Integrated STEAM Lessons: Research on Third-Graders' Knowledge, Identity, and Attitudes

Dr. Jillian Powers

Dr. Susannah Brown

Dr. Ann Musgrove
Dr. Jillian Powers (FAU) and Dr. Susannah Brown (FAU) visited The Foundations School in West Palm Beach, FL to implement STEAM lessons with third grade students. This mixed methods research project was in collaboration with Dr. Ann Musgrove (FAU), Dr. Susan Wemette (Center for Creative Education), and Mr. Robert Bogle (FAU Doctoral Research Assistant) that focused on the knowledge, identity, and attitudes of at-risk third grade students before and after STEAM lessons. Paired t-tests and qualitative analyses of open-ended surveys were performed to examine the students’ self-reported knowledge, identity, and attitudes. The findings revealed significant increases in students' self-reported knowledge of coding and programming robots. Qualitative data suggested that integrating art with science enhanced comprehension of scientific concepts. Regarding STEAM identity, the study showed a significant increase in students' self-reported competence in programming robots. Thematic analysis of qualitative data supported this finding, indicating that the lessons fostered creative problem-solving skills and self-recognition of these abilities.