Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

Florida Atlantic abides by all guidelines, including, but not limited to, the USDA Animal Welfare Act, NIH requirements, and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Florida Atlantic is subject to USDA inspections at least once a year, as well as semi-annual internal inspections by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
Florida Atlantic's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee is a faculty committee including veterinarians, scientists, non-scientists and members from the community whose role is to give their unbiased, unaffiliated opinion on projects proposing the use of vertebrate animals in research, teaching or testing. IACUC review and approval is required prior to the start of any research, education or teaching activities involving animal use at Florida Atlantic. Florida Atlantic's Veterinarian is responsible for providing appropriate, humane, and legal care of all animals under the purview of Florida Atlantic. The Comparative Medicine team closely monitors the health and well-being of every animal. This information is carefully documented and reported to the Veterinarian.
Should you, as a member of the Florida Atlantic or outside community have concerns that require immediate attention, we encourage you to contact the IACUC, the Veterinarian, or the Division of Research. It is important that any concerns be immediately addressed; all concerns will be appropriately investigated. Florida Atlantic is committed to the objective of providing responsible animal care and use.
We offer several avenues for you to discuss your concerns with those at Florida Atlantic involved in the animal program. If you believe that your concern needs an urgent veterinary response, you are recommended to contact the Veterinarian immediately. Mailboxes are also located in each vivarium where concerns can be anonymously submitted. Alternatively, you may email, call or forward an anonymous letter to the Vice President for Research or the IACUC Chair or you can contact one of the following persons:
Title | Phone | ||
Attending Veterinarian
C. Elisa Gaucher, M.B.A. | Title
IACUC Office, Research Integrity
Kristen Ware, Ph.D. | Title
IACUC Office, Research Integrity
Florida Atlantic University Division of Research
Attention: Vice President for Research
or Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
777 Glades Road, Boca Raton FL 33431
Should you, as a member of the Florida Atlantic or outside community have concerns that require immediate attention, we encourage you to contact the IACUC, the Attending Veterinarian, or the Division of Research.
Individuals generating a report of concern shall not be discriminated against or subject to any reprisal for generating the report. It is important that any concerns be immediately addressed; all concerns will be appropriately investigated. Florida Atlantic is committed to the objective of providing responsible, ethical and humane animal care and use.