10 Top Questions for College Students with ASD To Ask Colleges/Universities

by FAU CARD | Friday, Aug 18, 2023
questions for universities1. Are faculty trained in ASD and characteristics of ASD?  What type of training and how frequently?
2. Will the institution customize accommodations, services and supports to meet the needs of individuals with ASD?
3. What are the retention rates for individuals with ASD from Freshman to Sophomore year and beyond? 
4. What are the graduation rates for students with ASD versus typical students?
5. What are the post-school employment outcomes for students with ASD?
6. Are there housing options and accommodations for a single room?  The benefits and the advantages of a single room and shared space need to be carefully considered.
7. Is there instruction and supports to address Executive Functioning deficits (manage assignments, time management etc.,), Study Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Problem-Solving challenges, Use of Technology, Self-Advocacy, Self-Regulations Skills and decreasing anxiety?  
8. Are mentors or peer-mentors provided?  Are they trained?  Are they provided a stipend, credits, etc.?  What role do they play, i.e., academic coach, social coach, etc.? 
9. Does the university partner with organizations like Vocational Rehabilitation?
10. How are parents encouraged to support their young adult with ASD?  What is the role of parents?