Teresa Wilcox

PsychologyBoca Raton, BS-12 101B
p: 561-297-0619
- Ph.D. University of Arizona (1993) Psychology
- M.S. University of California, Davis (1988) Child Development
- B.A. Bethel University, St. Paul, MN Psychology
Research Interests
Infant cognition and perception; functional organization of the infant brain; knowledge acquisition; infants understanding of social and mechanical entities.
Research Description
My research investigates the origins and development of human knowledge. I am interested in knowledge that infant’s posses very early, knowledge that is acquired more gradually, and mechanisms that support knowledge acquisition during the first year. Within this context my students and I explore what infants know about physical, mechanical, and social entities and how this changes with experience. We approach our research questions from multiple perspectives using converging methods of study, including violation-of-expectation, eye tracking, action tasks, and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).
Recent Publications
A list of publications can be found here.
Scholarly Activities
Vita (.pdf)