Muscle Physiology Lab

The Florida Atlantic University Muscle Physiology and Performance Lab is a unique lab designed for biomechanics, strength training, and muscle performance studies. The lab is primarily utilized to collect data for departmental research projects as well as Master’s thesis projects. Undergraduate and graduate students will have access to this lab, as it will serve both educational and research purposes.
A weightlifting platform is constructed of 2 layers of ¼’’ ply wood and rubber mats. This platform construction mimics competition conditions. The rubber mats receive the loaded barbell and absorb the forces to prevent damage to the facility and equipment.
ER Rack
ER Equipment is the International Powerlifting Federation approved rack in which the squat and bench press are performed in competition. The rack is constructed to be able to adjust to any lifter’s proportions while a barbell is loaded and resting in the stands. The stands are adjustable by a lever and pin system to achieve any height needed in the squat or bench press. The stands can move laterally inwards to accommodate different lifting techniques. A removable bench and adjustable safety bars complete the rack.
Eleiko and Ivanko Training Sets

Tendo Weightlifting Analyzer
The Tendo Weightlifting Analyzer is an accelerometer that attaches to the barbell, and has an external display, as well as a computer interface. The accelerometer takes measurements every 10th of a centimeter to provide velocity readings. The data can be accessed through the computer interface, which can also provide values for the average and peak velocity, as well as the average and peak power. Graphs accompany each of these readings to display visual information for each data point. The external display can be configured to show any of the four readings for instant feedback.
Lab Manager
Dr. Nishant Visavadiya
GY 170