
Office of the Dean

Valery Forbes

Valery E. Forbes, Ph.D.

Dean, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science (Bio)

Email: veforbes@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 254A

Kacey Walker

Kacey Walker, MPA

Assistant to the Dean (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-3288 / Fax: (561) 297-3792
Email: kaceywalker2020@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 254

Associate Deans and Directors

Evonne Rezler

Evonne Rezler, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies (Bio)

Tel: (561) 297-3303 / Fax: (561) 297-3388
Email: erezler@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 308

John Baldwin

John Baldwin, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Faculty Development (Bio)
Interim Director, School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability, and Professor, Department of Biological Sciences 

Email: jbaldwin@fau.edu
Boca - Tel: (561) 297-3333
Boca - SC-1, Room 222
Davie - Tel: (954) 236-1151
Davie - DW, Room 438

Predrag Cudic

Predrag Cudic, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research (Bio)
Tel: (561) 799-8375
Email: pcudic@fau.edu
Jupiter - MC-17, Room 208
Temp. Office Boca - SE-43, Room 364

Zhixiao Xie

Zhixiao Xie, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Graduate Studies & Professor (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-2852
Email: xie@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 414

shailaja allani

Shailaja Allani, Ph.D.

Director, Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and FAU Biotech Bridge (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-4972
Email: skesaraj@fau.edu
PS 336A

Yanmei Li

Yanmei Li, Ph.D.

AICP, Administrative Fellow for Faculty Development (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-4282
Email: yli22@fau.edu
SO Room 284 G

Gary Perry

Gary Perry, Ph.D.

Director of the Center for Complex Systems (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-4310
Email: perryg@fau.edu
BS-12, Room 308

Kimberly Vardeman

Kimberly Vardeman

Interim Director of the Center for Environmental Studies (Bio)
Tel: (954) 236-1334
Email: kvardeman@fau.edu
Davie West, DW-BC 90, Room 312

Serena Hoermann Ph.D., MBA

Serena Hoermann, Ph.D., MBA

Interim Director of the Center for Urban & Environmental Solutions (CUES) (Bio)
Tel: (561) 455-7948
Email: shoermann@fau.edu
SO-44, Room 284

Department Chairs

Tiffany Roberts Briggs

Tiffany Roberts Briggs, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Geosciences (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-4669
Email: briggst@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 470

Alan Kersten

Alan Kersten, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Psychology (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-0017
Email: akersten@fau.edu
BS-12, Room 208

Sarah Milton

Sarah Milton, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Biological Sciences (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-3331
Email: smilton@fau.edu
SC-1, Room 140

Diana Mitsova, Ph.D.

Diana Mitsova, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-4279
Email: dmitsova@fau.edu
SO 273

Andrew Terentis

Andrew Terentis, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-2406
Email: terentis@fau.edu
PS-55, 110E

Yuan Wang

Yuan Wang, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-3317
Email: ywang@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 226

Luc Wille

Luc T. Wille, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Physics (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-3379
Email: willel@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 108

Michael Zourdos

Michael Zourdos, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-2387
 Email: mzourdos@fau.edu
 FW 124


Dominique Blanchard

Dominique Blanchard, MBA

Business Manager (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-3302 / Fax: (561) 297-3792
Email: dblancha@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 256A

Todd Clark

Todd Clark, M.Ed.

Director of Development (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-2689
Email: clarkt@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 252

Ashley Morgan

Ashley Morgan

Office Assistant
Tel: (561) 297-3035 / Fax: (561) 297-3792
Email: ammorgan@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 256

Communications, Marketing, and External Relations

Zachary Greathouse

Zachary Greathouse, MBA

Director of Communications, Marketing, and External Relations (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-3254
Email: zgreatho@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 250

Brittany Bonner

Brittany Bonner

Event and Community Engagement Coordinator
(561) 297-0007
Email: bbonner3@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 303

Lynelle Forrest

Lynelle Forrest

Communications and Web Coordinator
Tel: (561) 297-0180 
Email: lforres1@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 244

Information Technology


Jay Paredes

Director of Information Technology (Bio)
Tel: (561) 297-2483 / Fax: (561) 297-3792
Email: jparede1@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 261C

Thomas Corcoran

Mr. Thomas Corcoran

Tel: (561) 297-3310
Email: tcorcora@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 261

Ondre Reid

Ondre Reid

Tel: (561) 297-4752
Email: oreid2016@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 261

Natalia Noboa

Mrs. Natalia Noboa

Tel: (561) 297-3375
Email: nnoboa@fau.edu
SE-43, Room 261


Additional Information
The Charles E. Schmidt College of Science offers unparalleled experiential learning opportunities to prepare the next generation of scientists and problem solvers.
Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Rd, SE-43
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Fax: (561) 297-3292