Monica Rosselli

Professor and Associate Chair of Psychology
PsychologyDavie, ES-BC52 268
p: 954-236-1108
Ph.D. Bio Medical Sciences (neuropsychology), 1989
National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico DF)
Research Interests
Her areas of research include neuropsychological assessment, cognitive development, bilingualism, cross cultural neuropsychology and normal and abnormal aging.
Research Description
Mónica Rosselli heads the Neuropsychology laboratory at FAU. The topics under investigation in her neuropsychology laboratory are: (1) the neuropsychology of normal and abnormal aging; (2) the influence of cultural factors and bilingualism in neuropsychological assessment; (3) differences in Event Related Potentials (ERPs) due to specialized experience such as bilingualism and musical training; (4) the neuropsychology of cognitive development, and (5) abnormal aging and driving.
Recent Publications
A complete list of Mónica Rosselli's publications and citations can be found here.
Scholarly Acitivites
Associate Editor of the Journal "Neuropsicología, Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencias" (Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry and Neuroscience) 1998 – present
Editorial Board Member of the following journals:
Child Neuropsychology
National Psychological Journal- Russian Psychological Society
Estudios de Psicologia/Psychology Studies
Revista Mexicana de Comunicación, Audiología, Otoneurología Y Foniatría
2016 – 2018 President: Asociación Latinoamericana de Neuropsicologia (ALAN). Latinamerican Association of Neuropsychology