News Archive
The Slave Sublime The Language of Violence in Caribbean Literature and Music
December 19, 2022
Prof. Stacy Lettman is interviewed on her new book, The Slave Sublime The Language of Violence in Caribbean Literature and Music, in Black Agenda Report's Book Forum.
Robot in a chair
December 16, 2022
Prof. Timothy Miller has published a research guide for graduate students in science fiction and fantasy studies.
MFA Alumni Poetry Reading
December 14, 2022
Three of our MFA Creative Writing Alums will read weird fun poetry on Thursday, December 15th at 7:30pm (on Zoom).
Best American Essays 2022
December 12, 2022
MFA alum Nick Robinson is recognized in Best American Essays 2022 and is the winner of the 2020 Ned Stuckey-French Nonfiction Contest.
creative writing workshop, creative nonfiction
December 08, 2022
Register for our Spring Creative Writing Community Workshop—Life as Field Research: Creative Nonfiction Workshop. It meets in Boca Mondays 6–8pm, 1/23 to 3/13.
Community Writing Workshop Flash Fiction and Non-Fiction
December 07, 2022
Register for our Spring Creative Writing Community Workshop—Flash Fiction and Nonfiction: Writing the Short-Short. It meets online Fridays 1/13 to 3/3.
Stacey Balkan Book Reviews
December 06, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Stacey Balkan whose two recent books have both been reviewed in high-profile journals in their respective fields.
National Library of Jamaica
December 05, 2022
Congratulations to MFA alum Corrine Binnings on her nomination for the The Louise Bennett Prize for Poetry!
Azimuths of Alien Planetfall
December 02, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Ian MacDonald on publication of an essay, "'May the Guest Come': African Azimuths of Alien Planetfall" in Literary Geographies.
Cold Signal Praya Dubia image card
December 01, 2022
Congratulations to MFA Poetry student Joseph Precanico on publication of a poem—"Praya Dubia"—in the inaugural issue of Cold Signal, a literary magazine inspired by AI-generated art.