Sci Fi Collab Lab 2023|June 12 – June 16|9am – 4pm
Do you have a creative teen who loves reading and writing about exciting new worlds? Why not enroll them in the Sci Fi Collab Lab? This camp will run for one week. Students will receive intensive instruction in creative writing with a focus on science fiction and fantasy, working together to create a collaborative writing project. They will use English department resources and be instructed by graduate students in the Creative Writing MFA program of the English department. Camp cost is $300, which includes a copy of a printable PDF magazine of campers’ work. No experience is required! Teens will read and write together as part of a community of creative writers. Space is limited. Please feel free to email (mfa@fau.edu) with any questions.
Register by filling out the registration form for 2023, this Additional Paperwork for SCIFI Collab Lab, and paying via FAU Marketplace.