People on stage sitting in chairs talking



Each year, the director of the Larkin Symposium series works with the departmental Graduate Director and the Department Chair to select a graduate student to serve as the Alan B. and Charna Larkin Fellow. The Larkin Fellow assists the director with the organization of the annual Larkin Symposium, hosted by the Department of History every Spring semester. The Fellow typically works about 5 hours per week (slightly more as the event approaches, and fewer hours after the event). The duties of the Larkin Fellow include: contacting area high schools to invite teachers and students, handling book orders for the incoming speaker, helping to arrange a book signing, organizing volunteers for the event, and miscellaneous campus- and web-related activities, as necessary.


Ellis Hall

Ellis Hall (2024-2026)

As an international student, after completing her MA degree, Ellis is hoping to continue her adventure in America to either pursue a Ph.D. or enter a career related to the History field.



Christine McDonough (2022-2024)

Christine McDonough is currently the Collection Manager at Old Davie School Historical Museum. After graduation she plans to expand her skill set to include conservation and restoration, while continuing her research on race relations in Davie and Broward County.



Camila Giraldo (2019-2020)

After her graduation she was accepted to Emory University to pursue her Ph.D. but chose instead a career in banking.


Colton Babbit

Colton Babbitt (2017-19)

Colton completed his MA degree in the spring 2019 and moved on to the University of Mississippi to pursue his doctoral degree.


Nina Halty

Nina Halty (2016-17)

Nina Halty completed her MA degree in the summer of 2017 and moved on to Harvard University to pursue her doctoral degree.


Jameson Rawley

Jameson Rawley (2016-17)

Jameson is currently in sales.