Legislative Branch
The legislative branch on the Boca Raton campus is comprised of the Boca Raton House of Representatives, a 48 member House elected by the Boca Raton student body during general elections. House members can be reached via email or by calling (561) 297-1183.
Boca Raton Campus
House Speaker: The Speaker of the House is the presiding officer at all House meetings, and serves to maintain decorum as dictated by the FAU Student Government Constitution and Statutes, as well as Roberts Rules of Order. Organizations or Departments seeking sponsors for bills and resolutions may contact the Speaker, where the bills are then delegated to the Senators, where the pieces of legislation are then presented to the House.
Speaker Pro-Tempore: In any case where the House Speaker is not able to attend a meeting or perform a specific task the responsibility is then delegated to the Speaker Pro-Tempore who acts in his or her place. Within House Meetings the Pro Tempore assists the President in assuring Roberts Rules and the Rules of Procedure are being followed. The Pro Tempore also acts as Chair of the House Committee on Committee.
House Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian ensures that at each House meeting, the House functions in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, and serves as the go-to official when they are questions concerning rules and procedures at meetings.
House Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for keeping minutes, taking roll call, maintaining voting sheets and recording absences at all House meetings.
House Standing Committees
Rules and Policies: The Rules and Policies Committee ensures that all programs and legislation adhere to the Student Government Constitution, Statutes, and other pertinent Rules and Regulations. The committee overviews legislation and reports to the House, and is chaired by the Rules and Policies Committee Chair who is appointed by the House Speaker.
Ways and Means: The Ways and Means Committee ensures the sound expenditure of Activity and Service (A&S) Fees allocated to the accounts on the Boca Raton Campus. The committee overviews legislation and reports to the House, and is chaired by the Ways and Means Committee Chair who is appointed by the House Speaker.
Campus Action: The Campus Action Committee works to hear, consider, and advocate student concerns on behalf of Boca Raton Student Government, as well as to express the intent of the Boca Raton House of Representatives. The committee overviews legislation and reports to the House, and is chaired by the Campus Action Committee Chair who is appointed by the House Speaker.
Campus Budget: The Campus Budget Committee convenes every spring to hear, amend, and approve requests for the annual fiscal budget for Boca Raton Student Government and its Programs. The committee is chaired by the Campus Budget Committee Chair who is appointed by the House Speaker.