phone: 561-297-3550
Office Location: ES BC52 - 213, ED-341
Campus: Davie
