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This page only covers the accessibility tool, Ally. For the rest of our Additional Tools, click here.


Ally is a revolutionary product that integrates seamlessly into Canvas and focuses on making digital course content more accessible. It helps institutions build a more inclusive learning environment and improve the student experience by helping them take clear control of course content with usability, accessibility and quality in mind. Ally improves the overall student experience with alternative formats that provide students with the choice and added flexibility that comes with a more personalized approach. It also automatically increases awareness and provides detailed insight and guidance to instructors on how to improve the accessibility of their content. 


Navigate through the tabs below to learn more about Ally!



  • How do I access Ally?
    • All courses in our Canvas instance should now have Ally enabled.
    • Request to enable it in any other Canvas course(s) by submitting this Help Desk Ticket .
    • Once enabled, you'll notice meter icons (Ally accessibility indicator) throughout your course content. Click on these meters to access Ally's features.
  • What features do we have access to?
    • For Faculty:
      • Ally automatically converts your Canvas documents and pages into multiple accessible formats. For more info on these formats, visit Ally's knowledgebase .
      • It also helps you address web-accessibility issues with your course content. Clicking on the Ally meters (Ally accessibility indicator) in your course brings up a panel that shows what to do to set up your document/page/graphic/picture. Some issues are fixable via Canvas, but others may require that you edit the document offline and re-upload it to your course.
      • PLEASE NOTE:  Ally does not automatically change any of your content. It only provides alternative formats of written content for students and gives you suggestions on how to make your content more accessible.
    • For Students, Ally provides alternative formats for the documents and pages in a Canvas course. For more info on these formats, visit Ally's knowledgebase .
  • What if I don't want Ally to be integrated in my courses?
  • Where can I get help/learn more?


Student Resources

From Ally:

From FAU Student Accessibility Services:

 Last Modified 12/20/24