Parenting is demanding and stressful

by FAU CARD | Thursday, Dec 07, 2023

Managing Your Stress

Coping strategies for overwhelmed parentsParenting is demanding and stressful, but when a child has autism, parenting can become overwhelming. Yet it is the demands of parenting a child with autism that make it difficult for a parent to practice stress-reducing self-care strategies to help them become calmer and more centered. An overwhelmed parent of a child with autism can start to find the time to begin reducing their stress by taking small, concrete steps.  Below are three easy-to-try ideas to get you started:


  1. Grow your support network by reaching out. This can be as small as sending a text to a supportive person with a simple statement that you are thinking of them. Not all your old friends will fit you and your current situation, so be prepared to reach out to a few new people. Consider a support group or class for parents of children with autism; many of these are now online.



  1. Cultivate positive self-talk. We can all benefit from go-to affirmations. “You got this”, or “I am doing my best” are good examples of positive statements.  This kind of self-compassion strengthens our ability to face difficult situations. A fun activity is to text or call a friend and ask them if they have a go-to affirmation. This can get meaningful conversations started and give you other great ideas.



  1. Reframe a stressful situation. Ask yourself if there is another way of looking at a stressful situation. Can we find humor or meaning in what is happening? Can you remind yourself that you have been seeing growth in your child and that change is a process, not an event? Looking at a problem in a new way can often enhance problem-solving.



Raising a child with autism will be stressful. These are 3 small steps that you can try right now. Please remember that if you continue feeling overwhelmed, you can talk to your physician, clergymen, support hotline, or CARD specialist.   

