Florida Senator Jason Pizzo Visits FAU
by Stephanie | Monday, Nov 27, 2023
Monday, Nov. 27, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Join Florida State Senator and Chair of the Broward County Legislative Delegation, Jason Pizzo, as he visits Florida Atlantic University to speak to and meet FAU students on November 27 at 4:00-5:00 PM in the Student Union, House Chambers. This is part of the Senator’s larger Campus Conversations Tour across the state, in which Senator Pizzo is visiting institutions of higher education to discuss the importance of actively engaging in the democratic process, as well as the importance of the young person’s vote in elections. This is a unique and exciting opportunity to not only hear from one of the State’s more senior elected officials, but also to interact with and ask him questions about the democratic process, his role, and his goals for the upcoming Legislative Session and election season.